I can see my chakras while meditating and they look exactly like some of the drawings from chakras. About the year ago I saw in my heart chakra a threefold flame and been meditating with it since then. Get to know about it...


Our threefold flame is sealed in the eight-petaled chakra called the secret chamber of the heart. It is a spark of sacred fire from God’s own heart. It is our potential to become the fullness of our Real Self.

The threefold flame has three “plumes” that embody the three primary attributes of God. The blue plume (on our left) embodies God’s power.The yellow plume (in the center) embodies God’s wisdom, and the pink plume (on our right) embodies God’s love. By accessing the power, wisdom, and love of the Godhead anchored in our threefold flame, we can fulfill our reason for being. 

Jesus spoke of entering the secret chamber of the heart when he said: “When thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” Going into your closet to pray is going into another dimension of consciousness. It’s entering into the heart and closing the door on the outside world.

In a discourse on the threefold flame and the secret chamber of the heart, the ascended master Saint Germain says:

Your heart is indeed one of the choicest gifts of God. Within it there is a central chamber surrounded by such light and protection that we call it a “cosmic interval.” It is a chamber separated from matter, and no probing could ever discover it. It occupies simultaneously not only the third and fourth dimensions but also other dimensions unknown to man. It is thus the connecting point of the mighty silver cord of light that descends from your God Presence to sustain the beating of your physical heart, giving you life, purpose and cosmic integration.

In the secret chamber of the heart is the guru, the Christ Self, who receives the soul of the initiate.


The threefold flame, or divine spark, is the seed of the divine within our heart chakra. It is the seed of the Inner Christ and the Inner Buddha.

The threefold flame embodies the same qualities of love, wisdom, and power that manifest in the heart of the Almighty, in the heart of your I AM Presence, and in the heart of your Higher Self. This divine spark is your passport to immortality.


In Your Heart Is a Threefold Flame


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