I wrote this on my facebook page:
Hi guys! please don't send me friend requests and messages about dating. I am not seeking man from the internet. I take Ascension seriously and I want to reach Ascension and become Ascended Master in this lifetime, so I don't have to incarnate on 3D planets anymore. I have been without sex 2½ years. I have reached a point in my evolution and Ascension that I don't want sex anymore. Of course I can discuss about spirituality, Ascension, UFO's etc but chatting in facebook is not my thing either so much. You guys can respect me and my conviction.
I have been doing Steve Nobel's transmission about second and sacral chakra healing and in this transmission one can also have returning to innocense and it removes also all sexual thought patterns projecetd by others.
Sexual energy is part of our primal energy…
It is natural to feel attraction to others. However, the projection of sexual energy to another that is coupled with gross sexual fantasizing is a form of energetic infringement and violation. This infringement can also occur when two people are in relationship and one is sending this energy without the conscious consent or invitation from the other.
The Sacral Chakra…
is the core of our sexual energy as it is the centre that is connected with the reproductive system.
Women have long been sexually objectified…
and therefore are particularly vulnerable. Many industries, including entertainment and media utilise sexual fantasy for marketing purposes. Sexual projection can also occur in the spiritual arena where a person is led to believe they need to ‘open up’ sexually to become enlightened.
Sexual projection…
This tends to play out on the lower astral where individuals may seek to play out their sexual fantasies. (It should be noted that many project sexual fantasies onto celebrities in the film and music industries not realising that their energy is being utilised by lower vibrational beings who are pretending to be these celebrities on the lower astral plane. These beings then create addictive tendencies in the people they are connecting to.) Anyone on the receiving end of unwanted sexual projection may experience a triggering of unresolved guilt, and shame. They may also feel a certain emotional manipulation and even an attempt to ignite addictive tendencies.
In this meditation…
we call on Archangel Gabriel to create a sphere of angelic Diamond-White fire, that clears the chakra from existing unwanted sexual energies. We surrender any agreements in the sacral we have unconsciously accepted from the bloodlines that could lead to any infringements of our sexual energy. Also, any agreements we have brought in from other lifetimes. Around this we call on Archangel Michael to place a sphere of Electric Blue angelic fire around the Diamond-White. Within this sphere we invoke the flaming blue sword of Michael to cut and dissolve all attempts at unwanted sexual cordings.
Also this is worth to read:
If you only knew how powerful sex is... you wouldn't have it with anyone.
When a man enters your vagina what kind of conscience and energy does he have? Is he bitter, is he happy, loves himself, loves you?
Is he a positive or negative thinker?
When a woman is making love to you, is she blessing you or cursing you? Is she frustrated, sad, does she love herself, does she love you?
Sex is a ritual of exchanging energies, thoughts, emotions.
During sex you become a sponge for the consciousness and energy of that other person.
Every penetration and push is an affirmation.
Are you running out of energy and strength or are they recharging you, strengthening you or recharging your spirit?
Be aware of the true power of sex.
If you only knew how powerful sex is... you wouldn't have it with anyone.
By Ger Ro Ju.
I have been experiencing samadhi many times and during my samadhi I always wish that hopefully others would experience it too. I have also felt deep Oneness with all. Sai Baba has been told that body senses drops away when reaching Enlightenment and I have noticed that I no longer want sex at all. I have been living in celibacy two and half years and that just only just happened. I was not planning to live in celibacy but it was natural and part of Ascension process and evolution as well. I am not inciting anyone to celibacy, it will come naturally when ready for it.
I am not indentified with my body and Soul/Spirit has no gender. Some New Agers speak about Sacred sexuality and Tantra practising but that's not the way to Enlightenment.
From the book:
Taming the Astral Body: The Theosophical Society's Ongoing Problem of Emotion and Control. Pages 696 and 697.
These tests frequently boiled down to the moral behavior of thecandidate. Regulating these behaviors became a vital part of Theosophical doctrine. One of the first focuses was on sexual behavior. However, dueto the general Victorian prohibition regarding the discussion of sexuality,the message was given in coded language. Conditions such as absolute mental and physical purity (Anonymous 1883: 10) were demanded.Even married couples were counseled to limit their physical interactions.Marriage was recast as a union of the male spirit with the female soul. While sexual intercourse was necessary for the propagation of the species, it could also devolve into a brutal act, which lowers man and woman.
One essay ends by stating the remedy for all these evils is con-tinence (An American Buddhist 1884: 162). For the Theosophists,though, the problem was not the sexual act. This act was necessary forthe continuation of the human race. Instead, as scholar of Theosophy Siv-Ellen Kraft notes, the sex problem was related to its fallen con-comitants of lust and sensuality to freed carnal appetites and sexual intercourse for the sake of pleasure (Kraft 1999: 112).The Masters were more serious about the matter of marriage.According to their early correspondence, married individuals simply could not become adepts. This prohibition also included anyone whohad lost their virginity. Still, they stated that those who were married can acquire certain powers and do much good to mankind (Chin1993: 119). In a letter, the Masters stated, Food, sexual relations, drink,are all natural necessities of life; yet excess in them brings on disease,misery, suffering, mental and physical, and the latter are transmitted asthe greatest evils to future generations (Chin 1993: 274). The biggest problem with these necessities, as well as others like ambition and See Gomes (2005) for a detailed analysis of the claims of forgery and letter manufacture leveled against Blavatsky by her former housekeeper, Emma Coulomb. Journal of the American Academy of Religion securing happiness, is that they promote selfishness, which leads oneaway from higher knowledge. One must strive in the name of Truth,Morality and universal charity to destroy their false ways (Chin 1993:275). Thus, one must learn to control these desires and thoughts, andthe best way to control sexual desire is to never indulge in it. Not sur-prisingly, Blavatsky stressed the connection between celibacy and genius(Kraft 1999: 129). Of course, these assertions called Blavatsky's own marriages into question, to which she replied that neither were everconsummated (Cranston 1993: 36 37, 133).
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