
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on maaliskuu, 2025.
 Hidden Portal to The 5th Dimension Just Opened! Will You Walk Through? https://www.youtube.com/live/OpYTU5HCuLk The portal to the 5th dimension is open, but only those who align with its frequencies can walk through
  SUOMEN IHMISOIKEUSLOUKKAUKSET JA NATSISMI Olen aloittanut monessa paikassa somessa kampanjoita joissa eri maiden päättäjiltä vaaditaan puuttumaan Suomen ihmisoikeusloukkauksiin. Useat henkilöt ovat kertoneet osallistuneensa ja kirjoittaneensa. Suomi on tuomittu niin monta kertaa ihmisoikeusloukkauksista EU tuomioistuimessa, että on ihan kärkimaita loukkauksissa. Jos sinunkin ihmisoikeuksia on loukattu niin ota yhteyttä seuraaviin tahoihin:   Ursula von der  Leyen. (voi kirjoittaa myös suomeksi) https://commission.europa.eu/about/organisation/president/contact-president_en Donald ja Melanie Trump https://www.45office.com/info/share-your-thoughts Putin ja Venäjän hallitus http://services.government.ru/en/letters/form/ Suomi on sitoutunut noudattamaan EU:n ihmisoikeuksia ja lakeja. Tällä hetkellä huomio kiinnittyy artikla 7:ään: Soveltamisen keskeyttämistä koskeva lauseke (Euroopan unionista tehdyn sopimuksen 7 artikla) Euroopan unionista tehdyn sopimuksen 7 artiklassa sal...
  As the light takes over this planet, every bit of darkness must be seen. Everyone and everything we were giving out power to that wasn't honoring our divine sovereignty and our light is coming forward. Nothing can remain in the shadows anymore, and we are all being awakened to the truth and sent back to our own hearts to reconcile. We must understand that no one is above us. You are God/Goddess/Source in form. We are all equal and all powerful. Don't ever give your power away.
 Jotkut uskovaiset ovat sanoneet minulle, että meditointi ei ole Jumalasta. En ole lähtenyt väittelemään vaan antanut heidän pitää mielipiteensä. Nyt Kirkko ja kaupunki lehti julkaissut artikkelin jossa meditaatiota ei vierasteta vaan saattaa innostaa meditoimaan: https://www.kirkkojakaupunki.fi/-/-tassa-ei-ole-hyvin-tai-huonosti-sujumista-havu-pellikalle-hiljainen-rukous-on-lepoa-jumalan-lasnaolossa ”Tässä ei ole hyvin tai huonosti sujumista” – Havu Pellikalle hiljainen rukous on lepoa Jumalan läsnäolossa Havu Pellikan mukaan hiljainen rukous tuo näkyviin pyhän, joka on kaikessa. Alkuvuodesta Mikaelin ja Paavalin seurakunnissa opetetaan sanatonta sydänrukousta. Miten sinusta tuli sydänrukouksen harjoittaja, merentutkija Havu Pellikka? – Kuulin ensimmäisen kerran sydänrukouksesta kevättalvella 2023, kun osallistuin pappi Lauri Maaralan vetämään retriittipäivään. Hän puhui rukouksesta tavalla, joka tuntui minulle järkevältä. Minua puhutteli esimerkiksi ajatus, että Jumala rukoilee m...
  Hippie Poem let's disappear for a while, let go of everything we know and have. let's be carefree in the oneness of the universe letting go of fear holding on to love each other and peace. Craving the flower hippy days where everyone was chill and lay, soaking up the sun rays. REALIZATION real lie nation. let truth be the goal and destination of heart, soul craving information to create an elevation in mind. Silence = the sequel to life. Peace. * The Ego of a Hippie Iridescent celestial being An anarchic yet effervescent adolescent Frolicking freely like a breeze throw the leave of an omnipresent forest. Bare foot and star gazing, native and trail blazing. Like a clever fearless fairy exploring the faraway night sky She is the fantastic bit of magic on an otherwise static planet. The captain of passion and best little hippie on the mountain Formed by a volcanic fountain that caused a panic on our little oceanic planet. * If the World Were Full of Hippies If the world were ful...
 In Denmark, empathy is taught as a school subject just like math or science. Imagine if we did the same, giving kids the tools build a more compassionate world. Empathy? In Denmark, They’re Learning It In School https://www.adeccogroup.com/future-of-work/latest-insights/empathy-in-denmark Denmark is one of the happiest countries in the world. This is according to the UN’s World Happiness Report, an important survey that since 2012 classifies the happiness of 155 countries in the world, and that for seven years has placed Denmark among the top three happiest countries on a global level. The fact that teaching empathy has been mandatory since 1993 in schools in Denmark is a factor that contributes to the happiness of the country. Empathy helps build relationships, prevent bullying and succeed at work. It promotes the growth of leaders, entrepreneurs and managers. “Empathic teenagers” tend to be more successful because they are more oriented towards the goals compared to their more n...
  Couple of memes for those who are struggling/suffering with negative emotions. For me it s easy and has always been easy to get rid of emotions. My ex, whom I was 30 years together said many times that you are staying in negative emotion no more than five minutes and then you are again laughing and smiling. I have been always like that. Emotions lasts only 90 seconds, like that meme above says. There are many people discussing in net about their emotional issues and problems, so this is for those who might find these thoughts helpful. Love isn't an emotion.  It's a frequency. Love is a state of vibrational harmonization—it’s not just an emotion, but an energy, a frequency that aligns us with the highest state of being. So, tune in, align, and let love be the frequency you live by. <3