The curses of the pharaohs are told in Paul Brunton's book A Search for Secret Egypt and In Philipp Vandenberg's book Curse of Pharaohs.
The Curse of the Pharaohs or the Curse of the Mummies is a curse allegedly placed on anyone who disturbs the mummies of an ancient Egyptian, especially a pharaoh. This curse, which does not distinguish between thieves and archaeologists, is said to cause bad luck, illness or death. Since the mid-20th century, many writers and documentaries and skeptics have argued that the curse is "real" in the sense that it has scientifically explainable causes, such as bacteria or radiation. The modern origins of Egyptian mummy curse stories, their development mainly in European cultures, the shift from magic to science to explain curses, and their changing uses—from condemning the haunting of the dead to entertaining horror movie audiences—suggest that Egyptian curses are a cultural phenomenon.
Curse of Tutankhamun
Belief in the curse was brought to the attention of many people by the deaths of a few members of Howard Carter's team and other prominent grave-goers soon after. Carter's team opened Tutankhamun's tomb in 1923, ushering in the modern era of Egyptology.
The famous Egyptologist James Henry Breasted worked with Carter shortly after the tomb was first opened. He told how Carter sent a messenger to his house on business. Approaching his home, the messenger thought he heard "a faint, almost human cry." Arriving at the entrance, he saw a birdcage with a cobra inside. The cobra was a symbol of the Egyptian monarchy. Carter's canary bird had died and this sparked local rumors of a curse. Arthur Weigall, a former inspector of antiquities for the Egyptian government, said that this was interpreted as Carter's house, which was broken into by a royal cobra. That day the king's tomb was broken into. The event was reported by The New York Times on December 22, 1922
The first of the mysterious deaths was that of Lord Carnarvon. He had been bitten by a mosquito and later accidentally cut the bite open while shaving. It led to blood poisoning. Two weeks before Carnarvon's death, Marie Corelli wrote a fanciful letter published in the New York World in which she quoted from an obscure book that convincingly asserted that "terrible punishment" would follow any intrusion into the sealed tomb. A media frenzy ensued, and it was announced that a curse had been found in the king's tomb. The superstitious Benito Mussolini, who had once accepted an Egyptian mummy as a gift, ordered its immediate removal from the Palazzo Chigi
Deaths caused and blamed on Tutankhamun's curse
The grave was opened on November 29, 1922.
George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon, a financial supporter of the excavation team present at the burial pit, died on 5 April 1923 after being infected by a mosquito bite; he died 4 months and 7 days after the tomb was opened.
Grave visitor George Jay Gould I died on the French Riviera on May 16, 1923, after contracting a fever following his visit.
A. C. Mace, a member of Carter's excavation team, died in 1928 of arsenic poisoning.
Captain Hon. Richard Bethell, Carter's secretary, died on 15 November 1929: died in bed at a Mayfair club, the victim of suspected suffocation.
Howard Carter opened the grave on February 16, 1923 and died over a decade later on March 2, 1939. however, some have still blamed his death on a curse.
On the royal tomb of Egypt is written: cursed be those who disturb Pharaoh. Those who break the seal of this tomb must face an illness that no doctor can diagnose.
The ancient Egyptians actually used curses. Most of them are presented as a threat, and they mostly appear on royals rather than private citizens' memorials. This interesting observation may indicate that the royals had protection against their enemies from other sources. In fact, most of the curses come from inscriptions on the walls of private tombs in the Old Kingdom, a time when the royal tombs (pyramids) were decorated with a series of incantations, called pyramid texts, which were intended as aids, advice and instructions to the king. Royal funerary monuments obviously had the protection they needed due to their size, visibility, and the large group of priests associated with the funerary complex.
When royal curses do occur, they are directed more toward this life than the next. In Deir el Bahr, Thutmose I spoke at the court of his daughter, the reigning pharaoh Hatshepsut: "Whoever worships him, he lives; whoever speaks evil against his majesty in a curse, he dies" The "declaration texts" appearing on ceramic bowls and figurines of the end of the 12th-13th Dynasty also stand out clearly. .These are curses against foreign states or peoples that may act or have already acted against Egypt.At appropriate times the objects with the curses were ritually smashed.
Over the last hundred years or so, the phrase "curse of the pharaohs" has been used to describe the cause of a large number of diseases. These range from natural disasters to the mild stomach ache that often plagues tourists in Egypt and are also known as "Pharaoh's Revenge".
Paul Brunton is writing in his book A search in secret Egypt that while he was in Egypt he met an Adept who told him to write these: Those who broke open the tombs of Ancient Egypt have released forces upon the world that have endangered it.Both the tomb robbers of long ago and the archeologist of our own days have unwittingly opened the tombs of those who dealt in black magic. Mummification was originally intended only for the Adept-Kings of Egypt´s prehistoric golden age, and for the spiritually advanced High Priests who were true channels of God, that their material bodies, impregnated with their holy power, might continue to exist and serve as focuses radiating that power into the world. It was true that wherever the embalmed body was that of a person with some knowledge of magic, spirit powers had been invoked to protect those tombs and punish intruders. Those powers were often exceedingly evil, menacing and destructive.They existed within those closed tombs, and could continue to exist, for thousands of years. Hence your archeologists who, in all ignorance, break open such spirit-shielded graves, do so at their own peril. Each mummy that is taken out of such the tomb and transported to your European and American museums, carries with it the etheric link with those entities, and hence their awful influence. When your world has come to realize that evil spirits are imprisoned in a number of those tombs, it may be too late: for by then all the tombs will have opened, and those devilish creatures will have made their escape.. Let the world receive this message: let it not meddle with tombs whose psychic nature men do not understand Let the world stop opening these graves until it has acquired sufficient knowledge to comprehend the serious results of what it is doing. Most of the Kings had some degree of occult powers, whether for good or evil purposes, for they were initiated in them by High Priests. Every opening of an ancient Egyptian tomb may be an unconscious intercourse with invisible forces of a dangerous character. King Tutankhamen for instance wa such a man. He posessed much occult knowledge and a spiritual soul. The opening of his tomb had brought suffering on the violators, and also, in untraceable ways, on the world at large. In ancient times, Egypt was the chief centre of magical knowledge and practice.
Adept also told to Paul Brunton that Adepts whose bodies lie in a comatose state in certain Egyptian tombs, which have not yet been discovered, and which he claimed, would never be discovered by the ordinary archeolgist. Those tombs are not tombs of the dead, but of living. They contains, not mummies, but the bodies of Adepts in a unique state which the word "trance" most nearly describes. The Egyptian Adepts remain fully conscious during their trance, and altough they bodies are in coma, their spirits are free and working.Their spirits move and travel, their minds think in a condition of full consciousness and they advantage of being aware of two worlds - the material and the spirit worlds. One day the latter will re-animate those comatose bodies, which will then step into the outer world again.
It goes without saying that when visiting the pyramid, it must be done with respect and dignity.
Furthermore, Torkom Saraydarian's book Other Worlds also tells us that we are told that the ethereal body is preserved in mummification or embalming. This poses a serious problem for the evolution of the soul. Sometimes the etheric body is kept alive for years and if the person lived an evil and wicked life, the forces of darkness enter the etheric body and use it for their evil purposes. Ancient Wisdom teaches us that one must be very careful not to touch mummies or go too close to their tombs or chambers because the etheric body can still be active and be used by evil forces.
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