New Age, Root Races, Indigo Kids, Crystal children and Starseeds

“Occult philosophy teaches that even now, under our very eyes, the new Race and Races are preparing to be formed, and that it is in America, that the transformation will take place, and has already silently commenced.” (HPB, “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 2, p. 444)

We are at the close of the cycle of 5,000 years of the present Aryan Kali Yuga or dark age. This will be succeeded by an age of light. Even now under our very eyes, the new Race or Races are preparing to be formed, and that is in America that the transformation will take place, and has already silently commenced. This Race will be altered in mentality and will move toward a more perfect spiritual existence.

Blavatsky means with new Root Race Indigo Kids, Crystal Childrens and Starseeds. Let's take a look with them for little deeper.

They are are all Star Children. A Star Child belongs to a group of souls who have agreed to come to Earth to assist in the evolution of the earth. They tend to have a unity consciousness and believe that we are all connected. They are here to break down all the systems that no longer serve. They often feel like they don’t fit in and are often the black sheep of the family. They feel a deep connection with the galaxy and stars and often have memories of being on another planet or in a starship. They dislike unkindness and are happy, loving souls. 

Stephen Knapp writes in his net article that:

If we are going to succeed in becoming free from the influence of Kali-yuga and use the Golden Age within the first 10,000 years of Kali-yuga in the best way possible, then we must cooperate in allowing for a new species of humanity to enter this world. This new species will not be based on physical changes but on the development of spiritual consciousness, and the goal of working toward the perfection of human life--materially and spiritually. This new species of humanity and spiritual warriors are those who are not afraid to investigate higher dimensions of reality, new areas of spiritual experiences that are beyond the limitations of conventional and fear-based religions [those that urge the obedience to their principles based on the wrath of God]. After such investigations, they will help make such higher spiritual knowledge and experience available for the welfare of others. This is happening now and growing all the time. However, this has always been the Vedic process for thousands of years.

Buddhist view on Starseeds:

Q: How does Buddhism explain the population explosion? If you believe in reincarnation, how is it that the population is expanding all the time?

Lama: That’s simple. Like modern science, Buddhism talks about the existence of billions and billions of galaxies. The consciousness of a person born on earth may have come from a galaxy far away, drawn here by the force of karma, which connects that person’s mental energy to this planet. On the other hand, the consciousness of a person dying on this earth may at the time of death be karmically directed to a rebirth in another galaxy, far from here. If more minds are being drawn to earth, the population increases; if fewer, it declines. That does not mean that brand new minds are coming into existence. Each mind taking rebirth here on earth has come from its previous life— perhaps in another galaxy, perhaps on earth itself, but not from nowhere—in accordance with the cyclic nature of worldly existence

Becoming Your Own Therapist, by Lama Yeshe Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive (p. 18)

Also His Holiness Dalai Lama has said that:"I believe that other worlds exists. Buddhist scriptures mention the presence of life in other world systems. It will be illogical to conclude that life is possible only in this planet."

Dr Joshua David Stone writes in his book Hidden Mysteries: ETs, Ancient Mystery Schools and Ascension, Light Technology Publishing (p. 76)

"New Agers and UFO Enthusiasts

In my life and studies into the fields of spirituality, and UFO research, I have noticed and observed a very strange division of sorts between these two areas of focus. For some very strange reason they seem to be very separate in peopleʹs minds. Many very evolved spiritual people have no connection or understanding of the extraterrestrials. On the other side of the coin, a great many of the UFO enthusiasts have no connection to the spiritual realities of life. One of my purposes in writing this book is to integrate and blend the two movements for, indeed, in truth they are one."

I have seen both of these and its true what Stone writes. I can recommend to be in contact with extraterrestrials and find out about Starseed origins. It opens whole new reality. Extraterrestrials can also give you the gift of healing or clairvoyance.

