Great videos about Self-realization etc from Buddhist nun: Samaneri Jayasāra - Wisdom of the Masters Especially this is good one: Essential Advice for Solitary Meditation Practice - H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche Dudjom Yeshe Dorje (1904-1987) — one of Tibet’s foremost yogins, scholars, and meditation masters. Considered to be the living representative of Padmasambhava, he was a great revealer of the ‘treasures’ (terma) concealed by Padmasambhava. * As a Buddhist nun, my intention with this channel is to offer these creative adaptations of spiritual teachings for the purpose of deepening spiritual understanding, contemplation, meditation, healing, devotion and relaxation for listeners.
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on kesäkuu, 2024.
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More and latest news about Tibet, China and Dalai Lama. In communism there is no place for religion. If chinese are atheist why they however believes Tibet's incarnation system.... China has ‘natural’ say in choosing next Dalai Lama, Tibet experts tell Beijing forum Tibetologists assert Beijing’s rights on ‘reincarnation of living Buddhas in Tibetan Buddhism’, blame the Dalai Lama for lack of communication Beijing has “natural” authority in identifying the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama, Chinese state-backed analysts have said, with a year to go before the Tibetan spiritual leader announces his own decision on it. Laxianjia, deputy director of the Institute of Religious Studies at the semi-official China Tibetology Research Centre (CTRC), referred to Beijing’s measures related to the “reincarnation of living Buddhas in Tibetan Buddhism”, passed ...
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ParaNet, Jani Lassila ja Salatieteiden Suomi – Esoteerinen ja okkultti Turku -kirja Kirjoitin tuon edellisen blogi artikkelin kirjasta Salatieteiden Suomi – Esoteerinen ja okkultti Turku Kirjassa on erillinen kappale aiheesta ParaNet ja Jani Lassila ja selvennän ja tarkennan nyt tässä miten asiat ovat oikeasti menneet kun asiasta kirjoitellaan kirjoihinkin. Jani Lassilaa on haastateltu ja hän ei ole edes ollut tietoinen, että kirjaan kirjoitetaan erillinen kappale hänen sanomisistaan, mutta on ajatellut, että jotain juttua kirjaan tulee hänen kertomistaan aiheista. Kirjassa kerrotaan seuraavasti, sitaatti kirjasta: "ParaNetin kohtaama epäonni jatkui myös uuden hallituksen aikana. Lassilalle oli eroamisensa jälkeen jäänyt haltuun ParaNetin arkisto, joka sisälsi muun muassa kenttätutkimusryhmän keräämiä spontaanitapauskertomuksia, aineisto Psykobiofysiikan Instituutin kokeista sekä yhdistyksen postitus...
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Ylen julkaisema artikkeli kirjasta Salatieteiden Suomi – Esoteerinen ja okkultti Turku: Rivologiaa ja salatieteitä: Turun metsissä on manattu henkiä ja tuomiokirkostakin löytyy pentagrammi Salatieteiden Suomi – Esoteerinen ja okkultti Turku -tietokirja valaisee kotimaisten salatieteilijöiden historiaa turkulaisesta näkökulmasta. 1960-luvun loppupuoli oli valtoimenaan suuria kulttuurisia myllerryksiä. Ajan henki ulotti lonkeronsa myös Suomen Turkuun, jossa kaupungin underground-piirit ottivat aktiivisesti mallia suuren maailman tuoreista ilmiöistä. Hippiaatteen ja opiskelijaradikalismin taustalla velloivat myös hieman erikoisemmat voimat, joihin kuuluivat niin salatieteet kuin tajuntaa laajentavat kemikaalitkin. Tällaisista asioista haki inspiraatiota nuori miehenalku Reima Saarinen, joka käytti psykedeelejä ja ihaili englantilaista seksuaalimaagikkoa Alesteir Crowleyta. Vuosien saatossa Saarinen sukelsi yhä syvemmälle magian syövereihin, ja 1980-luvull...
