I have written the following article for the group Finland's Galactic Union about a year ago, where it was well received. I'll put it in this blog now too. It's good for everyone to know about it because the Northren Light prediction has been feared to cause war. Here is a piece of history that also tells about the Northern Light agenda of the Neo-Nazis and the Satanism associated with it.

The Northern Light (in finnish Pohjolan Valo) prophecy and the people of Kaleva are talked about every now and then on Facebook and elsewhere on social media. People need to know what it really means and here I go through its meaning. It is said  that Blavatsky would have told the Countess Watchmeister that the light comes from Finland and this would then have been told to Pekka Ervast. If the matter was really so important and true, it would certainly have been mentioned in the works of Blavatsky or Alice Bailey, but it is nothing more than a word of mouth rumor. I have been reading Blavatsky and Bailey for 20 years now and here is information about what the books actually say.

In Ultra magazine  online columns, there is an article by Erik Gullman in which he states that there is hardly any Ultra without references to Pekka Ervasti's personality. For some, he is a black magician, gay and a traitor to theosophy, for others Finland's most significant theosophical writer, spiritual teacher and founder of the New Religion. The author of this belongs to the first group, because the main thing is that Ervast has only translated Blavatsky's writings into Finnish and has not written them himself. You often come across this problem on social media when you share theosophical writings, Finns don't understand English properly and here everything is told in Finnish. Also, Ervast was a patriot and I really don't consider him a reliable narrator of any of Blavatsky's prophecies. She has put words in someone else's mouth, and I strongly believe that Blavatsky has never said anything about the Finnish light coming from the North. If the northern lights were really and truly true, there would certainly have been at least some hints left in the literature, but there aren't. A mere oral statement falsely claimed to be Blavatsky's saying and obviously put words into Blavastky's mouth. Pekka Ervast was patriotic, as were some of his followers, who are mostly old men of pensioner age and who nevertheless have enough power to post on social media some kind of theories about the Northern Light, without naming anyone, however.

So let's now go through what can actually be found in Blavasky and Bailey's literary production. Alice Bailey's works do not need to be explained to those who know about paranormal knowledge, but to those who do not yet know, it can be said that the Tibetan Ascended Master Djwhal Khul wrote the books using Alice Bailey as a channel and brought the teachings from Shamballa. First Master Djwhal Khul channeled H.P. Blavatsky and called it the "preparatory phase" of the teachings and thereafter he used Bailey as his medium telepathically. Bailey's books are the latest interpretation and presentation of timeless wisdom. They contain guidance for modern man at different stages of his development to reveal his own spiritual nature and to solve the problems of humanity and the world and to create the spiritual culture of the new Age of Aquarius.

Djhwal Khul is a Tibetan Master who teaches Ageless Wisdom.  He is the Master of the Spiritual Hierarchy, or Brotherhood, or Mahatmas defined as the spirit guides of humanity in the ancient cosmic, metaphysical and esoteric foundations that make up the world's great philosophies, mythologies and spiritual traditions. Djhwal Khul works to further the spiritual evolution of the planet. His purpose is to reveal esoteric teachings that are valuable to spiritual students.

Here is a quote from Alice Bailey's book Externalisation of the Hierarchy where it is said that the forces of evil have taken over Finland along with other countries. This is the only time Finland is mentioned in Bailey's entire production. Word for word it is said that the forces of evil have taken over France, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Finland and Romania.

