Pyytäisin ystävällisesti kiinnittämään huomiota ja lopettamaan kutsumasta itseään Valotyöntekijäksi niitä jotka vähän väliä postittelevat juttuja Kalevalasta ja Pohjolan Valosta. Oikea Valotyöntekijä (Lightworker) ei todellakaan postittele tuon tuosta nazi agendaa ja väliin sitten taas rauhaa ja rakkautta etc. Pohjolan Valo ja Kalevala ovat osa nazi agendaa joka selviää mm. seuraavista linkeistä:

The Story Of The Ahnenerbe, The Nazi ‘Research’ Organization That Sought To Prove The Superiority Of The Aryan Race

Those working for the Ahnenerbe project set out to prove that the Aryan race was descended from Nordic gods, and spent vast sums of money trying to find irrefutable, archaeological proof in the process.

In June 1936, as part of his study of witchcraft, Himmler sent a young Finnish nobleman, Yrjo von Gronhagen to Finland. Gronhagen impressed Himmler with his articles on Kalevala folklore and with his “expertise” he scoured the Finnish countryside for evidence. He brought along a musicologist to record pagan chants, and they filmed a witch performing a ritual who informed them she had foretold their arrival.


Natsi-Saksan SS-joukoille tilattiin Suomesta kanteleita

Suomalainen ylioppilas tartutti Himmleriin Kalevala-innon.

- Himmlerillä oli fiksaatio kaikkeen mytologiseen, ei-kristilliseen ja mieluiten pohjoiseen new age- tyyppiseen huuhaahan. Vähän kuin Ior Bockilla, Huttu-Hiltunen kärjistää.


Myös satanistit kutsuvat itseään Valonkantajiksi kuten selviää tästä fb ryhmästä ja josta olen maininut tässä blogissa:

Joten olkaa tarkkoina niiden suhteen jotka väittävät olevansa Valotyöntekijöitä ja olevansa Valossa.

Myös tämän artikkelin voi lukea varsinkin ne jotka uskovat/levittävät Suomi/Kalevala/Egypti höpinöitä:

When archaeology gets bent

Although archaeology is sometimes associated with dry digging and forgotten ruins it also has another, sometimes darker aspect - one that has used evidence from the ground for political ends.

"One recurring theme is 'we are going to show you that we have always been here' - or alternatively that 'we have been here before you came'.

"Basically, it was hugely useful to nervous people unsure of their own authenticity wanting to prove it with the spade."

Some archaeologists argue that throughout history data has been unscrupulously misused.

Adolf Hitler was so fond of archaeology that he gave the SS secret service special archaeological units, so that they could dig to prove a Nazi ideological bond of soil and nationhood.

Meanwhile, both Nazi and Soviet archaeologists interpreted the same evidence to prove that Poland was Germanic or Slav.

Similar abuses occurred during the Balkans conflicts following Yugoslavia's break-up - not just in Macedonia, but throughout the region, argued Stasa Babic of Belgrade University.

"We didn't put any effort to fight these kinds of bogus stories," Dr Babic said.

"Data never speaks for itself. We interpret it, and whenever we interpret it we read in our own political stances.

"Archaeology can't be neutral. We have to be aware of it and we have to admit it."


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