Starseed who is awakening in his own spirituality and Higher Self is a big threat for unholy collective, just for that reason, that he is no longer be able to be controlled or manipulated. And when Starseed developes more, he has ability to see the reality and the powers behind without problems and nothing is missed him and all is revealed to him. Starseed who is awake got all the power and knowledge to work against unholy collective and he is not under their control and manipulation. Meaning of unholies is to block others spiritual development and awakening at any cost and many lies and false channellings and propaganda has been spread in the net for the reason that Starseeds will remain in "sleep" or awakening is not complete.

Echart Tolle has written many books and in his books he tolds that people can come to full Spiritual Awakening because of suffering and there is so much pain, and they have never before read anything spiritual. Hindu philosophy and Indian Gurus speak same also. So Awakening can come all the sudden.

Many Starseeds and Indigos has written a lot of material about Fifth Dimension (= 5D), Ascension, Spiritual Awakening etc and they just call it with different names like other spiritual traditions like Hindus and Indian Gurus. Fifth dimension is a state of mind like some call it Samadhi. But it is the same meaning and same Self-realization or God -realization. Here is one example written by Sabrina Reber :

When we become aware of our energetic bodies and set our intention to heal, balance and activate them, we have the potential to raise our vibration to such a point that each layer of our energetic body will unify and activate the creation of our “light body”. When this occurs we have reached a very high vibrational state where our spiritual self or God self is able to merge with our physical body. This cannot occur until we have raised our vibration high enough for divine union to occur. This is the moment of en-lighten-ment and the return to one’s true spiritual essence and identity. Once this occurs, we will never be the same and we will be propelled forward beginning a new more evolved journey into self-mastery and the development of our Christ Consciousness. This is the true meaning of being “reborn”. We reincarnate ourselves while in a physical body. Being reborn is a physical, energetic, blissful experience. Being reborn is not a mental concept, a belief or a desire to be a better person. It is an incredible experience where every cell in our body is flooded with light, all of our energetic fields and chakras are cleared, energetic blocks and karma is released, dormant strands of DNA are activated, our spiritual gifts are returned and our consciousness is expanded. Being reborn is when our divine essence or God self merges with our physical body and we experience complete oneness with God and all beings. We experience our true nature, the truth of our being, which will catapult us into a new journey of self-transcendence. This is divine plan for everyone to eventually reach this state of divine union helping us to bring Heaven (Spirit) here down on Earth (Matter).

We are in the process of planetary ascension and everyone choosing to stay on this planet will raise their vibration high enough to anchor in their Spiritual self or God self. Each of us are being asked to surrender to this process allowing ourselves to be “reborn” shedding the illusions of the ego and shining light on our shadow consciousness so we can bring all of our disowned rejected parts of ourselves into wholeness. Although our spiritual self is never separated from us it does reside in a higher vibrating dimension, several feet above our head, called the spiritual realm. The Creator has given us free will and it must be our choice to choose to climb the mountain of self in order to access and activate our divine birthright of God realization. This is divine plan and bringing our higher vibrating, loving, true selves down into our physical body is how we will heal the planet. Expecting someone or something outside of ourselves to save us is disempowering and will not get us anywhere. No one is going to save us; we have to save ourselves. We have to heal ourselves and we have to heal the planet. We have to take personal responsibility for our own vibration and salvation. We cannot give our power away anymore to the churches, the governments, the healthcare system or the financial system. Your power to change resides in yourself. You must commit to your own soul growth and spiritual development and shift your focus from trying to accomplish “things” to devotion and connection with your God self. 

Hindu's call transmitting spiritual energy Sat- Sang or Shaktipat. New age group and Ascension Movement call it Transmissions. There are lot of Transmission available in net and worth to check and to experience is Steven Nobel's transmissions. See from links his youtube channel. Those transmissions really works and there are thousands of followers in his channel. Steve Nobel's youtube channel

In New Age and Ascension Movement people talk and use 12 Chakra system. Here is briefly told meaning of Higher Chakras so other people too can start using them. 

Earth Star Chakra. The Earth Star Chakra is what grounds you and connects you to Mother Earth. Located about 12 inches below your feet, this energy point provides oneness with humanity and Earth’s life force. 