The original citation in English can be found at:

In the book Destiny of the Nations, it is said that the Light comes from Russia and it is said that Russia is peculiarly interesting at this time from the angle of humanity because she comes under the influence of both rays.  Her egoic ray is the seventh and her personality ray is the sixth.  Hence the tremendous conflict which is going on between the fanatical sixth ray cruelty of her sixth ray regime and the spiritual harmlessness which is the basic principle of the national ideology.  Hence also the materiality of several important sections of her populace and the essential brotherliness which is imposed by the idealism and the mystical aspiration of the Russian genius, expressed through its people as a whole.  Hence also the correctness of their spiritual motto which is as yet unrealised by them but which is working itself out noticeably to those of [61] us who can see upon the inner side of life.  That motto is:  "I link two ways."  Their task, which will develop as they come to truer understanding, is the linking of the East and of the West, and also of the worlds of desire and of spiritual aspiration, of the fanaticism which produces cruelty and the understanding which produces love, of a developed materialism and a perfected holiness, of the selfishness of a materialistic regime and the unselfishness of a mystically and spiritually minded people, and all this in a most pronounced and peculiar manner.  Behind the closed borders of that mysterious and magnificent country, a great and spiritual conflict is proceeding and the rare mystical spirit and the truly religious orientation of the people is the eternal guarantee that a true and living religion and culture will finally emerge.  Out of Russia—a symbol of the world Arjuna in a very special sense—will emerge that new and magical religion about which I have so often told you.  It will be the product of the great and imminent Approach which will take place between humanity and the Hierarchy.  From these two centres of spiritual force, in which the light which ever shineth in and from the East will irradiate the West, the whole world will be flooded with the radiance of the Sun of Righteousness.  I am not here referring (in connection with Russia) to the imposition of any political ideology, but to the appearance of a great and spiritual religion which will justify the crucifixion of a great nation and which will demonstrate itself and be focussed in a great and spiritual Light which will be held aloft by a vital Russian exponent of true religion — that man for whom many Russians have been looking and who will be the justification of a most ancient prophecy.

This most ancient prediction of all, can be read in the original English from Lucistrust's website

In the book Changing Esoteric Values ​​- Foster Bailey (Foster Bailey was the secretary of the Theosophical Society and married to Alice Bailey and also collaborated with Master D.:K) writes and continues that the Occult Hierarchy, when they liked the conditions of the world, decided to direct a significant current into a new age of the available living influence of spiritual power on the Russian people. It was a great spiritual experiment, they sent students to Russia and concentrated their thinking power in Russia, and Russia was mixed with the forces of a brand new era. In an amazingly short period of time, millions of people were given the opportunity for a spiritual bright birthright on the planet of this world, the likes of which has never been seen before and known to us in the record of our civilized history. The hierarchical experiment with the Russian people is today a great spiritual success, despite the fact that the civilization of that great country and its people are now being crucified among those who fell into the Messiah complex because of the stimulant. The experiment went astray. and that is our problem, but more of a problem for the Russians than for us. Then from Russia will come, as has been predicted, the vision of a new religion for the benefit of all mankind. And the day will come when the three great powers, Russia, the United States, and the British Commonwealth, will stand together for the good of all mankind.

There are many prophecies that have come true in Bailey's books. The books were written in the forties. As an example of fulfilled prophecies, for example from the book Education in the New Age, the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul has said that meditation will be part of the curriculum in schools and this has happened in England where in 2015 meditation has become part of the curriculum. Other countries should also learn from England's example, because the Dalai Lama has said that if every eight-year-old was taught meditation, violence would disappear from the earth within one generation. The words of the masters are true and relevant. Alice Bailey has recorded them exactly as the Master wants. I remember reading somewhere that Bailey would have been racist towards Blavatsky because of her Russianness, but despite that she has recorded everything as the Master dictated. In Finland, too, meditation became an optional subject in schools last year.

I have also read from other sources that the Light comes from Russia and here are the quotes told by Rudolf Steiner:

Russia's destiny.according to Rudolf Steiner, in the year 3,500 A.D. humanity will reach its destiny in Russia. then her civilization will be based in brotherhood, inspired and moulded by the marriage of the Cosmic Spirit to the human soul.the Russian soul at that time will receive a special faculty of remembering past lives. this will provoke a dimming of individual thought, creating a vacuum of the mind made ready to reserve cosmic thoughts. at that time young Russians will say to themselves "I feel the eternal in me passing from life to another. it kills my effort of thought which is pushed aside. but the thoughts of the gods stream into me and spread over the grave of my thoughts".

