Here is my astro chart. Sun sign is Virgo, but it is only one degree Virgo. Moon is in Aquarius. I have stellium in eight house and Ascendant is 26 degree Sagittarius and it conjuncts Jupiter and Galactic Center, Philip Sedgwick has been writing books about Galactic astrology and he says that people who has this same constellation are naturally "channelling" information from Galactic Center and this information is always about half of the year ahead of  its time. He also says that these people who are "channelling", there are not any loss of consciousness or falling into trance like mediums do, but chanelling is happening in normal day consciousness. I can find this to be true.

I have stellium in eight house and Pluto in eight house too. Jeff Green has been writing book about Pluto and in the book he states that Pluto in eight house individuals have great transformative power and they can transform people. It is also said that Pluto is only planet who is willing to do some digging about sensitive subjects and Pluto pulls out the problem.

When I was younger I was interested about astrology, but ever  since I got connection for my Higher Self, I came to conclusion that astrology really don't affect on me. Later I found out Ascended Master Saint Germains words about the subject which is copied here.

Also Ascended Master Djwal Khul has said that those who believes in traditional astrology is like animals believing astrological influences, but esoteric astrology is quite different.

From the book:

Saint Germain Series, Volume 12 THE “I AM” DISCOURSES

pages 139-143

Now do not go off on to some breathing tangent,but remember the natural breath. That reminds Me, Dear People—and you have a lot of it here—call for the dissolving of all numerology and astrology in your land. Dear People, it is a most misleading thing. Don’t do it. As if a number had any power in the Presence of your Great God Presence, the “Mighty I AM”! As if a Planet had anything to do with you, the God Being that governs the Universe! Don’t yield to those things, Beloved Students. And remember what Saint Germain said: astrology is responsible for more indirect murders than any one thing in America today. Now remember, Dear People, why do people cling to those things? Because they think it brings food and shelter to them—when if they were to stand and call to their own God Presence, the “Mighty I AM,” which is the Treasure-house of their world, they would have such abundance of money and everything else in their use that they would not have to try to use those things which bring tragedy to mankind. Now Dear People, you in Seattle here need to be on guard over this more than any place, perhaps, in America. Astrology puts the suggestion into mankind of limitations—that there is something outside of you that is more powerful than the Life within you. This is the greatest falsehood ever uttered, and the person who claims that a number can affect you is uttering another great falsehood. 

Beloved Students, in the Name of your “I AM Presence” do not yield to those things if you want to be free. The Messengers have said very little about these things in the recent months because so much else is required, but you here in Seattle must be protected against these things. 

I ask you, Beloved Students, just one thing. Take your Chart and look at It; and then decide if there is any Planet in the Universe, any number that is mankind’s own creation, that can affect that Power of Infinite Light. You know it cannot. So don’t succumb to human suggestions that say there is something outside. That is why the Messengers have said to you that spiritualism, astrology, numerology, or anything that draws your attention to the outside thing as having power to limit your world is a tragedy for mankind. Therefore if you yield to it, the responsibility is yours.  I do not say what you should do, but I am telling you the Truth of Life. If you believe for one instant that your “Mighty I AM Presence” is there above you as the Messengers and the Chart have described to you, then you know astrology, numerology, and spiritualism are not true; that they are human creation brought about by the black magicians to limit and hold mankind in bondage. 

Now if you want to go on doing that, you are Beings of Free Will; but I have fulfilled My part of Life to you in telling you the Truth, which I know absolutely to be. Did you ever in your life know of an activity—ever on Earth in your experience—when the teacher, the messenger, or whoever it might be, asked people not to come if they could not be harmonious to the Truth of Life? People reach out and try to claw students to them. It is reversing the activity. Human beings must be given freedom even though they intentionally go on and make mistakes; sometimes the fiercer the mistakes, the sooner they will turn and come back to the Presence of Life Now I ask you, Beloved Students—and why do you suppose the Messenger has asked every earnest Student to never sleep at night until they have contemplated that Chart? For the very reason that It keeps the information, the truth, the vision before them that there is no power in the Earth that can govern them but their Presence of Life. Therefore all outer things that mankind has given power to, will have no power in the acknowledgment of their “Presence”—except the Perfection which It is.

And that is what mankind needs today, because the habit of human creation has made mankind believe everything else but the Power of the “Presence,” the Power and Presence of Life. Therefore, they are in the conditions today because of that; and if you want to be free, you have to change it—you have to reverse it. Therefore, I say to you, Beloved Ones, in all Our Great Love for you, if you care to listen to Us and give response, then you will be free; but you cannot do it if you go on asserting your own opinions and desires, believing We do not know.

