Is Theosophy Hinduism, Buddhism, or Something Else?
Q. There seem to be strong traces of both Hindu and Buddhist philosophy in the teachings of Madame Blavatsky and the Mahatmas. I know that both she and the Masters of the Trans-Himalayan Brotherhood described themselves as Buddhists but what actually is the Theosophical teaching? Is it a form of Buddhism or a form or Hinduism or a blend of the two or what?
A. Speaking on the superficial level it would be reasonably correct to describe the teachings of Theosophy as the perfect blend of Hinduism and Buddhism. Gandhi met H. P. Blavatsky in London and later said that it was her book “The Key to Theosophy” which helped him to realise the greatness of his own Hindu religion and which saved him from being converted by the Christian missionaries in India. It is also a little known fact that his first introduction to the Bhagavad Gita, which became his most beloved scripture, was through HPB’s associates and colleagues in London. He wrote that “Theosophy is Hinduism at its best.” On the other hand, the famous Buddhist scholar D. T. Suzuki described the teachings of HPB as “the real Mahayana Buddhism.” So which is it?
t is certainly true that none of the hundreds or thousands of popular books about Buddhism and Hinduism which flood the market today contain anywhere near the deep perfection and explanation of the living philosophies of those religions as is found in Theosophy. Of course, we’re referring to the original and genuine Theosophy and not the westernised Christianised pseudo-Theosophy which came about in some quarters following HPB’s death.
Theosophy distinctly states that Hinduism and Buddhism are the two “truest” religions in the world, yet the motto of the Theosophical Movement is “There is no religion higher than Truth.” Truth transcends all religions and cannot be contained or put in a box. The word “Theosophy” comes from “Theos-sophia,” literally meaning “Divine Wisdom.” It is asserted that there is a primeval, archaic philosophy or doctrine or body of Knowledge – for want of a better word – which is not just a truth but which is the Truth itself. All the different religions have contained and presented some portion of the Truth, some to a greater extent or degree than others.
Theosophy maintains that TRUTH exists and it uses aspects of Hindu and Buddhist philosophy to help it present some of this Truth to the world, since in many aspects those teachings express Truth perfectly as well as exquisitely. It is not only Hindu and Buddhist philosophies and scriptures which Theosophy makes use of, however. After them, Jewish Kabbalah is the most frequently utilised source.
“The Secret Doctrine” says that “the Esoteric philosophy is alone calculated to withstand, in this age of crass and illogical materialism, the repeated attacks on all and everything man holds most dear and sacred, in his inner spiritual life. The true philosopher, the student of the Esoteric Wisdom, entirely loses sight of personalities, dogmatic beliefs and special religions. Moreover, Esoteric philosophy reconciles all religions, strips every one of its outward, human garments, and shows the root of each to be identical with that of every other great religion. It proves the necessity of an absolute Divine Principle in nature. It denies Deity no more than it does the Sun. Esoteric philosophy has never rejected God in Nature, nor Deity as the absolute and abstract Ens. It only refuses to accept any of the gods of the so-called monotheistic religions, gods created by man in his own image and likeness, a blasphemous and sorry caricature of the Ever Unknowable.” (Vol. 1, Introductory, p. xx)
The teachings of Theosophy go further than the known teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism though and alongside such fundamentals as Karma, Reincarnation, and the Oneness of All Life, they also present certain esoteric spiritual teachings which had never been given out to the public before, such as those about the origin, nature, and future of Earth and humanity (including planetary chains, globes, rounds, root races etc.), Atlantis and Lemuria, the true details of the afterlife state and what happens between death and rebirth, the sevenfold nature of man, the true nature and system of evolution, and the birth, origins, and structure of the Universe.
So Theosophy is said to not only be the perfect synthesis of religion, philosophy, and science and the esoteric teaching which underlies all the world’s religions but it is further said to be the SOURCE of all the Truth in all the religions, philosophies, and sciences of the world. So we have Theosophy as the Theosophia – the Ageless Divine Wisdom and Timeless Truth – and then we have Theosophy in the sense of the particular teachings that were permitted by the Masters of the Wisdom (the guardians of Truth) to be given to the world through the modern Theosophical Movement. If you can understand the meaning, Theosophy is a presented portion of THEOSOPHY. Although it has not been widely recognised or properly appreciated as such, the making available to the public of previously secret and carefully guarded aspects of the Esoteric Teaching – by the Masters and through Their direct agent Helena Blavatsky – was a unique and monumental world event.
Sama suomeksi, mitä teosofia on. Pekka Ervastin opetukset ja kirjat eivät ole teosofiaa vaan länsimaista kristinusko pseudo-teosofiaa.
Onko teosofia hindulaisuutta, buddhalaisuutta vai jotain muuta?
Q: Madame Blavatskyn ja Mahatmien opetuksissa näyttää olevan vahvoja jälkiä sekä hindu- että buddhalaisesta filosofiasta. Tiedän, että sekä hän että Trans-Himalajan veljeskunnan mestarit kuvailivat itseään buddhalaisiksi, mutta mitä teosofinen opetus oikeastaan on? Onko se buddhalaisuuden muoto vai hindulaisuus vai näiden kahden yhdistelmä vai mitä?
A: Pinnallisella tasolla olisi kohtuullisen oikein kuvata teosofian opetuksia täydelliseksi sekoitukseksi hindulaisuutta ja buddhalaisuutta.
On varmasti totta, että yksikään sadoista tai tuhansista buddhalaisuutta ja hindulaisuutta koskevista suosituista kirjoista, jotka nykyään tulvii markkinoille, ei sisällä lähellekään teosofiasta löytyvää syvää täydellisyyttä ja selitystä näiden uskontojen elävälle filosofialle. Tietenkin tarkoitamme alkuperäistä ja aitoa teosofiaa emmekä länsimaista kristinuskoa pseudo-teosofiaa, joka syntyi joillakin tahoilla HPB:n kuoleman jälkeen.
Teosofia sanoo selvästi, että hindulaisuus ja buddhalaisuus ovat kaksi "todeinta" uskontoa maailmassa, mutta teosofisen liikkeen motto on "Ei ole olemassa totuutta korkeampaa uskontoa". Totuus ylittää kaikki uskonnot, eikä sitä voida sulkea tai laittaa laatikkoon. Sana "teosofia" tulee sanasta "Theos-sophia", joka tarkoittaa kirjaimellisesti "jumalallista viisautta". Väitetään, että on olemassa alkukantainen, arkaainen filosofia tai oppi tai Tiedon kokonaisuus - paremman sanan puutteessa - joka ei ole vain totuus, vaan joka on itse Totuus. Kaikki eri uskonnot ovat sisältäneet ja esittäneet osan Totuudesta, jotkut enemmän tai enemmän kuin toiset.
Teosofian ei siis sanota olevan vain täydellinen synteesi uskonnosta, filosofiasta ja tieteestä ja esoteerisesta opetuksesta, joka on kaikkien maailman uskontojen taustalla, vaan sen sanotaan olevan myös kaiken totuuden LÄHDE kaikissa uskonnoissa, filosofioissa ja tieteissä. maailmasta.
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