A Pilgrims Guide to Planet Earth. A travelers handbook & New Age directory

Steiner and Russia

Sharing some of the central assumptions of the Russian idea, chiefly Russia’s role of leading humanity’s spiritual development, Steiner envisioned a special role for Russia, for he believed that of all nations Russia was best fit for the task of embodying the spirit of the next cultural epoch, which he called the epoch of the ‘Spirit Self’ (das Geistselbst). According to him, the Russians possessed special characteristics and morals that were crucial for the world’s development to the next stage: “selflessness, a sense of community, patience and an ability to accept higher truth” (Maydell 2005, 142). This made the Russians the people of Christ, of which Vladimir Solov′ev was the purest and most beautiful representation (Steiner 1982b, 186).

During the war years, Steiner argued that the special characteristics of the Russians were proof that they represented the embryo of the new coming civilization of the sixth cultural epoch. The nature of Russia’s young and effervescent spirit, according to Steiner, was also what made it receptive to the ‘Christ impulse’ (der Christus-Impuls). The continual influx of the Christ impulse, argued Steiner, meant that Christ was present in the Russian people on a spiritual level, leading their thoughts and feelings in the right direction (Steiner 1982b, 185–186). Steiner (1981, 44, 49) also continuously emphasized the importance of “sending up thoughts to the spiritual world,” to help bring about the right development and highlighted prayer as a genuine Russian trait

Here is also another quote from the mentioned book:

Sai Baba made a prediction about the Soviet Union approximately twenty years ago. He said that the Soviet Union are not the communists, they are the ones who are "coming next". Edgar Cayce predicted over forty years ago,that the next great religion would come from the Soviet Union and that they would one day be the hope of the free world. These are amazing prophecies,given that just thirty years ago we were dealing with a Soviet Union under Kruschev, and dealing with the Cuban missile crisis.

From the book: Dr Joshua David Stone The Complete Ascension Manual: How to Achieve Ascension in This Lifetime

Blavatsky herself has written that "Occult philosophy teaches that even now, right before our eyes, a new race and races are preparing to be formed, and that in America a change is taking place and has already quietly begun." (HPB, "The Secret Doctrine", Vol. 2, p.444)

We are at the end of the current Aryan Kali Yuga, or dark 5000 year period. This is followed by the Age of Light. Even now before our eyes a new race or races are preparing to be formed, and it is in America that the change is taking place and has already quietly begun. The mentality of this race changes and moves towards a more complete spiritual existence.

Mesikämmen's blog, Pekka Siitoin and Northern Light

It was feared that the Northern Light prophecy would cause war. Here's a piece of history. The writing comes from Mesikämmen's blog, which unfortunately no longer exists, but this writing is saved. The article was written by public figure Vesa Iitti alias Tapio Kotkavuori. He was a member of the Temple of Set, i.e. a traveler of the left path, i.e. Satanism, and a member of the Turku Spirit Society. I have kept this writing and here is the meaning of Northern Light according to Neo-Nazis.... I really do not support such an ideology, but only pass on and copy what has been written.

The page from which the article was copied was in the following link, which no longer works, however:

Mesikämmen has obtained documents from the secret archives of the Turku Spirituality Society, which now bring a whole new domestic dimension to this Nazi UFO pattern. This information has been given to Mesikämänen to be published by the executive board of the Turku Spirituality Society, which was founded again in 2010.

Siitoin was tasked with moving the operations of the Vril community to Finland, which during the Cold War era was strategically located between East and West. The contact created by the Germans with the spiritual beings of other dimensions (and the study and use of their technology) was to be further developed now above all in Turku and Vehmaa. In this scenario, Siitoin filmi oy and its subsidiaries were a cover for the development of ufo technology, while the spirit science society was a group for the spiritual side of the matter. The whole operation was part of a larger operation aimed at attacking the Soviet Union and other communist countries with both UFOs and magical warfare. This was all part of the great spiritual scenario of the ages, in which the promotion of the spiritual development of mankind was at stake.

