I am not using drugs and I am not judging those who use. Here is something to think about for users however. You can produce your own highs and ecstasy and euphoria by meditating and connecting to your Higher Self.
5 Ways Meditation Positively Affects the Addict Brain
Rehab not only tackles the physical challenge of kicking an addiction, but also repairs the emotional and mental damage from it. Addicts commonly experience “mental fuzziness” in the early stages of recovery, which consists of the inability to focus and think clearly. The frustration as a result of this can often result in mood swings.
Luckily, modern addiction treatment has begun to incorporate alternative therapies in order to address the physical and mental issues that can occur early in recovery, providing an essential skill set for addicts to help prevent relapse. One of the most utilized and recommended forms of alternative therapy practiced in rehab is meditation.
By focusing on breathing, bodily sensations or a mantra, meditation allows one to more easily focus on the present moment. A common form of meditation practiced in rehabilitation centers is mindfulness meditation. This form is especially encouraged in the early stages of recovery because it’s a non-judgmental form of observation that allows the individual to be aware of thoughts and emotions as they happen, yet helps prevent them from becoming all-consuming. Numerous studies have also shown that meditation can have a direct positive effect on the brain.
A Natural Dopamine Release: An addict’s tolerance builds as their addiction progresses, leaving them searching for larger quantities of their drug of choice in order to achieve the high caused by a euphoric brain chemical called dopamine. However, meditation can create the same effect. A 2002 study from the John F. Kennedy Institute found that those who regularly meditated had a 65 percent increase in their dopamine levels. Furthermore, the study revealed that dopamine levels were recorded at an optimally healthy range even when these participants weren’t meditating. Meditation ultimately provides a natural high without the crash.
How to get high from meditation naturally?
Have you ever meditated and felt profound mental bliss, relaxation, and a peaceful mind? If so, you would naturally ask if meditation might make you feel high.T he truth is that sitting in quiet, turning within, and paying attention to your breath or a mantra may have a significant positive impact on both your mental and physical health. Additionally, it may produce feelings resembling a “high.” Let’s talk about the effects meditation has on your mind and body, as well as how to get high from meditation.
Yes, meditation can make you feel high since it can:
Assist you in achieving mental calmness and profound relaxation.
Release specific hormones to experience happiness and relaxation.
Cause feelings that are comparable to what people feel when they are drunk or high on drugs.
John Sell, Source: Theosophical Digest, 2nd Quarter 1993
What happens to the internal bodies of a drug user?
We are in a war where a million people under the age of thirty die each year as a result of drug abuse. Drugs promise relief and escape from sadness. But only temporarily. They promise us a heaven where we experience happiness and new spiritual and physical sensations. But only temporarily. Drugs promise us sensations from new dimensions. But if this happens, it is only temporary, while the health effects can be devastating.
Heroin, cocaine, LSD and new similar drugs can take us over. Drug users in America spent one hundred and seventy billion dollars on drugs. In England the amount was fifty billion dollars and in Australia two billion dollars.
In this article, we are not dealing with the use of legal drugs prescribed by doctors to their patients, but with victims of substance abuse and overuse. We are aware of the side effects of drugs on our bodies, but what about our psychic world and our deeper self? How do drugs affect our mental being, and what secret effects do they have?
Let's think about the hidden or occult side of drugs and the dangers faced by those who abuse them. Almost all drugs have an injurious effect on the higher bodies and must therefore be avoided.
Between the chakras is a special protective shield that protects the physical body from astral forces. It consists of physical atoms permeated by a certain kind of prâna. This allows the prâna to flow from the astral body to the physical body, but prevents other forces from moving into the physical body unless they can do so from the atomic level to the highest level. The shield is thus a protection, but when drugs are misused or overused, their volatile substances are transferred from the physical body to the astral body. This is the wrong direction of travel and when it is done repeatedly, the finely structured, protective power grid, the atomic shield, is damaged and eventually destroyed. When this happens, the person may suffer from mental disorders.
If you try to use drugs to develop clairvoyance, they only produce surreal experiences and are therefore not reliable. They have a regressive effect on the sympathetic nervous system, because the direction of evolution has been to develop the brain-spinal cord system. Any vision that appears arises on the lower astral planes, which are composed of elemental matter stirred up by lower lusts and urges. This way is therefore against the plan of development and against humanity. Psychic powers activated in this way are only temporary. The right way, meditation, ensures that whatever powers are developed remain throughout life and are available in the next incarnation.
Mental body
Rough substances like drugs make the mental body rough. It is no longer able to respond to higher thoughts or is not consciously under our control. Long-term development has been affecting the purity and receptivity of the mental body, as well as its conscious control. Drugs destroy sensitivity and the ability to understand, and thus also a person's ability to respond to abstract thoughts. The path to higher knowledge is closed to the drug addict.
