What Enlightened People Do The Extinguishment of the Ego To say that their work is selfless is not entirely correct. You see, the enlightened person has realized that he is interconnected with the rest of humanity—more accurately with all that exists—and has lost the sense of a separate self. Keep in mind that the loss of a sense of separate self is not the same as a loss of self. The enlightened person has lost only the notion that human beings are characterized by an individual and independent living entity. In other words, it is the extinguishment of the individual ego. Since the enlightened person is an integral part of all of humanity, everything that he does to help others also benefits him personally. They Teach, and Don’t Preach The enlightened person wants others to have the peace and serenity they have found. To that end, he dedicates his life to teaching others how to put an end to their suffering. He understands human nature and the most effective ways of transmitting ...
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on tammikuu, 2025.
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🌟GAME. 🌟SET. 🌟MATCH TIME!🌟✨ As more and more souls are attuning themselves to their INNER PRESENCE and withdrawing every attention from the outer world, the tables have begun to turn, and there is only ONE OUTCOME. THIS PLANET IS SHIFTING EVERY MOMENT INTO A MUCH HIGHER FREQUENCY…WE ARE WITHIN A WHISPER OF HELPING GAIA COMPLETE HER FULL TRANSFORMATION… IT IS CRUCIAL THAT WE ALL FOCUS 24/7 ON COSMIC LOVE, BY GOING WITHIN, AND ASKING OUR I AM FOR ASSISTANCE TO REMAIN STEADY AND TRUE IN DIVINE LOVE AND LIGHT. You are an COSMIC BEING. A SPARK OF SOURCE. YOUR LIGHTBODY IS COMING ‘ONLINE’. The game of the outer illusion was simply the context in which we chose to learn, and that is now approaching full completion. DOES IT ALL MAKE SENSE NOW? Thank you for your dedication, courage and determination! With much Divine Love…. It is nearly party time! ONLY LOVE IS REAL. I AM THAT I AM. I AM. I AM. I AM.
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Green Tara- Enlightened activity Coming soon to your neighborhood and world.... Tara the Windy Liberator, the Mother, the Activity Heroine: “Green Tara functions throughout our world” the activity of all the Enlightened Ones https://buddhaweekly.com/tara-the-windy-liberator-the-mother-the-activity-heroine-green-tara-functions-throughout-our-world-the-activity-of-all-the-enlightened-ones/#:~:text=or%20human%20beings.-,She%20can%20appear%20in%20the%20form%20of%20a%20wise%20woman,world%20and%20all%20sentient%20beings. Green Tara is famous for her windy activity — faster than the fiercest hurricane — sweeping to the rescue of sentient beings. In Vajrayana Buddhism, Female Buddhas represent Wisdom. Tara represents the unique and awesome intersection of Activity and Wisdom. Wisdom, without applying it in action, is just philosophy. Activity, without wisdom, is just volatile power. “Tara really functions throughout our world, everywhere,” wrote the great teacher Gelek Rimpoche. “She can ...