The members of the Vril community gave to Siitoin a very important role and mandate in this scenario because they saw the theosophist Helena Blavatsky's prophecy of the "light rising from the north" coming true in Siitoin. Although Blavatsky did not directly belong to the Vril community, both Blavatsky and the Vril community shared the same spiritual worldview with its root races and the world's spiritual lines of development. Blavatsky's long-time colleague, Countess Constance Wachtmeister, met the great name of domestic Theosophy, Pekka Erwast, in Stockholm in June 1903. At that meeting, the Countess told Erwast the following:

There will come a time, so difficult for the whole world, that all men will almost lose their balance, and even theosophists, who have received so much spiritual light, will hopelessly ask themselves and each other what theosophy really is and what is the mission of the Theosophical Society in the world? Everything seems to fail underfoot and darkness prevails in the world. May the theosophists then remember to turn their eyes towards the North, because light will come from Finland. So said Madame Blavatsky.

It is no coincidence that Finland's most famous clairvoyant Aino Kassinen considered Siitoin to be his best student. "A light rising from the North" had been prophesied, and Kassinen knew this.

This prediction, combined with the activities of Siitoin film  and Turku Spiritual Society, caused the Soviet Union to be licked by Kekkonen and his administration. It was well remembered that even though the Nazis helped Finland during the war by stabbing them, they also burned and destroyed Lapland when they left the country. Kekkonen doubted that the Aryans of space would not be able to bring down the great Soviet Union with UFOs, and cold sweat broke out on his bald head when he thought about how badly Lapland would be burned and destroyed this time. Kekkonen decided that Siitoime's mission had to be aborted in the beginning.

SUPO's agents, Finnish Security Intelligence Service,  regularly visited the spiritual science society and it was clear to them that Blavatsky's prophecies were coming true. The second big wave of the fight against communism would soon begin in Turku, Finland, where in all silence UFO technology was developed at Kaskenkatu 1 and connections with anti-communist beings from other dimensions were strengthened. Those beings were just waiting for humanity somewhere in the world to rise to such a spiritual level that the time would be ripe for openly helping humanity in the fight against spiritual and material communism. In this situation, the UFO creatures placed a special hope on the shoulders of Pekka Siitoin.

In this plan, Siitoin, the light of North, was also assigned an important task related to the creation of a new race, as is indirectly revealed from the accompanying newspaper clipping from Kansan Uutisten during the Kursiiv trial. Siitoin stated the following about these UFO women in his book UFOs, religion and the devil:

Women are usually either very fair or very dark, both in skin and hair. Women's hips are usually wide and beautifully shaped. The skin is translucent and thin. The lips are also thin and the eyes are sharp. The hair is strong and beautiful. The women are very neatly dressed and you get a very hygienic image of them. The women walk in a fun, scurrying manner with short steps and a straight posture.

In this situation, Kekkonen's administration organized a conspiracy in which an arson attack was carried out on Kursiiv's printing house, and then Siitoin was accused of it. This conspiracy worked and Siitoin received a 5-year prison sentence on purely political grounds. Siitoin stated during Kursiiv's trial that he was a "victim of a conspiracy". For the same reason, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs banned all organizations founded by Siitoin. The forces of recession had won a decisive victory in the great cosmic battle of spirits.

Sum Summarum

So this is what Northern Light is all about. Good people, find out about things first before you post on social media or talk somewhere else. You can read all of Bailey's books for free online on the Lucis Trust website, and all of Bailey's books can also be borrowed for free in the Finland's spiritual library. It is also worrying if someone who knows about history and Pekka Siitoin happens to hear these predictions.

