The Final Wave of the Awakening.

We’ve officially moved on from the conspiracy portion of the awakening to the spiritual reality of the awakening.

The world is not ending. What is coming to an end is the illusion, and that which is perceived as darkness.

You have made it to the final wave of the awakening. Where you are reaching new realizations of the True Self, as you remember that love is human nature, and rising into the higher frequencies of light.

With this awakening also comes the disassembling of all the old structures which were used for deceit, manipulation, energy siphoning, and enslavement of the human. The letting go of outdated and false beliefs which have kept you in the vibrations of fear is very important at this time, for fear holds you in the lower energies of the artificial matrix.

Turbulence is expected as the cleansing intensifies. No one will remain untouched by the higher light entering Earth at this time. New revelations are to take place, which will trigger the further awakening of the masses.

This is the final phase of your current and last incarnation in the Third Dimensional Earth, just prior to your transcendence and return to the realms of the Divine, and your realized Multidimensional Self. 

Remain focused on the heart, the place of your Divine Spark. The opening of your Heart Center allows more light and love to flow from within and around you, with the expansion in consciousness, as you begin a new journey of self discovery in the higher planes of existence. 

You are in humanity's last days in the game of duality and the matrix of limitation. Tune in to the light within your heart, and listen to the whispers of spirit. 

You are being called to return to the realms of the Divine. To yourself. To love.

Much LOVE.

I AM Mazhar


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