Soul Star Chakra. The Soul Star Chakra is also known as ‘The Seat of the Soul’ or ‘Halo Chakra’. This chakra can be found outside of your body, just above your head. It connects all 7 primary chakras inside of the body allowing Divine Energy to flow through us. Through this soul energy, we can access our higher consciousness, knowledge of the Universe, karmic patterns, lessons, and the Akashic records. Many of us won’t gain access to this energy point until we are ready to face our real truths. 

Spirit Chakra. The Spirit Chakra offers a path to your soul’s destiny. It’s a spiritual activation that connects you to angels, spirit guides, celestial beings, and other spiritual realms. 

Universal Chakra. Merging together the physical realm with the spiritual, the Universal Chakra can align your physical energy with the energy of the Universe. When activated, the Universal Chakra can provide divine healing, creativity, and balance. 

Galactic Chakra. With the cosmic energy of the Galactic Chakra activated, it allows you the ability to travel beyond space & time and peer into other dimensions. It is here that you can communicate with ascended masters and higher spiritual beings. 

Divine Gateway Chakra. Offering complete connection to Divine Source, the Divine Gateway Chakra can open portals to other worlds and realms. Once this chakra has been activated you can connect to the cosmos and beyond, obtain full ascension, and become one with Divinity. 

I have ben writing about these kind of things for many places in social media and I have been given lot of thanks. For example one wrote that thank you so much that she has been experiencing the same but didn't found the words to describe it. Hope that  this helps someone here too.

In facebook there are many groups which are dedicated to allow only posts what are about their special interest. And in many groups rules there are that New Age posts are not allowed. I am trying to unify and link together all who are interested about spirituality, theosophy etc. It really doesn't matter how you reach Enlightenment; through the theosophy, New Age, hindu philosophy, Ascended Masters and so on. I like to read about all ways how to be Enlightened and all ways got to much to teach and learn. The Theosophical Society in America encourages open-minded inquiry into world religions, philosophy, science, and the arts in order to understand the wisdom of the ages, respect the unity of all life, and help people explore spiritual self-transformation.  People can learn a lot from New Agers too.

Worth to read also this article:

Nothingness is your true Nature

As you continue practicing sadhana, you’re headed towards illumination. Yet the funny thing about this is that you are already there, and there’s nothing you have to do.

You always believe you have to do something. You were brought up to believe that if you do nothing you’re a lazy bum. Yet you are nothing. Nothingness is your true nature.

“Nothing that is of real value can be lost, only the false dissolves.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

Everything is predetermined as far as your body is concerned, and you're going through those experiences that are necessary for your fulfillment and your unfoldment.

"Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness." ~ Eckhart Tolle

As you become wise, and you begin to understand, you no longer react to your conditioning. Fear begins to melt.

There’s no longer anything to fight. You do not have to win any points. There’s really no one you have to overcome.

There’s no situation you have to heal. You merely have to be yourself. Be yourself.

“Above all, the only thing you have to heal is the present thought. Get that right and the whole picture will change into one of harmony and joy.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

How do you become yourself?

By understanding that there’s one self and you are that. There is only the one self. People call it by all kinds of names, nirvana, sat-chit-ananda, absolute reality. It's called by all kinds of names, God. It makes no difference what you call it. You have to be it.

"Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them." ~ Eckhart Tolle

You have to be that self that has always been and will always be. You have to lift yourself up to that place where there is no world, no universe, no body, no mind. It really makes no difference what sadhana you practice, whether you practice Zen, or Taoism, or mystical Christianity, or Cabala. What you practice makes no difference.

But what are you doing with the practice? Are you really diving deep within yourself and finding your own reality? Or are you still reading many books, going to many lectures, becoming totally confused?

Leave the world alone. Do not try to correct the world. When I say correct the world, I mean correct people, places or things.

Everything has a tendency to balance itself. There are certain laws in this universe that take care of itself.

There’s a power and a presence that knows the way, and you are told to surrender to this power, to this presence.

Complete surrender. Not my will, but thine. This is the highest teaching of any system.

When you give up your ego, totally surrender, and allow the powers that be to direct you, and guide you, and take care of you and unfold as you, everything will work out.

~ Robert Adams


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