About patriotism, Blavatsky has written and told the following to his inner group: Patriotism and great deeds in national service are not entirely good from the highest point of view. Benefiting a section of humanity is good, but doing so at the expense of the rest is evil. Therefore, in patriotism, etc., good also includes evil. For although the innermost being of the higher ego is pure, the outer side can be dirty. Thus, the good and evil contained in such "immaterial" inspirations are imprinted in the auric veil, and the higher ego takes on the evil karma, even though it is completely innocent of it. Thus, after death, both effects dissolve into the universal mind, and in rebirth the ego sends forth a ray which is itself into the new personality, and suffers in it. It suffers in the self-awareness it has created with the help of its own accumulated experiences.

Many have said that they do not understand the writings of Blavatsky or Bailey and it is said that the Master appears when the disciple is ready. You have to be somewhat enlightened to understand the teachings and when reading books it is good to read with your mind and meditate on the meaning of the words. It is also good to ask Master D.K for help with the meaning of the words and to establish a connection with the Master. Master Morya also speaks in the same way because he teaches like a Zen Master. Often the sayings are not logical, but subconsciously the words are understood. Many have asked for help and asked for instructions to simplify the teachings, but in this way the Master protects his teaching and awakens the student's keys to consciousness.

Gaia is rising to the fifth dimension and that has nothing to do with patriotism. Consciousness has no citizenship. As Blavatsky has stated about the new root race, she is referring to the Indigos and the crystal children who are more spiritual than the previous root races and are hardly attracted by any such third dimension prophecy. The Ascended  Masters are not behind Northern Light prediction in any way. Finland is not a spiritual country if compared to e.g. India or Tibet. It goes without saying that Blavatsky and Alice Bailey brought the Light with their writings precisely from India and Tibet. There are also no holy places in Finland such as Stonehenge, the pyramids of Mexico and Egypt, Mount Shasta, Arunachala, etc. and no spiritual culture related to places. There are also no enlightened individuals in Finland, and I can say with certainty that I know only one who has reached some degree of enlightenment. There are plenty of enlightened people in India and Tibet. I haven't noticed any talk about the Masters in this group, let alone a message inspired by the Masters. I haven't noticed any talks about the Enlightenment either. When you reach Samadhi or the fifth dimension (whatever you want to call it, but they have the same feeling and purpose), you understand that everyone is the same and no nationality matters. It also seems a little egotistical that Light comes from a certain nation. Enlightened individuals are always also very humble.

It was therefore not worth shouting about Northern Light, because the security police and at the presidential level have historically been concerned about it. Good times, after all, similar Nazi and Satanism propaganda cannot be viewed with an accepting eye. I have also noticed that Lightworkers or those who call themselves Lightworkers have taken part in Siitoin's propaganda and started publicly claiming that Finland should be bigger and that part of Sweden and Russia should belong to Finland. It's really daring to allow something similar, considering the unstable situation in the world. However, everyone can pray that Master DK's prophecy about Russia will come true soon and that the loving side I quoted from will emerge from Russia. I can't say for sure, but the security police have hardly stopped following those who share the Northern Light prediction, because the Turku Spirituality Society is still active. The smartest people have realized to stop posting about Northern Light after I brought these facts to the publicity. Most of those who spread the Light of the North are not even interested in Theosophy and have never even read a word about Theosophy or Blavatsky. Nor are they interested in self-improvement or enlightenment. An open conversation with them is not possible. They have never meditated, or if they have, one of them told me that he once tried Zen meditation and said it was the worst experience in his life. This is the belief of the rednecks basic yokels. They have had many discussion forums on social media, but they have been shut down because they had a lot of arguments, and the smartest people did not accept their propaganda. The forums were also not allowed to discuss any message of peace and love, instead all opposing opinions were deleted.

As said, Finland is not a spiritual country, and there is not much spiritual literature written in the Finnish language. So Pekka Ervast has translated theosophical books into Finnish, but the rest of his output is not theosophy. Another problem in Finland is that many people do not understand English. In the Internet Pohjola Valo groups there are people who have just awakened to spirituality and do not know much about spirituality. It's a shame that you can't freely participate in these groups by discussing and telling about other options, because the writings are censored. If the discussion was open, it is certain that many people would no longer participate in it. It is also a sad fact that the reputation of Finland, Theosophy and Blavatsky is being ruined by something like this.

