Experience divine consciousness every where.

Weare all connected. We can feel it when we see a beautiful sunset, or when we experience the joy of a loved one. There is something more to life than just what we can see and touch. Science is just beginning to unlock the secrets of consciousness, and more and more people are recognizing the power of the collective mind.

What is Collective Consciousness?

First of all, there are different levels of consciousness. There is individual consciousness, which is what each of us experiences every day. Then there is collective consciousness, which is the shared experience of all humanity. Finally, there is universal consciousness, which is the infinite intelligence that pervades all of creation.


Proof of Universal Consciousness with the Direction of Energy Flow


The concept of a Universal Knowledge Field was previously also framed as Universal Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, Universal Mind, Universal Memory, Universal Intelligence which suggests an essence of being and becoming in the universe. As a segment of creative cosmos we too create, self- reflect and come to know creator within. This is one of the best ways to know god, is through the knowing self. Another aspect that Nikola tesla clearly explained that lower the energy lower the operating consciousness .That means operating consciousness directly dependent on energy. The question is how to raise the energy level psychologically, we all know that energy is obtained from food and thoughts, recent neuro-scientific evidence can be interpreted in a way that suggests consciousness is a product of the organization of energetic activity in the brain.

The nature of energy itself, though, remains largely mysterious, and we do not fully understand how it contributes to brain function or consciousness. But this paper clearly explains how operating consciousness and energy are synchronised each other. We all know love is the basis for energy healing; the question is up to what extent you can love others? The Vedanta philosophy clearly promotes to love others at highest extent. This paper clearly proofs how universal consciousness (Vedanta philosophy) and energy are synchronized each other.

Universal consciousness is a metaphysical concept suggesting an underlying essence of all being and becoming in the universe. We may say consciousness is an entity which knows or experience. The states of consciousness we may take Conscious, Subconscious and the Unconscious. But slightly different connotations obtained in Mandukya Upanishad quoted by Schrödinger in the epilogue to his masterpiece ‘What is Life’. The Upanishad speaks about all three states as Waking state, the Dream state and the Deep sleep state respectively but adds another most important state in which modern terminology we may call as super conscious, Where as an individual becomes one with universal.

Vedanta proposes no sin nor sinner .No God to be afraid of. He is the one being of whom we shall never be afraid he is that .God is mans every self. People are not ready give up there little individuality, when we say impersonal they fear of losing little individuality. People think that this world is bad and imagine that heaven is somewhere else. It is a god himself, if you know it. So vedanta formulates not universal brother hood but universal oneness. I am the same as any other man, as animal- good, bad, anything. It is one body one mind and one soul throughout. Spirit never dies. You and Me are personnel god. The absolute god of the universe, is impersonal principle. God is infinite, impersonal being; ever existent, unchanging immortal, fearless and you are his incarnations, his embodiments. This is the god of the vedanta and his heaven is everywhere so Vedanta is everywhere only we must become conscious of it.The concept of energy that we are familiar with today emerged only slowly from its beginnings in the late eighteenth century. It developed through the study of thermodynamics in the nineteenth century, and then found its place at the centre of theories of relativity quantum mechanics, and cosmology in the twentieth [1]. In colloquial usage energy refers to ideas of vigour, vitality, power, activity, and zest. In scientific usage, however, energy is defined as the ability of a system to do work.

Let’s summarise the Vedanta philosophy:

Vedanta philosophy clearly says:

• You are god.

• You are everywhere.

• Each and every human being, birds, little worms i.e every living creatures are you, (god).There is no difference between you and others. Only there is little variation in degree.

• The god whom others have found outside is also inside of you and in every living being.

• You are not body, but you are spirit, it is the spirit you must worship not body.

• Say you are an incarnation of god.

• You live in every mind, body and soul. You are the creator and creation.

• You were never born and never going to die.

• This is the overview of Vedanta philosophy and this is what we all know as universal consciousness.


Vedanta philosophy is the oldest philosophy of mankind which dates back before Buddha and Christ, before establishment of religions across the globe. Vedanta philosophy dominated before religion movement. It teaches how to enhance perception and consciousness, it does not teaches universal brotherhood but it claims universal sameness. Vedanta teaches universal consciousness and also describes all spectrum of consciousness. If you realise that you are everywhere and each and every person, animals, birds i.e. every living beings are you yourself, then energy manifest automatically as higher the consciousness higher will be energy as per Nikola tesla. As per quantum physics if we break down sub atomic particle what remains is energy, But that energy is following as per above Vedanta principle. We all know consciousness is what we perceive from environment and also as per Nikola tesla consciousness and energy are proportionate to each other , Hence energy is at highest rate is only through Vedanta principle because as soon as you separate yourself with other living beings chances of loving others is quite low as compared to united with everyone. So more you love others more energy you manifest within yourself.

Quantum physics also claims that each and every living being are same which has been already claimed in Vedanta principle.

Astonishingly, the Direction of energy flow is based on Vedanta principle, if you oppose this principle you will end up with negative energy.



What is Universal Consciousness?

To see consciousness in its purity is to experience what is called universal consciousness, to experience the mind as pure consciousness.  

— A. H. Almaas

 In the experience of the actual, unbounded, complete infinity of nothingness, your consciousness itself is unbounded, limitless, and infinite, which means not individual, not restricted, and not separate from what is experienced. When that kind of consciousness manifests, it is what is called cosmic consciousness, or universal consciousness, or primordial mind.

And if you go further, you realize that you are connected with and in fact are everything. That’s what we call universal consciousness. You are the universe. The whole universe is the Logos, the Word. The universe is a beautiful harmony of everything as one being in constant transformation, one being in a constant state of resurrection. Even further, you realize that you are the mystery from which all of that comes. You can perceive the whole show, not just your personal show but the whole cosmic show, as something emerging and happening now. Not only do you emerge and transform, but the whole universe emerges and transforms. That state of transformation and change includes life and death and everything in between. All of this wonder is revealed through knowing who you are.

Vastness Which is the Elimination of Separateness

It is not possible to understand what universal consciousness is without experiencing it, because it eliminates the ordinary level of understanding. The understanding of universal consciousness is exactly the elimination of separateness, of any division in perception, including thoughts about consciousness. There is no consciousness of anything in particular. This is a foreign experience for most of us, because we know consciousness only in terms of consciousness of something. In the pure experience of consciousness there is no experience of body or thoughts; there is no experience, no experiencer, no self. Hence springs the Buddhist notion of no self. The Buddhists say that ultimately there is no self because in that aspect, universal consciousness, you cannot experience a self. Any entity-ness stops you from experiencing this vastness which is the elimination of separateness, the elimination of discrimination. There is complete non-differentiation. There is no separation, no two, and no thought that there is one.


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