Madame Blavatsky has told about lost souls:
In the first volume of her first book “Isis Unveiled,” H. P. Blavatsky touches upon a subject which is of great interest to many. It was never gone into in much depth, no doubt because this was not permitted by the Masters, but nevertheless it certainly makes us sit up and think when we read that –
“Our present cycle is preeminently one of such soul-deaths. We elbow soulless men and women at every step in life.” (“Isis Unveiled” Vol. 1, p. 369)
The subject in question is that of the loss of the soul while still physically alive.
In “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, p. 234, it is said that, “The soul, whose body vehicle is the Astral, ethero-substantial envelope, could die and man be still living on earth – i.e., the soul could free itself from and quit the tabernacle for various reasons – such as insanity, spiritual and physical depravity, etc. . . . The possibility of the “Soul” (i.e., the eternal Spiritual Ego) dwelling in the unseen worlds, while its body goes on living on Earth, is a pre-eminently occult doctrine, especially in Chinese and Buddhist philosophy. . . . Many are the Soulless men among us, for the occurrence is found to take place in wicked materialists as well as in persons “who advance in holiness and never turn back”.”
She goes on to say that, “A high development of the intellectual faculties does not imply spiritual and true life. Many of our greatest scientists are but animate corpses – they have no spiritual sight because their spirits have left them. So we might go through all ages, examine all occupations, weigh all human attainments, and investigate all forms of society, and we would find these spiritually dead everywhere.”
The annihilation of a disincarnate entity is something different than what we have been discussing so far, although it is often interrelated. It is something about which even less is mentioned than the loss of the soul during life on Earth. It would seem that it applies only to the most extremely evil and depraved and is thus not too common an occurrence, we hope.
Once the soul has separated itself from the embodied personal self, what is left behind on Earth is an entity whose highest Principle or component is now merely the Lower Manas. But as this Lower Manas entity is still involved in action and reaction – hence Karma – it does not cease to exist when its body dies. Instead it continues, as an independent and separated entity, whose Karma and attraction to the Earth and physical experience is so strong that it will be reborn over and over. This is the explanation of the reincarnation of soulless beings or how one can be born soulless. It is also a metaphysical explanation for those who are termed psychopaths. A psychopath is born as one and brain scans show that the part of the brain involved in empathy and compassion is completely dead in such cases; it is not “lit up” like the rest of their brain, the reason of course being that there is no Higher Manas connected to that person and therefore no link with Buddhi and Atma. After many “soulless rebirths” such a being – a separated, independent Lower Manas entity – may have degenerated to such an extreme and demonic extent that only one option remains for it: annihilation.
“After the death of the depraved and the wicked, arrives the critical moment. If during life the ultimate and desperate effort of the inner self to reunite itself with the faintly-glimmering ray of its divine monad is neglected; if this ray is allowed to be more and more shut out by the thickening crust of matter, the soul, once freed from the body, follows its earthly attractions, and is magnetically drawn into and held within the dense fogs of the material atmosphere of the Kama Loka. Then it begins to sink lower and lower, until it finds itself, when returned to consciousness [Note: this is referring to the fact that the soul is initially rendered unconscious by the shock of the separation from its lower “principles” at physical death, as shown in When We Die], in what the ancients termed Hades, and we – Avichi. The annihilation of such a soul is never instantaneous; it may last centuries, perhaps; for nature never proceeds by jumps and starts, and the astral soul of the personality being formed of elements, the law of evolution must bide its time. Then begins the fearful law of compensation, the Yin-youan of the Buddhist initiates.”
Few years ago I met one man who was interested about spirituality and metaphysics. Soon it turned out that he was satanist and walked left hand path. He used to me Sex Magick. He was psychopath and in net there are many writings about Empath and narcist relationships. Everytime when I was with him, he after meetings sent to me all kinds of ugly messages while there wasn't any fighting or arguing in the meetings. He admitted that he is psychopath and he warned me that I am good catch for psychopaths.
He was energy vampire and I asked from Archangel Michael to do to me cutting cords transmissions. You can find it here:
Archangel Michael told to me, that is not doing it because this man is near to Soul Loss. Michael also told to me, that I am the only one who this man listens. I have been sending to this man hundreds messages about Light, Enlightenment, Buddhist teachings etc.
I have been asked from two physics about that man and they told me that this man cannot handle the Light what is in me and he cannot go to the Light even if he wants to. Ramana Maharshi has said that the greatest error of a man is to think that is weak by nature, evil by nature. Every man is divine and strong in his real nature. What are weak and evil are his habits, his desires and thoughts, but not himself. So, I am not sure if there is soul loss happening really.
This psychopath said to me, that he is immune to complaints. Even the nicest person has their limits and when I was mad about his messages, I was thinking that lets see how immune he is and I sent him couple of messages back and he was obviously hurted about messages. More drama they creates happier they are and nowadays I would never anymore sent any messages and I can make a public apology and I am sorry what I said when my chakras wasn't aligned. I am sorry.
We are asking you tonight to let go completely of any hard feelings because of mistakes or injury of the past. If something has gone wrong—as the Beloved Saint Germain told you, He said, “Oh, forgive it and forget it. It’s water under the bridge. Just let it go by.” Call the Violet Consuming Flame to go into it, and then turn to Life and to your “Mighty I AM Presence,” calling on the Law of Forgiveness, turning away from the mistake—behold what the “Presence” is offering you with which to correct the mistake.
In most cases, if you could let go completely of the thought and feeling of all wrong that someone might have done you and, just turning away from it, go deeper and deeper and deeper into the Heart of Love, that Cosmic Christ Love of your “Presence” and Our Octave—if you could, just amuse yourselves, as it were, looking deep within the Light and seeing the many Treasures that are there, and just forgetting that which has gone by, but asking the “Presence” to bring you what the Great Divine Plan wants you to have to go forward and build Its Magnificent Perfection where the mistakes have seemed to be.
Excerpt from Violet Flame Series 14, page 15
For more instruction on the Violet Consuming Flame, visit:
Blavatsky has told that:
It is not true that a person powerful in evil could suddenly 'change' and become as strong in good. His implement is too tarnished, and at best, he can only neutralize the evil, leveling the evil ones karmic reasons he has set in motion, at least this one during the incarnation. We cannot take an empty herring barrel and use it for rose oil; herring water has been absorbed into the wood. When evil impulses and aspirations are imprinted in physical nature, they cannot be changed immediately to the opposite. The molecules in the body have aligned in a sinister direction, and even if they have enough understanding to notice the difference in their level between things, i.e. avoid things harmful to themselves, they cannot to understand a change of direction to which the impulse comes from another level. If them forced too violently, illness, insanity or death is as a result. -- HPB
I met another satanist who was interested about my necklace which is Pentacle and represents Spirit. I am doing and using it with White Magick. He showed to me that he have Pentagram tattoo and he said that my jewel is upside down and in wrong way. I said not, and that his tattoo is wrong way. We talked all about spirituality and I asked him has he ever noticed his chakras and he wasn't never heard about chakras. I told him all about chakras and when I told about Crown Chakra he said that he thinks and feels that there are and must be some kind of Higher Mind. I told that it is his Higher Self and I courage him to contact it most often. He was satanist but friendly and gotten in the wrong left hand path. (see image about Pentacle and Pentagram)
So, all satanist and those who walk left hand path, think about these things...
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