Sadhguru in maunstream media Inside The Faith, Life And Mission Of Sadhguru To Sadhguru, suffering is a choice, not an inevitability. “Suffering did not descend upon you. Your suffering is your making. If you know it, you are making it.” His philosophy is both empowering and challenging: “Pain and pleasure come from within you. Joy and misery come from within you. Agony and ecstasy come from within you. If you are given a choice—and you are capable of being the way you want to be—you would choose to be ecstatic every time. When there is such a choice, then why not?” In these words lies a profound call to take responsibility for our inner worlds, transforming our relationship with pain and reclaiming the joy that resides within us all. * Wise words to remember and BE all the time... :-)
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Come Share My Samadhi Of Soul Consciousness Share My Still Mind State of Soul Consciousness "A Teacher's Words Inform; A Master's Consciousness Transforms." Watch this for a glimpse of the still mind state of abiding calm, the still mind state of soul consciousness and the universal soul consciousness of the Enlightened Himalayan Master, Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath. As Gurunath says, "At the level of consciousness, Humanity is one.
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How to Tap Into Starseed Consciousness Grid If you’re a Starseed, you co-create the Starseed consciousness grid of light. Many collective consciousness grids are running parallel to each other and sometimes overlapping around the Earth. Starseeds share and co-fabricate their own grid of consciousness. What Is Starseed Consciousness Grid? The Starseed consciousness grid is a web of consciousness, light, and frequency that connects all Starseeds. The purpose of connecting them is to facilitate their common purpose. The Starseed consciousness grid creates cracks for higher, star-origin consciousness to help the ascension process. Another reason for the Starseed consciousness grid is to create a “cloud communication system.” Non-Starseeds can’t access this system. The Starseeds consciousness allows us to speed up each other’s remembering process. And to create support for each other’s missions, although Starseeds can
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Cultivating Unity Consciousness,human%20beings%20and%20for%20nature. Global solidarity is based on unity consciousness. Unity consciousness is a level of vibration that goes beyond the self and reaches the heart and souls of all beings and existence. Unity consciousness manifests as the sense of oneness, compassion, love, and respect, both for human beings and for nature. This unity consciousness can be fostered, cultivated, and elevated. It is like skills that can be learned, acquired, and applied. Eastern philosophy is based on an ontology that we all have this vital life energy—called qi, prana, Ki, or ruach in various names in various traditions. This energy is the force that creates the universe, and that in fact makes our life a miracle. Religious and spiritual teachers engaged in the practice of meditation through which they built up this energy and achieved a unity consci
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A Message from the Master Djwhal Khul I am often known as ‘the Tibetan’ as the last incarnation which I experienced on the beautiful planet Earth was as a monk in Tibet. It is the privilege and power of those beings seeking to ascend the earthly realm to have experienced a variety of the spiritual philosophies, traditions and teachings that have evolved for humanity. It is from the point of view of Zen that I bring forward this particular message. I also bring the energy of the Second Ray; the Ray of Love and Wisdom; the healing Ray. This Ray of the Divine is with everyone who seeks to heal from the heart. If you are a healer you will embrace this Ray in your consciousness. These two aspects of the wisdom and energy that I hold can seem very contradictory. Zen tells us that there is nothing to do and that the spiritual path is the process to realising that there is no path and that everything is
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SUOMEN NATSIT JA HAKARISTIN KÄYTTÖ Jotkut levittävät netissä salaliittoteorioita EUsta ja natseista mutta nämä oikeat natsit löytyvät paljon lähempää - nimittäin Suomesta. Suomi on pitkään käyttänyt hakaristi tunnuksia ja niistä ei ole suostuttu luopumaan vaikka useat maat ovat siihen painostaneet. Vasta vuonna 2020, neljä vuotta sitten, Suomi luopui hakaristi tunnuksista: Ilmavoimat luopuvat hakarististä Kesäkuussa 2020 Teivainen huomasi, että hakaristin käytöstä on luovuttu Ilmavoimien esikunnan viestinnässä. Kiinnostavaksi tämän muutoksen teki se, että siitä ei ilmeisestikään ole julkaistu mitään tiedotetta. Eli vielä vuoden 2017 jälkeenkin kun monet ovat vimmaisesti puolustaneet ilmavoimien oikeutta lentää hakaristin alla, ilmavoimat ei ole katsonut asiakseen kertoa päätöksestä luopua ko. symbolista. * Artikkeli siitä, miten hakaristin käytöstä ollaan oltu huolissaan Jenkeissä: Amerikkalaislehti ihmettelee: Miks