TONGLEN - TIBETAN BUDDHIST PRACTICE Get to know this tonglen Tibetan Buddhist practice, what I do almost every day... What Buddhists Know About Science Tibetan Buddhists described advanced neurological concepts 2,000 years before science had the technology to discover them. By Daithí Ó hAnluain. I WAS AMAZED a couple of years ago when I discovered Thong Len. I had a burnt hand, and (when I used) that technique, it was like an anesthetic had been injected into my arm," said Jack Pettigrew, a renowned Australian physiologist, at a Science and the Mind conference that was attended by the Dalai Lama. Thong Len is a meditative technique developed by Tibetan Buddhists almost 800 years before the discovery of anesthesia. It's explained in that classic of Tibetan Buddhist thought, the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. It works by imagining someone else's pain, like a burn, and drawing it into oneself. As you take t...
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MUSLIMS AND ISLAM About ten years ago I was married with muslim. It all started when I was in nightclub Lucky Lady. There I met one man who told me that his name is Giovanni and he is italian. We continue from the club from my apartment and we both fell in love deeply. He told that he is rich and he have own house with the swimming pool in Italy. However, I don't care materialistic values and I am not materialistic. After a week when we started dating he asked me to marry him. I said yes, because I was so in love with him and we booked a time from registry office. I don't belong in any church so in Finland church weddings are not possible to me. When we were in registry office filling papers, in the papers there were a question about nationality and this "italian" man told for the first time that he is tunisian and he lied to me even his name. I was thinking immediately that this is trouble and problems and he has been lie to me in the first place. I didn't ha...
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KARMA From the book: Vedanta for the Western World edited by Christopher Isherwood. page 14 The individual can escape from Karma at any given moment, as soon as he realizes that he is the Atman. The Atman is not subject to reincarnation. It stands beyond Karma. It is only the individual ego which passes from life to life. Every individual will realize this, sooner or later. When samadhi has been attained, The Law of Karma ceases to operate. No new karmas can be created. The liberated saint may live on in his human body for a while, just as a wheel goes on revolving after its motive power has stopped. But he will never be reborn, either in this world, or in any other karmic sphere. He will remain in the Atman. As an individual, he will have ceased to exist. * “You do not become part of the karmic game. You have risen above this. And as you become peaceful, anger slowly drops from your consciousness as all anxiety and bitterness, and hate are transcended and you begin to feel...
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MYSTIKOITA KARKOTETTU SUOMESTA & UNIO MYSTICA Erikssonin veljekset Jaakko ja Eerik Eriksson. Jaakko (1689–1739), kornetti, ja Eerik Eriksson (1695–1761), kersantti, olivat veljeksiä ja uskonnollisen liikkeen johtajia. Erikssonin veljesten - ja heidän kahden sisarensa - tarina alkaa 1600-luvun lopulla ja jatkuu isovihan kautta vuonna 1733 tapahtuneeseen maastakarkotukseen, joka tapahtui harhaoppisuuden vuoksi. Tällaisesta syystä tapahtunut maastakarkotus on ainoa laatuaan Suomessa. Palattuaan takaisin Kälviälle isonvihan jälkeen veljekset alkoivat levittää pietististä oppia ja saivat varsin paljon kannattajia. Kirkon arvovallalle tämä oli uhka ja niinpä vuonna 1733 järjestetyssä oikeudenkäynnissä veljekset todettiin harhaoppisiksi. Koko sisarusparvi perheineen ja muutamine kannattajineen lähti maanpakoon etsimään uutta paikkaa seurakunnalleen. Kirkkohistoriallisesti Erikssonin veljesten mystillis-separatistinen liike ja heidän maanpakomatkansa on erittäin merkittävä, he ovat n...
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Tattarisuon ruumiinsilpunta, Pekka Ervast ja vapaamuurarit Seuraava aihe saattaa kiinnostaa monia sala- ja rajatieteitä tutkivaa. Aiheesta, eli Tattarisuon ruumiiden silpunnasta on tehty kaksi gradua ja netistä löytyy paljon muutakin aineistoa aiheesta. On jopa tunnustettu kuka oikeasti oli Tattarisuon mysteerion takana ja se selviää alla olevista linkeistä. Tutkinta-aineisto on valtavan laaja ja linkeissä on lainauksissa poimittu vain muutamia otteita, joten lukekaa linkit kokonaan läpi. Myös uusnatsit/satanistit ovat aktivoituneet ja kirjoitelleet aiheesta facebook sivullaan: Murha info comissa on asiasta kyselty ja sieltä löytyy myös vanhoja lehtileikkeitä. Artikkelissa sanotaan mm, että 30-luvulla löydettiin Malmin hautausmaalta 30 silvottua ruumista, muun ohessa kolme päätöntä vainajaa. Tattarisuon arvoitusta tutkimassa olleiden poliisien johdossa oli...