
 Green Tara- Enlightened activity Coming soon to your neighborhood and world.... Tara the Windy Liberator, the Mother, the Activity Heroine: “Green Tara functions throughout our world” the activity of all the Enlightened Ones https://buddhaweekly.com/tara-the-windy-liberator-the-mother-the-activity-heroine-green-tara-functions-throughout-our-world-the-activity-of-all-the-enlightened-ones/#:~:text=or%20human%20beings.-,She%20can%20appear%20in%20the%20form%20of%20a%20wise%20woman,world%20and%20all%20sentient%20beings. Green Tara is famous for her windy activity — faster than the fiercest hurricane — sweeping to the rescue of sentient beings. In Vajrayana Buddhism, Female Buddhas represent Wisdom. Tara represents the unique and awesome intersection of Activity and Wisdom. Wisdom, without applying it in action, is just philosophy. Activity, without wisdom, is just volatile power. “Tara really functions throughout our world, everywhere,” wrote the great teacher Gelek Rimpoche. “She can ...
  Those in material consciousness see everyone as body. Those in transcendental consciousness see everyone as the soul. Suomessa ja suomalaiset eivät kovinkaan paljon pidä yhteyksiä maahanmuuttajiin ja heihin jotka ovat ulkomaalaisten jälkeläisiä. Minulla on aina ollut lapsesta saakka vakaumus ja uskomus, että kaikki ovat tasa-arvoisia vaikka kukaan ei ole minulle sellaista opettanut tai kertonut. Minun kaveri- ja ystäväpiiriin kuuluu paljon edellämainittuja. Esimerkiksi,minulla on Suomessa kolme venäläistä kaveria; Svetlana, Igor ja Vladimir. Svetlana on kahden orpolapsen adoptoija ja hänellä tekee välillä tiukkaa rahasta ,mutta siitä huolimatta hän antaa minulle kahvipaketteja. Igor on Siberiasta ja olen hänen hänen kipeää kättään hoitanut energiaparannuksella hyvin tuloksin. Vladimir on alkoholisoitunut eläkeläinen jolle olen antanut rahaa ja ruokaa. Asun Malmilla joka on kuin pienimaalaiskylä jossa kaikki tuntee kaikki ja toisista ja kaikista pidetään huolta. Muutkin aina autta...
 This is what self-Realization and Oneness and Unity Consciousness feels and is all about: WHO AM I ? | A Poem on Self-Realization https://kashishgambhir.com/who-am-i-best-spiritual-poems/ Today, I am sharing with you a Poem on Self-Realization. I am changing. I don’t know Who I am. Not anymore. One day I am like a child. Another day, I am a sage. Is it a split personality? No. I am completely aware of this switch that is happening within me. I can make dumb videos and I can write and make the most meaningful posts on spirituality in this world. I am a kid sometimes, another time, I can tell you what is happening in the other part of the world just by sitting here with my eyes closed. I have absolutely forgotten who I am. I can feel myself in every living being. Sometimes, I am a flower, sometimes a cat, and other times I am just a beggar living on the road. Who am I? Maybe I am nobody. When I behave like a kid, they say ‘grow up’. When I become a sage, they say we cannot understan...
 Things All Starseeds Must Know About 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBTlPc80Rzs 2025 is a powerful year, a universal year 9, full of change and expansion. This episode will help you prepare to make the most out of it! If you’re ready to align with your highest potential and thrive in the upcoming year, this is your blueprint. What I share: The Significance of 2025 as a "Year 9": Numerology reveals 2025 as a year of completion and transformation, where endings create space for powerful new beginnings. Why this year will challenge those resisting change, but deeply reward those in surrender and flow. Practical guidance on releasing outdated relationships, beliefs, or jobs that no longer serve your highest good. Fully Embodying Your Soul Purpose: Why starseeds are here to uplift humanity during this pivotal time. Steps to identify and deepen your connection to your soul’s mission, using self-reflection to discern what energizes you versus what drains you. How aligning wit...