About ten years ago I was married with muslim. It all started when I was in nightclub Lucky Lady. There I met one man who told me that his name is Giovanni and he is italian. We continue from the club from my apartment and we both fell in love deeply. He told that he is rich and he have own house with the swimming pool in Italy. However, I don't care materialistic values and I am not materialistic. After a week when we started dating he asked me to marry him. I said yes, because I was so in love with him and we booked a time from registry office. I don't belong in any church so in Finland church weddings are not possible to me. When we were in registry office filling papers, in the papers there were a question about nationality and this "italian" man told for the first time that he is tunisian and he lied to me even his name. I was thinking immediately that this is trouble and problems and he has been lie to me in the first place. I didn't have the courage to walk away and we get married.
So it turned out that he is muslim. He didn't told me about it straight but one day we were at local train and some drunken womens sit in across us and asked from my husband that what pretty boy is your religion and nationality. He told them that he is muslim and thats how it all started to change. When I heard that he is muslim, and he didn't have told me about earlier, he started praying and doing muslim postures five times a day. He was deeply religious and was listening prayers all night long. Then he started visiting mosque in Finland and started to try to convert me in muslim religion. His friends from muslim mosque started visiting my apartment and they bring me muslim clothes like hijab and burka. Then one day when he was visiting gain mosque he came to home and he had with him mosque's Imam and another muslim who was speaking finnsih. ( Imam is an Islamic leadership position like a priest). They started to talk to me and they all, including my husband was saying that I should not look in these mens eyes. They said that I got to stare in the floor and speak and not to look to these man at all. This is a huge cultural difference, because in Finland and other western countries too people are always lookin straight to eyes when speaking. If someone doesn't take a eye contact it brings to mind about they behavior that he got some mental health problems or is insane. Old saying goes that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. I also met some other finnish womens who was converted to muslim and I speak with them about clothing and wearing hijab or burqa. They told to me that Finland is so racist country that is not possible in Finland to wear muslim clothes especially if finnish people notes that white woman is wearing those. They told to me that finnish people are spitting in they face and are violent and one woman was even hitted with a bottle in the head because of wearing muslim clothes. In muslim countries woman has no value or respect and in Finland this kind of behavior is called subordinate. These womans who were converted to muslim also told that they have been hearing that finnish womans are so strong and they will not accept subordinating and they are kicking in the ass when they muslim husband is doing praying and muslim postures.
My husband brought his friends from mosques almost everyday and with them we had deep conversations about other religions. One of his friends told that after deep thinking he is not beliving that Jesus was Son of God and that only Muhammed is Son of God. Then these muslims started to look my book case and told that all mine new age, tibetan buddhism, hindu and spirituality books got to be destroyed. I also had tibetan buddhist rosary and they said to me that its got to be destroyed. Muslims are also using rosarys and that is one thing in common between religions. They said that they will give me a new rosary what is muslim origin. These are extermist Jihadist and muslims workings, they are not respecting any other religions or spirituality.
In that time, about ten years ago, I was living in block of flats and my neighbor was old woman who has been took part in Finland's politics and her deceased and former husband was Congressman. in that house we have regular meetings in the club house where all residents can meet each other and having coffee and speaking small talk about all kinds of things and so on. This muslim man also attended discussions and when we was speaking about that mosque where he is visiting the muslim told that womens are not allowed to visit this mosque the old woman was upset and almost point of rage. She said that what place in Finland is still denied by womans and she said that she will go to mosque and speak. In Finland womens are respected and as earlier as 1906 in Finland 's womans has right to vote. These muslims continue to visit my apartment and it happened that my husbands friend was at same time in the on the floor of an apartment building and saw this old lady and we speak with her this and that. This old lady is 70 years ould and my husbands friend was 28 years old and after that conversation this young man was asking me that can I ask from old lady if she will married him. Later I told about this to her and she said she is flattered but all behind this is to have residence permit.
Well, when I married this muslim it also turned out that he haven't got any money anymore. I told that he should seek job and for that he needs residence permit. So we went to foreign police to ask a residence permit for him. He gave his passport to police and after that police arrested and busted him. He had international arrest warrant. He has been selling cocaine in Italy and for that reason he finally get two years in prison and two years entry ban to Finland and five years entry ban to Italy. After his sentence he was deported back to Tunisia. I got a divorce because it is clear that he would never get a residence permit to Finland after what he has been doing. Also police didn't believe that our marriage is genuine and wrote to papers that it is a fake marriage. In many countries fake marriages are illegal and some countries there are prison sentence coming because of fake marriage. Also cultural differencies are too big. Many muslims has said that they are not supporting my ex-husband and told that he is sick and just being using me and playing with my feelings. I was stupid that I fall in love with him so deeply and right away and didn't follow my wits.
I made a mistake and my family and relatives and friends told me immediately that I should not marry this guy in a first place. My romance with "italian" turned to be nightmare with muslim. It has been 10 years since all this happened and I have been forgetting it and continue my life. I don't hate that muslim man or other muslims, I just lost all respect toward him. I respect all religions and this episode of my life taught me about Quran and Islam which I wouldn't know anything without this experience.