Stop blaming stars and astrology and take full responsibility of your own actions:


Ramana Maharshi about astrology:

A few days ago an astrologer came here. At about 10 a.m., the day after his arrival, he asked Bhagavan several questions on astrology and obtained suitable replies. 

I give below a brief report of their conversation:

Questioner: “Swami! According to astrological science, predictions are made about coming events, taking into account the influence of the stars. Is that true?”

Bhagavan: “So long as you have the feeling of egoism all that is true. When that egoism gets destroyed all that is untrue.”

Questioner: “Does it mean that astrology won’t be true in the case of those whose egoism is destroyed?”

Bhagavan: “Who is there to say it won’t be true? There will be seeing only if there is one who sees. In the case of those whose egoism is destroyed, even if they appear to see they do not really see. The window is open. Even so there must be some one to see. Does the window see anything?”

Questioner: “If that ego were not there how could the body continue to function from day to day?”

Bhagavan: “Yes. That is it. The body is a house for us.

This house will be properly maintained only if you are in it.

Hence we must realise that we are keeping the house habitable only so long as we are in it and must never give up the knowledge that the house is separate from the Self. The moment that is forgotten the feeling of ego comes in and troubles begin. Everything in the world thus appears real and the destruction of that feeling is the destruction of the ego. When that ego is destroyed nothing (of this world) is real. What is to happen will happen; and what is not to happen will not happen.”

Questioner: “You say that what is to happen will happen and what is not to happen will not happen; if that is so, why should it be said that good deeds must be done?”

Bhagavan: “If something good is done, it results in happiness. Hence people say good deeds must be done.”

Questioner: “Yes. That is why elders say that sorrow is adventitious.”

Bhagavan: “That is so. Sorrow is adventitious. It is only happiness that is natural. Every living being desires happiness because his natural state is the embodiment of happiness. All sadhanas (spiritual efforts) are for overcoming adventitious sorrow. When a headache comes on casually, you have to get rid of it by medicine. If it is a permanent ailment of the body, attached to it from birth to death, why should you try to get rid of it? Just as boils and other diseases of the body are cured by a doctor’s treatment, sorrows which are the result of various difficulties can be overcome by sadhana specially aimed at them. This body itself is a disease. The root cause of it is ignorance. If for that ignorance the medicine called jnana is administered all inherent diseases will disappear at once.”

Questioner: “Is it possible to get immediate results by sadhana?”

Bhagavan: Some yield immediate results and some do not. That depends upon the intensity or otherwise of the sadhana. If good acts or evil acts are done with great intensity the results will manifest themselves immediately; otherwise the results are slow. The results, however, necessarily follow.

It cannot be helped.

_______Letters from Sri Ramanasramam.



Why Spiritually Awakened People No Longer Connect With Astrology

If you are an awakened one, you MUST know this!

If you are an awakened one, you must know that after the awakening, astrology stops affecting you.

You must know that Awakening is CHAPTER 2 of your Life. A chapter which you can write yourself because you are awakened.

Once you awaken, no astrological chart can determine your true destiny.

Awakening means that you have realized that you are made in the image of the Creator.

Awakening means Living Consciously.

And living consciously makes you the director of your own life because you start taking decisions using your sense of discrimination and not because a guy with a beard told you so.

Therefore, as an awakened person, whatever you do on a daily basis forms your new karma and your future or your destiny then entirely depends on your karma that compiles up every single day.

If you are awakened and you are still going through a lot of problems, remember to make an intentional effort to keep your vibration high by listening to positive people, talking positively, seeing positive, reading positive content and carrying a positive mindset.

After the awakening, if you are still depending on a chart, it’s only you putting yourself in the position of fear and control of the mind.

Wanting to know your future is only you letting your mind control you.

No excuses.

Understand the difference between Old Earth and New Earth.

OLD EARTH = fear, negative thoughts, anxiety, stress come from the mind, letting someone control your subconscious mind with predictions, living according to another person’s definition for your life.

NEW EARTH= high vibration , freedom, conscious positive thoughts, conscious positive actions, using your gift of wisdom (sense of discrimination of right and wrong) to take decisions, directing your own life, becoming the creator of your own life because —


You are the Creator of your own life.

That you are the Soul, that is a drop of the Supreme Soul.

If you think you can’t, push yourself to vibrate higher by connecting with high vibration people online.

Nowadays life is mostly online and the people that we connect to and the content that we hear from them, defines our lives and our destiny.

As you take action towards positive thought and actions, you will start shifting to the new timeline — toward your highest version.

Everyday, your actions will determine the version of you that you will become in the future.

I understand that just like me, some of you may have had a very difficult past, but nobody else is responsible for our future.

Take control of your present and the present will take care of your future.

You just have to live your best TODAY. Come back and read that every single morning and start your day and you will start creating a new life for yourself.


Astrology and Spiritual Awakening


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