In one of the spiritual groups, a woman posted an announcement a couple of years ago that she was doing free interpretations/readings  of face pictures. In the same style as in groups, they ask what can be seen in the pictures. I got an interpretation from that person and her name is Lou.

I publish the reading so that others will benefit from it and maybe found their own origins and Multidimensional side.

Although Lou did the interpretation also clairvoyantly and I felt when he was examining my astral field.

Reading here:

You originated as a Multidimensional Soul in an abstract Orange Existence.

Your first went to the Dragon Realm, as a Orange Dragon.

You then went to a Fairy Realm, where you were responsible for keeping the homestead tidy and in order.

This energy of the fairy realm is very much in your 3D body.

You are being reminded to go within and heal your heart. It will set you free.

You have been to many other Realms and you've been to many different races including:



Mintaka (Mermaid, Sea creatures)

Avian (Rainbow, Pink, Yellow, Purple, Orange)

and MANY others.

Galaxies visited in this Universe: 415,688

Total lives: 671 million

Dimensionality = 18D

The dimensionality of your Soul is much higher (and with a little work you can expand your capacity to connect and expand cosmically).

Active DNA strands: 9 Active DNA Strands

1 soul in your body.

Ready to activate Light Language: Yes (Fairy)

Blocks that are now coming up for clearing:

- Access Points: 89

- Etheric Implants: 3

- Seals: 3

Sending you love, light and miracles.



I liked this interpretation and the "tasks" like cleaning the astral body and activating the DNA in the 12 strand. The cleansing of the heart chakra and the Ascension to the higher dimensions was also good guidance. As also the reminder of that Multidimensional side opened up a lot of new things. It's been a couple of years since the interpretation, so a lot has changed in that time. Lyra's Feline Starseed and Angelic realm are the most familiar of those listed.


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