I have been visiring Mayan King Pacal Votan's tomb and pyramid in Chiapas, Palenque, Mexico. It is said that Palenque is the Center of Cosmos. Pacal Votan has been mine Spirit Guide and from him we can learn a lot.

Traveling is endlessly fascinating and México is a land blessed with fabulous places to visit.  Of these, Palenque, Chiapas, stands out as the entrance to the Maya World. For many travelers a visit there has been a life-changing experience.

I hope all the initiates in the world do some research and find out a little more about the teacher Pacal Votan and include him in their meditations and prayers. Pacal Votan is awaiting for this communication to start emitting his messages as a teacher and sacred person who came to the earth as an Avatar of all the times. Please analyze this sacred writing where we mention for the first time who Pacal Votan really was. This saint and mystic Mayan character who came to our world to teach the humankind the true cosmic education of the Maya Itza New Age.


Like the Sun, Pacal Votan came to this world to illuminate his Mayan people. He came from the dimension where the enlightened teachers are awaiting for the right moment to get reincarnated. It is there where the Universal Creator chooses the teacher who will come to fulfill the mission of guiding his people toward the cosmic light of wisdom so that once again the sacred human race can use that wisdom to complete its destiny of enlightenment.

The ancient Mayans worshipped the teacher Pacal Votan for his great wisdom because he was an enlightened one and he knew everything. According to Alberto Ruz Lhuillier's book, some inscriptions in the Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque say that Pacal Votan was an initiate who had the ability to do healing miracles. He could cure many illnesses just by raising his hands or through a look. Then we can say that he was able to perfectly handle the energy, which he could control and regulate with his body and mind.

The ancient Mayan priests of the old times claimed that the spirit of Pacal Votan came from the stars and that was why he brought the wisdom of the stars with him and knew the 13 OX LAHUN TI K'U. They also said that after arriving in our Mother Earth, he decided to work with the human beings forever teaching them all the current well-known sciences plus other unknown sciences that are even unknown to us these days. According to the Mayan priests, Pacal Votan knew the tunnels of time.

It is important to mention here that when the body of Pacal Votan was found in the Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico, he was holding a cubic geometric shape made of flint in his right hand, and another geometric shape, but in spherical form, also made of flint, in his left hand. For the initiates, both geometric shapes mean High Initiation, because even after finishing his physical life, the teacher Pacal Votan continued traveling in other dimensions bearing this wisdom.

It has been prophesied that some day the initiates and teachers from all over the world will come back again to the Mayan temple of the Inscriptions and the Gestation to learn with the teacher Pacal Votan. This pyramid was designed so that the humanity could come to acquire its knowledge forever because in its upper part there are 12 holes where the initiates are supposed to put their hands so that they begin to receive the information that the teacher Pacal Votans will transmit to them from the dimension in which he is observing us.

Among the Mayans, both the priests and the prophets, as well as the mathematicians and astronomers, had their set up days to climb the pyramid and consult with Pacal Votan, the Messenger of Time. In this way, any person or teacher who had a responsibility before the Mayan society, could receive spiritual orientation from Pacal Votan so that they could serve and lead their people to a good destiny. However, not only the local teachers could receive orientation from Pacal Votan, but also initiates and teachers from other places around the world; this is confirmed with the discovery of certain offerings found in this pyramid that have nothing to do with the Mayans and do not have, in fact, a Mayan origin.


Telektonon Prpphecy of Pacal Votan


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