Awaken to your Multidimensional Soul.
It is kind of hard to describe in words what Multidimensionality means - you got to experience it - but here is few words collected from different sources trying to explain it. Hoping that maybe someone awakens to this reality.
So the topic of multidimensionality or the the word “multidimensionality” is a little bit of a fuzzy one to the person who is not fully familiar with the term. It is almost like the term the universe -what does the universe even mean?
So we will attempt to explain it with a little bit more precision.
A human being in your focused frequency, in your now, is doing many things at one moment.
To be multidimensional is to have your reality focused in multiple dimensions at one time.
The truth is, you are, in fact, a multidimensional being, existing on many planes of existence simultaneously.
You identify yourself as a particular person in a particular body with a particular history, but we would say to you that as an expanded multidimensional being, you also exist as all the alternate timelines and this is what we mean when we say all of those alternate versions of you – from your birth date – are part of your energetic extension in the same way that your cells in your body have intelligence and they have a unique purpose. Every single cell, they are your energetic extension and so is every alternate timeline of you, every other version of you.
There are those versions of you that were born on different days or to different parents, born in different countries, or different nationalities. That’s when one truly understands what everyone might be calling a past life, but we are simply calling alternate lifetimes.
You cannot see, smell, taste, touch or feel them, and yet you can just as easily learn (as if you were a child learning to process your sensory data and construct a physical reality from your experience)…you just as easily can construct an expanded reality that includes non-physical and physical, and connect threads to all of these lifetimes and learn how to access and be in these alternate bodies and be in this alternate version of yourself and understand what another alternate version is feeling. You can understand what happened to you when your parents stayed together instead of divorcing, understand what happened to you when you took that job or didn’t take that job.
So what we are saying to you is that being multidimensional is simply accessing your energetic extension, and truly your energetic extension is infinite. For as an omniscient being, you are all things and Source experiencing itself – whether that is a physical manifestation, non-physical: the thought form, idea form, or a dream form – it all exists right now.
Just as a baby is learning to be in a physical body and construct a reality as you all have understood it, you are learning to experience your omniscience.
We will be guiding you through, in a sense, on how to walk in the Age of Omniscience. We are holding your hands and we are there to catch you when you fall, and we would say to you, that you are ready to experience this and take those first steps, or more appropriately, take that leap into something that you know energetically, that you have been living; you are simply extending your focused frequency into that which may seem unfamiliar to you, but that you are already knowing in an expanded sense.
What does reaching 5D in the flame journey feel like?
Because you are pure Consciousness/God, you have always had access to all dimensions. Because in this realm, most of us have identified with being human, we have conditioned ourselves to certain ideas around this idea.
We often cannot see out of those ideas until we look deeply at them and question their validity. We have become imprisoned within our identifications. We have lost sight of the fact that we are God having a limited experience for the sake of experience itself. We have lost sight of this because we identify with being a persona trapped in a body with a mind. The mind traps itself within belief systems of its making. But this is not all we are. We are so far beyond the mind. We are neither the body nor the mind. But to have the experience of duality, the body and mind must appear.
You are multidimensional because you are not a being at all. You are limitless awareness that traps itself within certain identifications and lives through them. The idea of being a limited being, being one of those ideas. Move out of the identifications, and then you can easily see how you can move through all dimensions through your focus and intent. You were never trapped within any dimension. It is only the mind that traps itself in anything at all. See beyond all aspects of the mind, and you are free. When you reach this space you find it is unlimited and permanent. It is the ground of being. It is Home. Everything else is just transient mindplay.
What does a 5th dimension look and feel like in relation to spirituality, energy, and ascending to a higher level of consciousness?
Dimensions are confusing terms as there are spatial dimensions and these spiritual ones. I prefer to think of dimensions like mindsets and outlooks of life instead or “densities”. The 5D consciousness is one of that of understanding. It is one that happens when you first achieve “enlightenment”. The more knowledge you have, the more you are accepting of your place and confident of your future. It feels calm and you have inner peace. Life is not as hectic anymore with all these “what ifs” and “mysteries” and detachment from all things. Here, it is one of connection, high intuition, trust in the Divine, and desire to evolve. Physically, it feels overall lighter and less dense compared to the 3D body. People are generally nicer and manifestations are much more quicker here. Psychic abilities such as telepathy are the norm here ( exactly like talking with “mind lips”). Mind reading takes a little bit more practice but you get used to it. You are also much more empathetic with everyone due to the high feeling of Oneness. There is also greater sensing abilities such as feeling vibrations “drop” in certain areas or around certain people and heighten in other areas (more positivity). This keeps you out of trouble reserved for the lower vibrations. There are also levels to the 5D as in all (lower, mid, and high) and those steps come with time. There are many avenues to get to it but once you get here, you realize how sad and “urrgghh” the lower densities appear and wish to help those souls evolve forwards as well.
What is a multidimensional being?
Multidimensional beings have other incarnations, other lives, in different dimensions, at the same time. The simultaneous lives are considered different aspects of a soul.
A human being is a physical expression (self) of a soul, but the soul has multiple expressions throughout time and space at the same time. In other words, the soul has different lifetimes that we may perceive as being in the past, future, or in our current timeline.
Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience
You have a divine spark of your soul within, and when a human dies (transitions), the spark of life returns to the soul.
You are a spiritual being having a physical or human experience. At the soul level, you are not physical; one could even suggest that physicality is an illusion.
Your soul (not you) has multiple experiences simultaneously in other realms or dimensions. Some of these experiences are in the physical, and others are in the ethereal realms.
Your soul may even have different experiences on Earth at the same time. Some refer to this as split incarnations, parallel incarnations, or soul splits, which is unlike a twin soul. In the latter case, the masculine and feminine division creates two souls with their own unique experiences.
What does all this mean? It is possible, yet not probable, to meet another expression of your soul. Perhaps this knowledge sheds some light on the Golden Rule: treat others the way you like to be treated (because you never know when you’ll meet your “self”).
We are multidimensional beings experiencing simultaneous dimensions of experience, constantly exchanging information and energy across these dimensions.
The experience of being a multidimensional being goes beyond the comprehension of the physical mind, reaching higher levels of consciousness that are nearly incomprehensible.
You are a greater being than you have imagined, and by creating a balanced relationship with your higher mind and physical mind, you can experience more of the layers and levels of your multidimensional self.
What is the concept of being a multidimensional being?
The concept of being a multidimensional being refers to the idea that we exist in multiple dimensions simultaneously, and our consciousness can explore and experience these different dimensions.
How can we expand our reality?
We can expand our reality by connecting with our higher mind, collapsing to neutrality, and raising our frequency. This allows us to tap into higher levels of consciousness and access new dimensions of reality.
Multidimensional consciousness liberates you from the peculiar bind we tend to find ourselves mentally. Examining yourself 4th dimensionally allows you to re-calibrate the events of your past.
Negative memories can be rewritten with a positively charged subjective view, altering the emotion attached and unblocking your general consciousness, allowing for greater clarity across your entire lifeline. I don’t know about other people, but when I started to observe my entire timeline as a kind of mediator, I recognised happenings from my earlier life that seemed inspired and insightful. I think of the whole lifeline as existing at once, I don’t sweat the chicken/egg conundrum. I accept myself as an entity existing all at once throughout my life, and the combination of “seeing” myself like this in my minds eye and my previous and ongoing synchronistic events reinforce this view.
Multidimensional means to exist in many different places all at once and being able to shift your consciousness and switch realities. To be able to flip from one station to another. Being able to move the dial of your consciousness.
The spiritual self is the part of ourselves that is multidimensional - through which we exist in many forms simultaneously. It is our assignment, agreement, and task to be aware of all these realities in the identity that we are. When we are aware, we can tune into different frequencies. We are connected to our multidimensional selves through our feelings. Feeling is emotion and emotion is the key to getting off this planet; it is the key to figuring out the multidimensional self. Feelings are the ticket to ride into multidimensional realities.
All of existence is a vast web of energy, and there are seemingly endless and dazzling directions, connections, events, and entertaining diversions to explore. All things are interlocked – nothing is separate, and everything is connected to everything else. What we do here affect the whole globe. All of existence is filled with energy that is responsive, alive, intelligent, vibrant, flexible, and telepathic; and given that we are a part of existence, we are imbued with the same qualities.
Within the field of existence, everything has a distinct vibration and frequency of energy, which serves as a form of identification and proclamation of uniqueness. Frequencies are vibrations of energy that are determined by their rate of reoccurrence. Individually and collectively we produce an irrational frequency that locates us in a specific version of reality. This non-physical energy signature defines our personal nature from moment to moment and outlines the parameter of our Earth-based experience. Some frequencies travel through the many layers of existence, traversing what we think of as time and space. The ability to sense and feel and transmit energy is a natural function of the human form. Our greater world reality is founded upon a series of mass agreements, and our personal life is an intimate journey of self-discovery within this massive framework of reality, where we live out our chosen beliefs. How we grasp and interpret the vast array of sensations and stimuli within this multilayered environment determines the degree of self-realization we develop.
Because you are pure Consciousness/God, you have always had access to all dimensions. Because in this realm, most of us have identified with being human, we have conditioned ourselves to certain ideas around this idea.
We often cannot see out of those ideas until we look deeply at them and question their validity. We have become imprisoned within our identifications. We have lost sight of the fact that we are God having a limited experience for the sake of experience itself. We have lost sight of this because we identify with being a persona trapped in a body with a mind. The mind traps itself within belief systems of its making. But this is not all we are. We are so far beyond the mind. We are neither the body nor the mind. But to have the experience of duality, the body and mind must appear.
You are multidimensional because you are not a being at all. You are limitless awareness that traps itself within certain identifications and lives through them. The idea of being a limited being, being one of those ideas. Move out of the identifications, and then you can easily see how you can move through all dimensions through your focus and intent. You were never trapped within any dimension. It is only the mind that traps itself in anything at all. See beyond all aspects of the mind, and you are free. When you reach this space you find it is unlimited and permanent. It is the ground of being. It is Home. Everything else is just transient mindplay.
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