The connection between personality and soul
The aforementioned atomic protective shield does not prevent the forces of the higher astral planes from entering the etheric world. The use of drugs can affect us in another way, which is to block the effects of the soul in us. Instead, the volatile substances harden the tissue so that it can no longer carry certain types of prâna. It congeals so that little can come through from the higher levels. As a result, the higher emotions and qualities become hardened. The person loses their sense of responsibility and is no longer able to feel compassion, love or care for others. He no longer wants to serve others. He becomes extremely materialistic, very hedonistic and animalistic. He loses his sense of responsibility and his emotional side dies. The flow of energy from the soul, which connects the soul and the personality, is reduced to a stream, and this affects the personality at its core. Life has been wasted and in the next incarnation one or more bodies will be damaged in some way, probably even before birth. In addition, the soul has to limit the personality's life and circumstances so that it learns the necessary lessons
Obsessions and possession
As a result of damage to the atomic shield or tissue, there is a premature opening of the connection between the astral and physical planes. Any astral being can now exhibit powers that a normal human would not yet be ready to face. It could take the form of voices urging him to do something. We call this obsession. He could also be possessed by some lower class astral being who wants to take over his physical body and make him do terrible things. Some mentally deranged people are possessed by such dead (disembodied). At this point, it must be kept in mind that what sometimes happens is not caused by any external being, but the cause can be found within the victim and is thus self-inflicted.
After death
There is no longer a purely physical craving for drugs, but the desire and feelings of the drug user are still there. These desires are much stronger than on the physical plane because their full force is now in the astral matter. Such a suffering state can last a long time as it gradually dissipates by exhausting itself.
The next life
Damage to the etheric shield not only affects us in this life, it can affect us in the next life as well. Damage affects the ultimate atoms, and these are responsible for the quality of the materials of the new bodies and the connection between them. Therefore, there is the possibility of disease, body deformity, brain damage and mental problems. All of this can result in long-term decline that can take several lifetimes to heal.
Karma from harming others
In addition to the above, anything that can cause harm to others, e.g. violence or cruelty that we may commit while under the influence of drugs, causes us more bad karma in the following lives. Thus, drugs not only cause bad health to our bodies in future lives, but they also bring us more bad karma due to our actions under their influence. Far from being a fast track to the divine world, they are the longest detour.
Abusing drugs such as LSD, cocaine, or heroin can cause visions, but they are only temporary. Apparitions and visions are usually very distorted and their transfer to a confused brain distorts them even more. Consciousness rises only as high as the astral world, which is a world of enchantment and deception. The visions are therefore not reliable. The price for these visions is too high: damage to the astral and mental bodies in this and other lives.
The drug user exposes himself to obsessions and haunting effects that are not only terrifying, but can also lead to insanity. After death, the drug user suffers greatly for his actions. His pain is self-inflicted. Addiction in everyday life can lead to crime, violence and murder, a karmic debt that brings him sorrow and pain in other lives. Dependency not only separates the soul forces so that the material and animal personality falls apart, but it closes the door to all spiritual progress.
The spiritual path of self-control, purity and meditation is the right path for men and women to climb to higher levels, where divine experience and bliss await them. Serving others is the gateway to spiritual life, and it is also a sign of a person who treads the path of love and wisdom.
Read from the Aurelia Louise Jones book TELOS - Volume 2 Messages for the Enlightenment of a Humanity in Transformation
Chapter five, pages 29-52
The Effects of Recreational Drugs on Spiritual Development:
Example: Marijuana and other narcotics. The same principles apply in great measure to all other addictions such as alcohol and tobacco.
Aurelia - Adama, is there a group consciousness attached to the use of and addiction to substances such as marijuana or peyote as recreational drugs and/or spiritual tools? Please describe what effect these substances have on their users.
Adama - I would like to speak first on the general use of recreational drugs. A little history to begin with, if you will! When these sacred plants originally came forth from Creation they had the wonderful purpose of uplifting energy and consciousness.
In the beginning of their use a long time ago, consciousness-altering plants assisted people to open their perception to their divine qualities, to their divine Presence and Creator. These plants were used also to enhance telepathic abilities, as well as the gifts of clairaudience, clairvoyance, psychometry and other similar spiritual abilities.
To understand what happened with this gift that mankind used freely for so long it is necessary to go back in history to the beginning of the dark ages, when people consistently gave away their power to lesser vibrations other than their own Divine Presence. One by one, the civilizations of this planet gradually forgot their original state of oneness with the divine and opened themselves to the manipulating and controlling energies of the shadow.
Incarnated beings of the black arts, who had acquired great knowledge on other spheres of existence prior to coming to the Earth, became the black magicians of ancient times. They are the ones who first genetically altered the sacred plants at their roots. By doing so, they exercised greater and greater control over people by dimming their spiritual powers and perceptions. This took place over a long period of time; the vibrational rate of the original plants was gradually destroyed or greatly reduced. The plants available today for “recreational use” carry a negatively altered vibration that is a far cry from the original ones.
Here is couple of examples from the book, read rest from the link.
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