
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on marraskuu, 2024.
 An Introduction to the Trans- Himalayan Teachings https://www.highdentemple.org/post/an-introduction-to-the-trans-himalayan-teachings All spiritual traditions are custodians of a transmission. Essentially, that transmission embodies an assertion as to the wonder, goodness, and power of Reality. The Trans-Himalayan tradition is no exception. Over the course of its near 150 year history, it has played a significant role in awakening humanity to the wonder of the living, sentient universe of which it is a part; to the birthing of a world spirituality that is able to truly honour all paths; to the multidimensional nature of kosmos; the cosmic Purpose at the heart of the Earth; and to the Reality of the One Life. The tradition is understood by many to have three primary phases of expression, the last of which is emergent, and yet to fully express. The Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul, in his work with Alice Bailey described this unfolding of the tradition over time in most detail,[i] though Hele