According to Blavatsky Earth is not Sacred Planet yet. Lightworkers job mission includes to make this Earth a Sacred Planet.
Your Soul decided to come to EARTH again, it was your home thousands of years ago, but your soul evolved and you have already lived on other planets in other worlds where love was universal, where everything was Perfect, now you return to this planet to help your human brothers to evolve. You have lived in perfect worlds so you feel that you do not fit in this world, but remember that you are a seed for others.
2. You feel out of place - no one understands your cosmic MIND.
3. You love to be ALONE, in solitude, in peace, in nature. You avoid crowded places.
4. You like to be alone, to listen to your inner voice, to feel your peace, your love and nurture your mind. You like everything related to the awakening of consciousness, the spiritual plane of the Angels, the beings of light, the ascended masters, archangels and all that is light and colors of the Universe, magic, alchemy.
5. You like to look at the SKY, the clouds, the sun, the sunrise, the sunset, contemplate the stars, be with everything to discover of your being, the fascinating to discover.
6. Night dreams often reveal other lives, other dimensions or nocturnal visits with other brothers and sisters who share your same vibration and your same mission.
They are your cosmic friends, sometime you will be allowed to remember your LIGHT activities.
7. You always feel that your life had a greater PURPOSE, but you weren't sure what it was.
8. You have endless COMPASSION for all life forms and animals.
9. You have a highly INTUITIVE sense of mind and can sense the energy and emotions of other people, animals, places and objects.
10. Your life is full of SYNCHRONY and you often see 11:11 or other numbers repeating, you often experience DéJà Vu.
11. You are fascinated by flowers, nature and alternative types of HEALING. You stopped eating meat without having set out to do so. Naturally.
12. You constantly seek SPIRITUAL knowledge and are obsessed with bringing your body and mind to a higher state of CONSCIOUSNESS.
13. You feel that a great EVENT is coming in the near future that will change everything we know about life and humanity.
Right now I embrace you with my soul and I say thank you 🙏🏼 for waking up to your mission and sharing with us who come and live from the memory of a Perfect world.
The Healing Force of Ahimsa
Ahimsa is an ancient philosophy. Sometimes described as ‘non-violence towards all life’, it is in fact a deeply felt way of being, in which we are able to experience the living energy of other life forms.
It comes to us from a different time, a time when we had a deep connection with nature. Of course there are still many among us who feel that connection and ancient cultures that still teach reverence for all life.
How does someone awaken to the experience of ahimsa? Listening to the people who experience the consciousness of ahimsa definitely helps those who yearn for this connection but can’t yet feel it. But the big question is how can we help those who are so profoundly disconnected from the energies of nature that they are not even aware of their loss?
The most powerful way to help starts with feeling the suffering of such people. This first step can be the most difficult. Why? Because, even though we may realize that disconnection from nature is emotionally and psychologically very painful to bear, the damage that people in this state can do to the natural world can be very upsetting- especially for those whose sensitivities towards nature are awakened.
And here is the conundrum: in order to help the consciousness of ahimsa become widely felt, we must be willing to feel deep compassion for those who exploit nature, who are cut off from it. When we combine a deeply felt compassion for such folk with the ability to send loving energy to them in meditation, our desire to reach out in a state of love will gently awaken their sensitivities.
And this completes the circle of ahimsa: being willing to self-generate love to compensate for those who have lost theirs. Being willing to create feelings of profound care for those who are destroying the natural world the most. Ahimsa is the gentlest of words, the very sound of it like a sigh or a breeze moving through woodland. But it is powerful medicine. It can jolt us out of animosity and return us to love. If we are willing to listen, it is the healing force the world is calling us to make.
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