Few videos about Self-Realization and Samadhi

Awakening Mind Part 1, "Know Thyself" (2023) - Complete HD Film


Awakening is the next stage in human evolution. The Awakening Mind Film Series travels the globe speaking to wisdom teachers, visionaries, and scientists from broad and diverse disciplines, philosophies, and traditions who are pointing with uncanny similarity and intelligence to this time as an epic juncture and an invitation to a higher evolution for humanity.

Awakening Mind explores the questions "who am I?",  "what is awakening?", "why awaken?", "what is consciousness?",  "how do I awaken?", "what is the purpose and meaning of life?", and "how am I to navigate this world experience to the best of my ability for the benefit of all?"  In this time where the world feels out of control and filled with so much suffering and sadness, these questions are particularly relevant, and the answers are a lot simpler than one might imagine.

Our visionaries will help our audience see that life is not as complicated as they may believe, and it is possible to awaken to the understanding that peace and happiness is available to anyone anywhere in the world right now.

The Awakening Mind Film Series will be released for free for the benefit of humanity and the awakening of human consciousness (in as many languages as possible).

Speakers in Part 1, “Know Thyself” include: Rupert Spira, Donald Hoffman, Neale Donald Walsch, Loch Kelly, Lisa Natoli, and Daniel Schmidt.


All Is Self (Documentary)


Documentary description:

The chaos we see in society is a reflection of the chaos within the minds of human beings. If we wish to heal society, we need to heal ourselves. Our society, and consequently us as individuals, operates on a worldview based in separation, in seeing and feeling ourselves to be separate from nature. This allow us to cause so much destruction to the earth without feeling that we are destroying ourselves. This is what allows us to act with hatred and cause harm to others because we do not see our oneness with them. This is what makes so many of us feel miserable because we feel we are isolated and separate from the whole, and therefore, must live in fear of life.

While, many of us may feel that we are somehow separate from the rest of existence, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Separation is an illusion. In reality, we are far more connected than we could possibly imagine. This film explores the topic of our unity and shows how spiritual traditions around the world have understood this for millennia, and how modern science is beginning to understand it now.

Featured in the film are (in order of appearance):

Chase Iron Eyes – Lakota Water Protector

Amit Goswami – Theoretical Physicist

Tim Freke – Philosopher

Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. – Teacher from the Toltec Tradition

Walter Kankin – Mayan Spiritual Guide

Maestro Juan Gabriel – Q’ero Wisdomkeeper

Caroline Putnam – Founder of Reviveolution

Swami Santatmananda Saraswati – Teacher of Advaita Vedanta

Amoda Maa – Spiritual Teacher

Master Gu – Taoist Tai Chi Master

Joseph P. Kauffman – Creator of “All Is Self,” and Conscious Collective

This film aims to point out the fundamental truth of our oneness by exploring this subject from the perspectives of many different world traditions – each of which state that there is a greater intelligence—a universal consciousness—of which our individual consciousness is but an expression. If we can awaken to this source of consciousness within us, then we can see it within all beings, and we will realize that all beings are our family, all is one, all is self.

May you realize the the truth of our oneness.

May this truth awaken the love within your heart.

May you experience happiness and freedom here and now.


Samadhi Movie, 2017 - Part 1 - "Maya, the Illusion of the Self"



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