Samādhi - Supreme Consciousness Samādhi is the highest state of consciousness that a human can reach in life. It is the goal of our spiritual journey on earth. Samādhi is the blissful return to our Divine origin. When the thousand-petalled Lotus of the Sahasrāra Chakra opens and the Jīvātmā dissolves within it, the goal of its long, experience-rich journey is reached, and its lifelong thirst for the “nectar of immortality” (Amrita) is quenched. AMARA TATTVA (or ĀDI TATTVA) is the element of the Sahasrāra Chakra that transforms our consciousness immediately into SAT CHIT ĀNANDA, the eternally true existence and eternally blissful consciousness, when we come into contact with it. How can one describe the consciousness of Samādhi? There is no longer any individuality. Consciousness and self-awareness continue to exist, but not in the previous duality of “that is mine” and “that is yours”. The person lives on, but from now on the inner Self remains with...
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on elokuu, 2024.
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Ramalingam Pillai Blavatsky's and Olcott's coming was prophesied. According to these links, Masters are and was already working with Tibetans and Indians. (1823 – 1874?). An Indian spiritual teacher from South India who reportedly prophesied in 1873 the arrival of H. P. BLAVATSKY and H. S. OLCOTTin India, a year before Blavatsky met Olcott, two years before the founding of the Theosophical Society and six years before their actual arrival in India. Also known as Vallalar (Arulprakasa Vallalare), his full name was Chidambaram Ramalingam Pillai Avergal. He was born in Maruthur, South Arcot, Madras Presidency, on October 5, 1832. Ramalingam advocated universal brotherhood and vegetarianism and was against the caste system. He was credited with unusual powers, such as reading other people’s minds. In 1865, he formed a society called the Suddha Sanmarga Sangam, which means a society based on universal brotherhood. In 1873, ...
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MOUNT KAILASH I am interested about Holy mountains and places like Mount Shasta, Himalayas, Arunachala etc and where it said to be entrance to Shamballa/Agartha. Now just watched these videos about Mount Kailash, Tibet. The Most Mysterious Mountain in The World The Mount Kailash Mystery - To date, close to 7000 different people have scaled Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world. But there is one mountain thousands of meters shorter and not even in the top 100 highest peaks in the world that no one dares to climb. Not even the most experienced mountaineers. That mountain is Mount Kailash. The Mount Kailash Mystery The Mystery of Mount Kailash Mount Kailash, a sacred peak in Tibet, is shrouded in mystery. Revered in multiple religions, it remains an enigma, its secrets untouched and unexplored. This documentary explains it... * NASA SHOCKED! 1...
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HIMALAYAN YOGIS Earth's Crown Chakra is located at Himalayas. This center is known as the "roof of the world' and represents highly developed consciousness. It is representative of Divine Planetary Will and spiritual destiny. Himalayan Yogis are sharing their wisdom in these videos, Rare Interview with an Himalayan Mystic, Motivational & Life changing 30 mins 00:00 Start 0:29 Introduction to Swamiji, What is a Sampradaya, How person detaches himself, Swamiji talks of his own Sampradaya 0:59 Swamiji Talks about His Guru, Energy of Guru & Himalayas & his own journey how he lived without clothes in cold Himalayas & forest for years 02:46 Swamiji gives insights on surrender to Guru, Importance of Gurus Seva & how all our existence changes due to grace of a Guru 05:06 How to Identify a true Guru 05:50 Swamiji informs How all Chardham had one priest and could be accessed in a day through secret paths which are c...
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FREE KUNDALINI AWAKENING SHAKTIPAT/SATSANG/DIKSHA Shaktipat Shaktipat is a spiritual practice. Shaktipat is a kind of transmission of spiritual energy from a guru to a disciple during initiation. The practice can be used in different ways and is a key element in the initiation of a disciple by a guru. Shaktipat is often described as a “descent of grace” into the disciple’s body and mind by the guru. Shaktipat ceremonies are one of the most common features of Siddha Yoga. Shaktipat is the awakened state where pure consciousness of the Lord, the Shakti is transmitted by the Guru to the disciple to awaken the Consciousness within himself. It is the first step of the seekers towards Shakti, who can lead the seekers to self-realization. It is to establish contact with the Creator by the Creator. Online Initiation Shaktipat Diksha Completely FREE Of Charge Self Realization has always been the ultimate goal of all religions and spi...
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FREE REIKI ATTUNEMENTS Some people are saying that Reiki attunements don't work when given at distant/remote. Reiki is Universal Love and Reiki is not limited by time or space. Everyone can try and made their own opinion. Some are of course more energy sensitive than others and for those it will work better. Some quotes about Reiki collected from different sources: "This video attunement attunes you to Usui Reiki I, II & Master. Yes you can do all levels at one time. The original creator did not split up the attunement, one of his students did and added the money requirement to it. " "It is my intention to share Reiki Healing with and Attune as many people as possible so allay be fully empowered to heal themselves." "Distant healing is a powerful and effective form of energy healing that transcends time and space, allowing me to send healing energy to you. No matter where you are in the world, distant Reiki connects us together in a sacred healing ...
