Since I reached my Self-Realization I found out and feel, that I can go to Samadhi at will at any time I want. Blavatsky explain this by these words:




Q. We are taught that a man can unite all his “principles” into one—what does this mean?

A. When an adept succeeds in doing this he is a Jivanmukta: he is no more of this earth virtually, and becomes a Nirvanee, who can go into Samadhi at will. Adepts are generally classed by the number of “principles” they have under their perfect control, for that which we call will has its seat in the higher Ego, and the latter, when it is rid of its sin-laden personality, is divine and pure.


When i go to Samadhi I can spend hours and days in this bliss full state. Then I also send these feelings for people around me to make them feel better and hoping they can reach this state too.

I have been reading a lot and many books about how many spiritual teachers has done the same as me, that they are trying to show for other peoples how they can become Self-realized. Many Gurus have sex scandals what have been ruined their reputation. When I am in that bliss full state, I am not in body consciousness at all and sex doesn't even come to mind. I think that maybe these kinds of Gurus has reached some kind of spiritual awakening but they are still identified with they body.


I read a lot of books and I watch videos about Enlightenment and then I write about it in this blog for that reason that readers  can reach that state. I have been watching lot of videos about Tibetan Buddhism and those videos are Enlightening but in these videos there are also images about what China has been doing to tibetans. I am shocked after watching tibetan situation because I am an Empath. No matter how much I spend time in Samadhi, these videos are really shocking.


IN the Tibetan book of Dead there are told about Death experiences how one should go only into to Light and these states are called Bardos. People who has been experienced Near death Experiences tells that same like Tibetan book of dead that there are visions of all kinds suffering souls, but there is no need to watch this souls, because awareness drops into these lower vibrations. In the New Age teachings people are always warning about bad company how the vibes are going lower and how to protect ones energies. Many spiritual teachers who has reached Enlightenment also see and has been told that this world is nothing but illusion and waking state is dream too. I have reached that state.


About the emotional abuse I want to tell this little experience of mind... I was 15 years old when I met my man called Ari. He was violent against me after some few months since we met but there was happy moments too. His personality changed when he was taking alcohol. I stayed in this relationship 30 years and he knows me even better than I know myself. I have always been joyous, loving and that kind of person who loves to party. Ari told me that when he was trying to send bad vibes for me, and I went to his state, he said that lets see that I am going to stay in this sad states just five minutes and then you are laughing and smiling again. I think that I don't emotional body and I am born this way. No matter how bad the situation I forgive quickly and move on. No need to stay in sad and bad feelings. One physic seer told me that I am telepathic and it started in Lemuria. I have always know that and this feeling touched also Ari. For example,I was thinking that I want some cherry trees to our yard and in the next moment Ari asked to me, that do you want cherry trees. And so, we planted cherry trees.

Ari died about seven years ago. He accidentally left cigarette burning in floor and whole house was destroyed by fire. That was big loss to me, but when he was dead I told to Spirit World that I forgive all what he has been doing all these 30 years together. Spirit World answered to me that how can you forgive all what he has been done to me, and I said that I don't want any karma, and all is healed. Then i saw in my dream, that Ari has gotten Angel Wings. No matter how bad situation one can always ask forgiveness in this dream state world.


Most of my waking times I am in good vibrations and feelings. I hope I can transmit this feeling for you too. 


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