World Meditation Day
It’s more than a New Age distraction—meditation is becoming more and more common as modern life gets more and more complex.
When is World Meditation Day
Tuesday, May 21st 2024 is World Meditation Day. Hopefully homes, schools and workplaces will be thrumming with the sound of concentration and enlightenment, people globally chant and attain Nirvana.
What is meditation?
Meditation is a set of techniques which encourage a heightened form of awareness. It can help attain heightened states of consciousness and awareness, which can have a positive effect on wellbeing. Mindfulness? That’s essentially a modern, abridged from of meditation.
Meditation has been practiced in one form or another across the world for thousands of years. While it has a religious context, Buddhism, Hinduism, Thelema, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all have traditional meditative practices, many people globally use it independently of any religious or spiritual practice. It’s available to everyone, everywhere, all you need is a little time.
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