Truth. ✨

Divine Orchestration... Humanity’s Rebirth… Heaven on Earth prevails (pre veil). 💫

Know Thyself…

You are Divine Light realized as Divine Love. ✨

Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe. 💫

Love is the shift… You are the shift… Rise and Shine Bright! ✨

Go within… Connect within your heart… Know Thy Divine, Empowered, Eternal, Immortal, Sovereign, High Vibrational, Magical, God Self. 💫

Choose to… Release the illusion of separation and division… You are whole, complete and fully connected within and as One with the Divine… You are the I Am Source Consciousness realized (real eyes)… An extension of Source energy… A unique, infinite multi-dimensional, multi-faceted, Spiritual Being of the most High. ✨

Relax… Quiet your mind… Open your heart and listen to your Soul calling You to Choose to Be happy and to follow your passions, your joy, your dreams and your hearts desires. Allow Love to guide You… To Be authentic… To Be real and open with who You uniquely, beautifully, Divinely are. 💫

You are the Master of your Mind… You are the Master of your Emotions… Be a Conscious, Divinely Empowered, Co-Creator of your Life. ✨

You came here to live through your Divine High Vibrational Self and to emanate, radiate and manifest the glory of God within… Your purpose is to live from your heart and to create within Spirit a deeply fulfilling and Divinely beautiful life that You Love… You are supposed Feel alive and to be doing what makes your Spirit smile… Know that it is never too late. 💫

Love, Freedom, Peace, Happiness, Well Being and Abundance is your Divine inherent birthright… It is your true nature... Your true essence… It is who You are… And it resides within You Being in alignment and empowered within who You Divinely are… It does not come from external sources. ✨

Know that You are Free… You have always been Free and Always will Be. Freedom (free will) is inherent in who You are… You are a free will child of God… No one is in charge of You… Or has control over your mind, your emotions, your body or your life but You… Don’t allow anyone to mold You into Being something that You are not. 💫

The root cause of All suffering is lack of Spiritual Awareness. ✨

In the simplest of form… Hell is a misperceived of separation from the Divine. When You are operating solely from your mind… You are not connecting from your heart… From your Soul… From your true essence…. You are not Being in alignment and empowered within who You truly Divinely are… And the feeling of this… Is a misperceived separation from your Divine God Self. 💫

Everything is taught backwards… Shift your perception and unlearn what you were taught to believe. Know Thyself… Connect with your intuition… It is All Divinely You within You… All the Wisdom and Answers You seek reside Within You… Listen and trust what resonates within Your heart and Soul. ✨

You are never stuck… There is always a way out… You always have a Choice… You are equipped to handle everything that comes your way. Take accountability and responsibility for your actions and your life and… Choose… To release the low vibrational programmed lies of matrix mind…Release the enslavement, the mind control, the fear, the lack, the scarcity, the limitations, the doubts and the insecurities that have been indoctrinated into You through past karmic trauma and external cultural programmed conditioning… Release the outdated self limiting and restrictive beliefs… Release the irrational and negative self sabotaging thoughts… Release the oppression, repression and the depression… Release the sorrow, the anger, the hurt, the shame, the blame, the guilt, the regret, the resentment, the co-dependency, the abandonment, the struggle, the chaos and the conflict, the misery, the victimization, the burdens, the pain and the suffering. Honor and release your past… Allow it make You better not bitter… Release the fear of the future. Release seeking external approval and validation for You to Be authentically You… Self validate and start living your dream life. Release all attachments to people, places, situations and projections of others… That do not serve your greatest highest good and set healthy boundaries… Release All that is not rooted in authenticity and absolute Truth. 💫

Love Yourself… You did not come here to be miserable and suffer… You came here to honor your Soul’s calling to Be happy and to Be free. Do not allow your circumstances, the judgements of the external world and your past define who You are, Your Worth and Value and prevent You from honoring your inner most heartfelt Souls deepest desires and from living your destined dream reality… You are meant to live out your wildest dreams… Don’t Self abandon… Don’t give up on Yourself. ✨

Self love… Self care… Self respect is vital. Prioritize Yourself and Choose… To deeply and unconditionally and compassionately love, honor, respect and accept Yourself for the beautiful unique Soul that You are. You matter… Your presence in this world matters… Your life matters… Your feelings matter… Your voice matters… Your needs matter… You are so very important… You are so very special… You are a work of Divine art… Everything about you is God’s highest creation… A miracle of infinite worth… The good in You is inherent in every fiber of your Being… You are Sacred, You are Holy, You are Divinely powerful and Divinely perfect… Just as You are. You are so Strong, You are Seen, You are So Deeply Loved and Loveable… And You truly are a Divine gift and blessing to this world… So very unique and special that God made only One of You… And the world is a better place because You are in it. 💫

Know your inherent Divinity… Your inherent worth and value… You are inherently worthy and deserving of All that Your heart and Soul desires and dreams of… Don’t settle for anything less than the very best for yourself and for your life… Claim it… Believe it and Receive it. ✨

You do not have to justify or prove who You are to anyone. Choose… to take charge of your life… Choose… to speak and stand within your authentic Self and express your Truth. 💫

Be Authentically, Beautifully, Divinely, Gloriously, Magnificently, Uniquely, Powerfully You… Vibe High and Shine Bright as the Divine Light and Love that which You inherently are. ✨

Surrender within Divine Light and Love… Be within gratitude for All that You are… All that You have… And the Divine journey that has brought You to this Now moment… All Divine Lessons and Blessings… All happening For You… For Your Souls growth, expansion, evolution and that of the greater good of All. 💫

How bad do you want to feel good? The worst thing that You could do to yourself is not to become the person You were meant to be in this lifetime… A better life for You is Here… Now… Waiting for you to claim it… To Be it… To live it. ✨

Follow your passions and dreams… Trust and Listen to your Intuition… Align with that which your Soul is saying is right for You… Be True to who You are… Embrace change… Love yourself… Give yourself permission to blossom… You can do this… Be intentional… Take the first step and keep going… Live by Faith… Surrender to the flow of the Universe… And Know that You Will Be supported by the Supreme Powers of the Divine Universe… Stepping into the unknown is where the magic happens… Stand within your Divine Power… Fortune favors the bold… Live your best life… This is why You came here… Take a chance on yourself… You won’t regret it… Your Heaven on Earth is Here… Believe and Receive... Trust the Process. 💫

Compassion, Kindness and Peace… We are All Connected… One Divine Love - Unity Consciousness. 💕🙌💜

~ Julie C. Engerman


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