Researches aren't going to tell you this! Watch the following video and see for yourself. * CERN to test world's most powerful particle accelerator during April's solar eclipse to search for 'invisible' matter that secretly powers our universe Large Hadron Collider will smash atoms together on April 8 The experiment hopes to discover subatomic particles that exist inside atoms The world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator is set smash protons together on April 8 to search for invisible particles secretly powering our universe. Theories have suggested there are 17 different particle groups and the European Organization for Nuclear Research, better known as CERN, confirmed the existence of one using its Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2012. Now, the team has re...
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on maaliskuu, 2024.
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Why Do UFO Sightings Keep Happening Near Nuclear Sites? There is again another UFO sighting near nuclear power plant and this time in India. Zig-zagging UFO spotted hovering above a nuclear power plant Footage has emerged showing a suspected UFO ‘zig-zagging’ above a nuclear power plant. The mysterious bright lights were spotted hovering repeatedly above the largest nuclear station in India, sparking concerns over its safety. Indian police investigator Syed Abdul Kader filmed a bright speck of light making darting movements in the night sky above the plant. * From the Fukushima Daichi nuclear plant after a disaster to a U.S. missile base, UFOs have a concerning affinity for nuclear-based sites. The Enmyoin Temple in the Fukushima prefecture of Japan is now known colloquially by a different name, said...
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Science article about sixth sense... Humans Have a 'Sixth Sense', And It's Actually Vital to Our Health Most people are familiar with the five senses (touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste), but not everyone knows that we have an additional sense called interoception. This is the sense of our body's internal state. It helps us feel and interpret internal signals that regulate vital functions in our body, like hunger, thirst, body temperature, and heart rate. Although we don't take much notice of it, it's an extremely important sense as it ensures that every system in the body is working optimally. Despite how important interoception is to all aspects of our health, little is known about whether men and women differ in how accurately they sense their body's internal signals. Mental health Our findings may be important for helping us understand why many common mental...
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Why ETs Don't Come Down and Make Themselves Known Physically In the very beginning of the contacts from ETs at the Sattva Sanctuary in Trout Lake, Washington, landings did occur along with face to face contact. This ended several years ago due to the aggressive and negative behavior of certain groups here on Earth. So many ask the questions concerning the ETs, "Why don't they land, come down and make themselves known physically?" Throughout history governments and religious organizations have treated all enlightened human beings and messengers of peace with great adversity. They were ridiculed, isolated, driven out of society, and sometimes crucified and murdered. There is really not much difference in today's society. Those who have made contact with spiritually and technologically advanced off world visitors are experiencing much of the same difficulties. We can speak with authority in this matter due to first hand experience. The spiritually and technological...
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Truth. ✨ Divine Orchestration... Humanity’s Rebirth… Heaven on Earth prevails (pre veil). 💫 Know Thyself… You are Divine Light realized as Divine Love. ✨ Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe. 💫 Love is the shift… You are the shift… Rise and Shine Bright! ✨ Go within… Connect within your heart… Know Thy Divine, Empowered, Eternal, Immortal, Sovereign, High Vibrational, Magical, God Self. 💫 Choose to… Release the illusion of separation and division… You are whole, complete and fully connected within and as One with the Divine… You are the I Am Source Consciousness realized (real eyes)… An extension of Source energy… A unique, infinite multi-dimensional, multi-faceted, Spiritual Being of the most High. ✨ Relax… Quiet your mind… Open your heart and listen to your Soul calling You to Choose to Be happy and to follow your passions, your joy, your dreams and your hearts desires. Allow Love to guide You… To Be authentic… To Be real and open with who You uniquely, beautiful...
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Spiritual meaning of hair in different cultures. Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns shaves their hairs while Native Americans never shaves. It is said that the crystal skulls are living depositories of knowledge. They have their own consciousness and were constructed using psychic forces. The original skulls were not shaped using tools and hard labour, but were molded into shape by the minds of the 'Holy Ones.' Men later made other skulls using human hair to polish their surfaces over many years. The Indians believe that hair contains information, that the history of a person is contained within their hair. Polishing the skull with hair passes the information on to the skull so that it contains the combined knowledge of those that polished it. * THE SIGNIFICANCE OF HAIR IN NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURE There are many teachings and practices in our tribal cultures that are significant to who we ar...
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Working with Ascended Masters collected from different sources. Working directly with the ascended masters is a life-changing experience. The actual experience is far deeper than a reading of the esoteric books might suggest. It is no different than following any profoundly enlightened teacher, or genuine mystical teaching that focuses on direct personal experience. This is not just an intellectual path, with some interesting reading material. Nor is it just a ‘new age’ invention. It is the real path, with all the challenges of the real path. Some ‘ascension’ teachers share an introductory version of the teachings, while others will lead you truly into the fire of awake consciousness. Find out what happens when the doors of perception open and everything you need comes flooding through. This can be you. For years my greatest teachers have been the ascended masters. As I have opened more and more to become a channel of the light, these humble beings of light who have ma...