I myself have visited Stonehenge, Mexico twice and I have been in St. Petersburg, Russia for four months. In England, spirituality can be seen e.g. in that, for example, in Salisbury's turist  info and other places, postcards with  crop circle patterns are sold publicly. People in Mexico are friendly and telepathic. Mexico is not a dangerous city as it is claimed, although on the other hand it is one and the same in every country, that the forest answers as it is called and to nice people there are nice people. In Russia, on the other hand, I had prejudices that it is poor there and that there are street children in St. Petersburg and that people drive with Ladas there. However, the reality was different because there are no street children in St. Petersburg at all, or at least I didn't see them at all during the four months. The Russians drives with Hummers and other expensive cars and everyone wore designer clothes. The Russians were also really friendly and loving.

Things are happening in Russia, but in a positive way. Like Master D.K. said so the ray of the Russian Ego is the seventh, or Ceremonial Magic. I myself was in St. Petersburg for four months six years ago and the people there were really friendly. For example, when I was waiting for a train at the station and I wasn't feeling the best, a Russian woman came to show me a heart that she made with her fingers. When I told other Russians about this, they just said that it happens here.

In Russia, I was going to a hotel and I hadn't noticed to ask for the door code to the hotel and there was no bell on the door, and I started to fear whether I would get in at all. A passerby noticed my predicament and told me Let's use some Magic and he keyed in the door code which worked. My mouth drop down in surprise that the magic really works. He was just a passer-by and certainly didn't know the door code in advance.

It used to be said that Ascended Masters are difficult to reach. also has Blavatsky's writing on the subject. However, times have changed now. Masters are accessible to everyone at any moment and every day. No one needs to earn their attention or their healing energy, activations or compassion. Anyone can ascend from the 12th dimension and feel their vibration, consciousness, and Ascended Master energy. Connect with the Masters and know that you will become Masters on planet earth. I myself have met Master Djwhal Khul for the first time consciously already at the age of 15 in a dream in this incarnation.

In the book Things to come, Foster Bailey quotes Master D.K as saying that let us leave antagonism, antipathies, hatreds and social and religious differences and think of us all as one family and one humanity. Love is the energy that is the life force in the solar system, the planet and ourselves . Love is the most powerful energy in the world, including the planetary physical world. The love that we know in our current state of consciousness is only part of the love that our soul feels and by which our soul lives. As esotericists, we are able to gain soul consciousness and become radiating love.

In America's Theosophical page there is mentioned also Light of North prediction and there is also mentioned that  Theosophical readers might be intrigued by the citation from H.P. Blavatsky on the cover: “The light will come from Finland.” This quotation cannot be found in any of HPB’s written texts:

Lightbringers of the North: Secrets of the Occult Tradition of Finland

There is an emerging interest in Western esotericism in Finnish academia. Scholarly research has focused particularly interest in Finnish artists who were inspired by esotericism.

The authors of Lightbringers of the North have an ambitious goal of providing a thorough account of Finnish esotericism, mainly through individual histories. While this is virtually impossible within one book, the authors offer an impressive contribution to the discourse on esotericism and New Age movements in Finland. Although the book is aimed at a general audience, it is also likely to be useful for scholarly researchers.

Theosophical readers might be intrigued by the citation from H.P. Blavatsky on the cover: “The light will come from Finland.” This quotation cannot be found in any of HPB’s written texts. Its source is Blavatsky’s friend the Countess Constance Wachtmeister (1838–1910), who met Pekka Ervast (1875–1934), a pioneer of the Finnish Theosophical movement. According to Ervast’s memoirs, she told him about HPB’s prediction that there will be light coming from Finland in difficult times.

With friendship, peace and love <3


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