But all this doesn't ended here when he get in prison, because Jehowah Witnesses started to stalk on me. In my block of flats there was still his last name in letterbox. One day my door bell was ringing and when I opened the door there was two womens who told that they are Jehovah's Witnesses and they are seeking man who got the same name as my ex-husband. I told them that he is in prison and they gave me their Watchtower magazine where was an article about how God's hand is going to remove some people across the planet like an Old Testament punishing God. After some two weeks when I came from shopping two black mans which were Jehovah's Witnesses was again waiting for me in my door. They told again that they are seeking the man who has this specific name. I asked that what on earth are Jehovah's Witnesses going to tell to muslim man about this particular mission. They told that they are going to tell him what Prophets are speaking. I intuitively knew that are maybe planning a terrorist attack to Finland. I told them that terrorist attack is not solution to anything and I will not let my ex-husband to do it. After that Jehovah's Witnesses was again in my door after one week and this time there was white woman and black woman with his black child and again they asked where is my husband. I told them not to come behind my door ever again. I didn't knew it before but after googling I found this site where is told that Jehovah's Witnesses are banned from many countries. Their religious activities are banned or restricted in some countries, including Singapore, China, Vietnam, Russia and many Muslim-majority countries.
There are 19 countries who has been banned Jehovah's Witnesses. I am not sure what these Jehovah's Witnesses was up to and I didn't knew that muslims last name was so well known like bin Laden.
As I told, we have deep conversations with muslims about different religions. I told them about India's Sai Baba who has been making many miracles and is teaching all religions fellowship and his message is to Love All, Serve All. Sai Baba has been told that he is triple incarnation. First he incarnated as Shirdi Sai Baba and then Satya Sai Baba and his last incarnation will be Prema Sai Baba. This Shirdi Sai Baba or Sai Baba of Shirdi (c. 1838? – 15 October 1918),also known as Shirdi Sai Baba, was an Indian spiritual master and fakir, considered to be a saint,revered by both Hindu and Muslim devotees during and after his lifetime.
According to accounts from his life, Sai Baba preached the importance of "realisation of the self" and criticised "love towards perishable things". His teachings concentrated on a moral code of love, forgiveness, helping others, charity, contentment, inner peace, and devotion to God and Guru.
Sai Baba condemned discrimination based on religion or caste. He had both Hindu and Muslim followers, but when pressed on his own religious affiliations, he refused to identify himself with one to the exclusion of the other. His teachings combined elements of Hinduism and Islam: he gave the Hindu name Dwarakamayi to the mosque in which he lived,practised both Hindu and Muslim rituals, and taught using words and figures that drew from both traditions. According to the Shri Sai Satcharita, a hagiography written shortly after his death, his Hindu devotees believed him to be an incarnation of the Hindu deity Dattatreya.
These muslims said that they wasn't heard about different religions earlier and that they don't understand at all nothing because they are muslims. I didn't ment to convert them any other religion but just only to love one another.
I told and asked from muslim what they are thinking about UFOs and I showed them some UFO youtube videos. They was open to UFOs immediately and wanted to hear more. They also was searching UFO videos in arabic language and they was excited about them.
I showed this video to them:
A new viral video shows a UFO hovering over Jerusalem, then suddenly shooting up into the sky. The Dome of the Rock (Arabic: قبة الصخرة, romanized: Qubbat aṣ-Ṣakhra) is an Islamic shrine at the center of the Al-Aqsa mosque, Mecca. It is the Holiest place for muslim and in the video there is UFO flying over it.
I am trying only to make a world Peace between muslims and in other religions. If you know muslims tell them about UFOs because they seems to be open for this kind of information. Also Quran is speaking about Jinns which are aliens. There are numerous references to jinn in the Qur'an and Hadith (sayings of Prophet Mohammed). According to Islamic writings, jinn live alongside other creatures but form a world other than that of mankind. Though they see us they cannot be seen. Quran also tells scientific facts:
9 Scientific Facts In The Quran
Two weeks ago I met one man who told me that he is Sufi muslim.
Sufism, mystical Islamic belief and practice in which Muslims seek to find the truth of divine love and knowledge through direct personal experience of God. It consists of a variety of mystical paths that are designed to ascertain the nature of humanity and of God and to facilitate the experience of the presence of divine love and wisdom in the world.
This Sufi man told me that he has been experiencing Enlightenment and Divine connection with God. We talk about two hours about different religions and he wasn't at all like those extrimist Jihadist what I know. He was respecting other religions too and was interested about UFOs and was respecting me that I have been visiting Stonehenge and Mexico's pyramids. We said to each other that it was really nice to spend time together and speak about all these things. I told him also that I have been experiencing Self-Realization like him and we talked about it how to make it permanent state and is it possible to live in Western world when Ego is dead.
Sufism is also mentioned in theosophy, because The Three Objects of the Theosophical Society are as follows :
To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or colour.
To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy, and science.
To investigate the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man.
Theosophical Sufism
Sufism, in its beginnings a practical method of spiritual education and self-realization, grew slowly into a theosophical system by adopting traditions of Neoplatonism, the Hellenistic world, gnosticism (an ancient esoteric religiophilosophical movement that viewed matter as evil and spirit as good), and spiritual currents from Iran and various countries in the ancient agricultural lands from the eastern Mediterranean to Iraq.
The substance of theosophic Sufism is as follows. According to the Hadith qudsī, or “holy tradition”—“I was a hidden treasure and wanted to be known”—the absolute, or God, yearned in his loneliness for manifestation and created the world by effusing being upon the heavenly archetypes, a “theophany (a physical manifestation of deity) through God’s imaginative power.” The universe is annihilated and created every moment. Every divine name is reflected in a named one. The world and God are said to be like ice and water, or like two mirrors contemplating themselves in each other, joined by a sympathetic union.
So, lets just all muslims, Jehowah Witnessis, christians, catholics, orthodox, new agers, occultist, buddhist and any other religion and people just love each other. That is my simple wish for this planet and all humans and extraterrestrials. With Love <3
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