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Getting off the Wheel: A Conceptual History of the New Age Concept of Enlightenment Although many new agers believe that enlightenment is the end goal of spiritual development, the importance of this concept has largely been overlooked by scholars until now. This article contextualizes the concept of enlightenment historically. After a detailed description of what the new age concept of enlightenment entails, it traces the origin of the concept to the late 19th-century “Oriental reaction” to Theosophy, when “missionaries from the East” like Vivekananda and Suzuki drew on transcendentalism, Theosophy, and recent innovations in psychology to articulate a paradigmatic expression of Asian soteriology. It highlights the importance of models of enlightenment in the transmission of Asian ideas and follows the trajectory that starts with Vivekananda and Suzuki to figures and currents like Aldous Huxley, 1960s counterculture, Bhagw...
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INSTANT ENLIGHTENMENT Sudden Enlightenment of Mahāyāna tradition exerts prior nature of enlightenment (bodhi), Buddha-nature (Tathāgata-garbha), Innate Purity or Nirvāṇa and is realized through direct intuition or intuitive leap of discernment of Ultimate Truth (Paramārtha Satya) without gradual empirical development or progressive cultivation through meditation. According to Śākyamuni Buddha, Sudden Enlightenment cannot arise without prior gradual development or cultivation. Development (bhāvanā) must precede enlightenment breakthrough. Gradual practices are just preparations for Sudden Enlightenment. Whoever is suddenly enlightened in the present life must have undergone gradual training or prior practices in the previous life. In this sense, the Sudden teachings of Mahāyāna tradition do not conflict with the Theravāda tradition. Those have been instantaneously enlightened is considered to have employed the dry method (vipassanāyāna)...
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Madame Blavatsky's sayings are for real and true: Lemuria destroyed by fire, Atlantis by water. The flood. The first great waters came. They swallowed the seven great islands. (Seven great islands: belonging to the continent of Atlantis) The destruction of the fourth race and of the last antediluvian monster animals. All holy saved, the unholy destroyed. With them most of the huge animals, produced from the sweat of the earth. All holy: who had not lost the use of their third eye. The unholy: magicians and sorcerers. Huge animals: lower material spirits of the earth Two books of the stanzas of Dzyan - HPB * One of the largest eruptions in Earth’s history could have wiped out humans. Here’s how scientists say some survived About 74,000 years ago, Sumatra’s Mount Toba experienced a super-eruption, one of the largest in Earth’s history, potentially kicking off a massive disru...
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UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS Experience divine consciousness every where. Weare all connected. We can feel it when we see a beautiful sunset, or when we experience the joy of a loved one. There is something more to life than just what we can see and touch. Science is just beginning to unlock the secrets of consciousness, and more and more people are recognizing the power of the collective mind. What is Collective Consciousness? First of all, there are different levels of consciousness. There is individual consciousness, which is what each of us experiences every day. Then there is collective consciousness, which is the shared experience of all humanity. Finally, there is universal consciousness, which is the infinite intelligence that pervades all of creation. * Proof of Universal Consciousness with the Direction of Energy Flow The concept of a Universal Knowledge Field wa...
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Vegans, vegetarians and Empaths should not read this... Plants Really Do 'Scream' Out Loud. We Just Never Heard It Until Now. It seems like Roald Dahl may have been onto something after all: if you hurt a plant, it screams. Well, sort of. Not in the same way you or I might scream. Rather, they emit popping or clicking noises in ultrasonic frequencies outside the range of human hearing that increase when the plant becomes stressed. This, according to scientists, could be one of the ways in which plants communicate their distress to the world around them. "Even in a quiet field, there are actually sounds that we don't hear, and those sounds carry information. There are animals that can hear these sounds, so there is the possibility that a lot of acoustic interaction is occurring," explains evolutionary biologist Lilach Hadany of Tel Aviv University in Israel. "Plants...
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I came across this picture that reads: "If you need something to post you can take anything from my page. We are one. There are no Stealing information. We're all in the same mission whats mine is yours." So you can freely share things from my blog and it's always nice if someone shares. However, there are two people I wish would stop imitating me,.. one is a man I was with for a few months and he is not spiritual at all although he is interested in the paranormal. I have used the name Blue Lotus online and posted with that name and a picture of a blue lotus in many places, as well as my blog. That man somehow got an idea to put a picture of a blue lotus on his Facebook profile, and when I noticed it, I asked him to remove it. It is weird starting to be identified with my nickname and the blue lotus is a sacred thing so that even anyone who is not really interested in spirituality should use my pictures. Another person who often mimics my posts is a woman who clai...