I have visited England's Stonehenge and I touched the Heel Stone. It looks and feels likes it is meteorite. There are many theories how stones are transportted to Stonehenge. My theory is that Heel Stone is meteorite and I haven't heard this theory from anyone else. I have been googled about it and there are many sites which tells that in ancient times meteors has fall to England.
There are many Stonehenges around the world and one interesting is located in Russia and its called Arkaim, Russian Stonehenge. It is located in Ural and I haven't visited it but I have heard rumours that it has healing properties and lot of UFO sightings.
Psychic archaeology
Psychic archaeology is a loose collection of practices involving the application of paranormal phenomena to problems in archaeology. It is not considered part of mainstream archaeology, or taught in academic institutions. It is difficult to test scientifically, since archaeological sites are relatively abundant, and all of its verified predictions could have been made via educated guesses.[1][2]
Practitioners of psychic archaeology utilize a variety of methods of divination ranging from pseudoscientific methods such as dowsing and channeling.[3] Some psychic archaeologists engage in fieldwork while others, such as Edgar Cayce (who claims to have had access to ancient Akashic records), exclusively engage in remote viewing. Frederick Bligh Bond's research at Glastonbury Abbey is one of the first documented examples of psychic archaeology and remains a principal case in many discussions of psychic archaeology.[4]
Chichén Itzá
Augustus Le Plongeon, an eccentric explorer who concentrated on Maya sites in the northern Yucatan Peninsula, was an early practitioner of psychic archaeology. In 1877, Juan Péon Contreras, director of the Museo Yucateco in Mérida, noted that Le Plongeon's discoveries of sculpture at Chichén Itzá resulted from the application of "abstruse archaeological reasoning and... meditation.".[8] R. Tripp Evans refers to this as "psychic archaeology," noting that Le Plongeon's wife Alice Dixon Le Plongeon had an avid interest in mesmerism, séance, and the occult.[8] Helena Blavatsky, a co-founder of the Theosophical Society, regarded the work of the Le Plongeons as proving the validity of "metaphysical archaeology."
Psychic Archeology – Great Cosmic Memory
In contemporary society, the interest in mysticism and spirituality is paving the way for new and revolutionary interpretations of history, human evolution and ancient civilizations.
The existence in the human being of a spiritual principle and a vision of reality in its immaterial essence meets resistance especially in the archaeological field where the knowledge of the past is based on tangible evidence and for which the only reality that can truly exist is the material.
Starting from the above principle, we feel we can affirm that traditional archeology is limited, obsolete and often has not obtained the right answers on antiquity.
In psychic archeology the truth about the cultural origins of man is obtained through mediums who have the occult power to actually visit the past through visions and to communicate in various ways with the perispirits.
Attitudes and perceptions derive from a sensitive experience, which leads us to obtain objective information, which the receptor does not possess at a logical-rational level but which are reflected in reality.
The discoveries and conclusions made through psychological archaeological research are often rejected by the international scientific community.
These are sensations and perceptions that each of us can experience but that life “altered by materialism” has tried and charged to cancel.
Who hasn’t happened to meet a person or visit a place and immediately feel repulsion or empathy?
This is not just a matter of instinct. It is energy that every animal, plant, rock, object emanates and which is received by those who are in the same vibrational frequency.
If anyone needs an academic quote, they are satisfied:
Everything is energy and that’s all there is. Tune in to the frequency of the reality you desire and you can’t help but get that reality.
Albert Einstein
More about the subject from the books:
Psychic Archaeology. Time machine to the past by Jeffrey Goodman and
Visions of Time. Experients in Psychic Archeology by David E. Jones. Quest book published by The Theosphical Punblishing House.
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