I posted this about CERN:
Here is some more info from different sources. I don't belive in biblical prophecies, but I publish this anyway:
Since CERN is reactivating on April 8th, I figured it would be a good time to remind you all that what these freaks over at CERN are doing is not for the greater good of humanity. They are bringing demonic entities over from the other side! The show Stranger Things has a ton of predictive programming involving CERN and the spiritual side of what they are doing. The fact that their logo has a 666 that's clear as day should be reason enough to realize that CERN is working for the enemy. Remember, everything that is happening right now is Biblical! This is a spiritual war. Unfortunately, the majority of the masses aren't in the slightest bit conCERNed about what these wicked people are up to. The spiritual attacks will ramp up so as always, keep putting on the full armor of God and stay in the word! Remember, we wrestle not against flesh and blood!
The world is BIBLICAL.
WHAT ARE THE ODDS?! People have just discovered that CERN will be starting 'experimentations' again on April 8th of this year; which just happens to be on the same date as this upcoming and biblical looking total solar eclipse.
I'd venture to say that the average person has no idea what CERN is, let alone what it ACTUALLY is. They say it's a Large Hadron Collider (and maybe it is) backed by pure scientific intentions. But if you take a peek under the surface, it's pretty clear that they are creating a portal to the underworld in order to release demoniac beings during the coming tribulation.
The representative mascot statue for CERN is Shiva 'The Destroyer' and CERN is geographically located directly below an old temple of Apollyon. What's the connection?
Interestingly enough Revelation 9 talks about locust like creatures coming from the bottomless pit to torment and kill men. Their king's name is Apollyon/Abaddon, which also happens to mean 'The Destroyer.'
Revelation 9:11 (KJB)
11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
The wickedness behind CERN is only one of many very serious reasons why the coming tribulation will be the worst time in all of human history. The only good news I have is that YOU don't to be here to experience it!
Place your trust in the blood atonement that Christ made for YOU through His finished work on the cross for your salvation. Get saved from Hell today, escape the impending tribulation! It's the truth, there is no other way.
GET READY Remember last year when those 10ft beings were walking well. The Fallen Angels are here they been here , CERN is merging timelines on vibrational level for the spectrum of light to change as we shift more will be seen with the naked eye , the spirit realm
Is merging with earth realm completely..they don’t care if u are aware this is a spiritual war for your soul many ppl will have heavy downloads , withdrawal, memory loss it’s gonna get real EVERYTHING is here what’s in the dark is coming to the light this shift is a dimensional shift
Rende Steerenberg, in charge of control room operations at CERN in Switzerland, said in 2022: ‘This comes with a certain sense of tension, nervousness,' he explained, adding that a lot can go wrong, including obstructions in the tunnel and issues with magnets.’
All of This is Happening on April 8th!-- *INSANE* --You Need to Know This! -- Jim Staley
CERN Scientist - "We Could Destroy The Universe..."
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