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SATSANG Satsang is a Sanskrit term derived from two roots: sat meaning "true’" and sangha meaning community, company, or association. It can be translated as "associating with good people" or simply "being in the company of truth," and refers to the act of gathering with Sattvic-minded, uplifting beings, especially spiritual seekers. Satsang is different from any course or lecture because the energy field in it allows for clarity, stillness, and expanded awareness to be experienced by those who seek it. Whenever something increases your awareness of the Truth, it opens your Heart and quiets your mind. Satsang is one of the most effective means of transcending your mind and staying in the egoless state which can be called enlightenment, liberation, freedom, moksha, nirvana or simply abiding in Self. We call our Satsang lovingly as Bhagavan Satsang as they are all due to his grace, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. According to Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi Sats...
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Tibetan people deserve their dignity — and their rights Our visit was to India — not Tibet — because the Dalai Lama has lived in exile there for the past 65 years, forced to flee after his native homeland was brutally taken over and occupied by China. Earlier this summer, I was part of a bipartisan congressional delegation that traveled to Dharamshala, India, to meet with the Dalai Lama. Our visit was to India — not Tibet — because the Dalai Lama has lived in exile there for the past 65 years, forced to flee after his native homeland was brutally taken over and occupied by the People’s Republic of China. For decades, the United States has played a complicated role in the resulting dispute — pledging support for the people of Tibet while also accepting China’s sovereignty over the region. In recent years, and rightfully so, the Chinese government has come under increasing scrutiny for violating the rights of the...
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Hippie Spirituality Olen välillä postitellut memejä ja artikkeleita hippien henkisyydestä. Muutkin ovat tämän myötä postittaneet memejä ja maininneet hipit. Tässä lyhykäisesti kerrottuna mitä hippien henkisyys on - Buddhalasuutta, hinduismia ja natiivi amerikkalaisten viisautta. The 1960s in America were an era of new ideas such as new religious movements, spiritual awakening and freedom from conformity. Hippies began to rebel against established traditions such as their parents' religion and cultural expectations. This was a time of freedom, peace and love beyond comprehension. During this period, many new "gurus" (teachers) came to the United States to spread their teachings. Hippie culture encouraged exploring these new paths, leading many hippies to embrace unconventional beliefs such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Native American mysticism. Many hippies sought to expand the horizons of their minds, gai...
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HIGH VIBES Some people are posting about spiritual protection, astral attacks and negative vibes. I have learned and noticed that if you vibrate with Love and Light attacks and negativity don't happen at all. Some are telling that they visualize Light around them to protect one self and some are returning the negative vibratons to sender. I have done for long time that I am transmuting the energies to Light and Love. Now I also found this meme and was happy to find out that someone else is doing the same thing - transmuting the energies for higher. Also Tibetan Buddhist Tonglen practice will help in these kind of situations. War of frequencies The "war of frequencies" refers to the concept that different vibrational frequencies, energies, or wavelengths are in conflict or competition with one another, often in the context of spiritual, metaphysical, or esoteric discussions. Proponents of this idea suggest that there is a battle or struggle between higher and lower frequ...
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INTRODUCTION TO THE ASCENDED MASTERS The Ascended Masters are diverse and numerous. They are all fully enlightened beings who maintain a consciousness that instructs and uplifts unenlightened beings. From the state of enlightenment one begins to understand the beginning of the journey of ascension. The ascended masters have not all gained their particular level of ascension from this earth. We personally have the most interaction with those ascended masters who have a long history of embodiment on this earth and who are intrinsically part of the greater divine plan for this planet. Until one is fully enlightened and has the providence to work for the benefit of humanity the ascended masters remain elusive. It is because of this Fact that there exists much misrepresentation and distortion about who and what the ascended masters are. Distortions and misrepresentation of the ascended masters are also p...
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RAHA JA HENKISYYS Postitin juuri tuon linkin edelliseen blogipostaukseen; The Enlightenment Business: Wisdom For Sale. Suomalasilla foorumeilla ja facebook profiileissa pyydetään rahaa hoidoista, ja tulkinnoista mutta ulkomaisilla vastaavissa fb ryhmissä ja muualla somessa ihmiset tekevät tulkintoja ja hoitoja aivan ilmaiseksi. Älkää maksako rahaa näille ollenkaan koska henkisyys on ilmaista. Esimerkiksi Steve Nobel kanavoi ja tekee videoita aivan ilmaiskesi ja hänen youtube kanavallaan on hoitoja joka lähtöön ja ne todella toimivat ja ovat aivan ilmaisia. Hänen kanavansa: Olen myös nähnyt miten joku kehtaa pyytää rahaa Mount Shasta kanavoinneista. Seuraavissa linkeissä on aivan ilmaiseksi meditaatioita opetusta, hoitoja, tietoa Ylösnousseista Mestareista ja Ylösnoususta (Ascension): Seven Sacred Flames Meditation: First Ray Temple, The Will of God Temple in Telos Seven Sacred Flames Medit...