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SUNFLOWERS AND GARDENING With my late husband, we had a house and our own yard, where I did a lot of garden work and planted flowers, etc. Now I live in an apartment building, and it was nice to do garden work for a long time, and I planted sunflowers in the concrete jungle of the apartment building. A friend of mine said that he wouldn't have the guts to plant flowers in the yards of an apartment building, but it is so useful and a joy not only for bees and birds, but also for passers-by to admire the splendor of flowers. Previously, the Theosophical Order of Service also had Gardeners for Peace, which made peace gardens and there was also a campaign called Plant Flowers not Bombs, where flower seeds were sent around the world to be grown, The spiritual meaning of sun flowers is explained here: Sunflowers can grow tall and strong even in adverse conditions, making them symbols of longevity and resilience. The sunflower can also be seen as a symbol of enlightenment, spiritual awa...
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Out-of-Body Experiences Have a Surprising Effect on Some People Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) can leave a significant and lasting impression on those who go through them, and can also boost feelings of empathy towards others, according to a new survey. OBEs have been known to occur in many scenarios, including when people are near death or hypnotized. A 1982 paper reported that up to 15 percent of participants had experienced at least one OBE at some point in their lives. While OBEs have been linked to increased empathy before, here a team from the University of Virginia took a closer look at the relationship between the two, and the brain mechanisms that might be behind it. In particular, the researchers looked at ego dissolution or ego death , where someone's sense of self evaporates and they feel much more connected to everything around them, a...
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I am following Tibet's situation from the news and here is what is going on now... China Must Not Choose the Next Dalai Lama With his relentless espousal of non-violence, the Dalai Lama embodies Tibetan resistance to Chinese occupation. This helps to explain why China is so intent on choosing his successor, and why the US and India must make sure that it does not. NEW DELHI – As the Dalai Lama – the spiritual leader of Tibet – visits the United States to receive medical treatment on his knees, concerns over who will succeed him have become acute. While Tibetans around the world pray that the 88-year-old Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, still has plenty of life ahead of him, China is eagerly awaiting his demise, so that it can install a puppet successor. Tibetans regard the Dalai Lama as the living incarnation of Buddha. Since 13...
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Enlightenment and Self Realization (suomalainen tekstitys) Talks with David Godman, Part 6: Life after Self-Realisation. Talks with David Godman, Part 7: Bhagavan's Teachings in the Modern World David Godman - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview
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Djwhal Khul The Tibetan Master - Daily Obedience to the Master. This is no servile attention to the commands of some supposed hidden Teacher, or Master, functioning mysteriously behind the scenes, as so many schools of esotericism claim. It is much simpler than that. The real Master, claiming our attention and subsequent obedience, is the Master in the Heart, the Soul, the indwelling Christ. This Master first makes His presence felt through the "still small voice" of conscience, prompting us to higher and more unselfish living, and sounding a quick note of warning when there is deviation from the strict path of rectitude. Later this comes to be known as the Voice of the Silence, that word that comes from the "Word incarnate," which is ourselves. Each of us is a Word made flesh. Later still, we call it the awakened intuition. The student of meditation learns to distinguish accurately between these three. This requirement, therefore, calls for that implicit obedien...
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Dalai Lama keeps cards close to chest on his successor, says 'not thinking of re-incarnation' Keeping cards close to his chest on who will his successor, the 14th Dalai Lama, on Monday said he was not ‘thinking’ about re-incarnation -- a process to appoint the next Dalai Lama. Developments on the front are being followed keenly by Tibetans as the Dalai Lama is leading the fight seeking autonomy from China; that in turn, is trying to meddle in the appointment of a successor. Speaking to a select group of media-persons from Delhi, the Dalai Lama, who turns 89 in July, was asked how would the Tibetan community maintain the sanctity of re-incarnation to which he said, “I am not thinking of reincarnation. The Important thing is as long as I am alive, I should use my energies to help as many people as I can”. The Dalai Lama is the spiritual hea...
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CELLULAR MEMORY Science is now admitting that cellular memory is true: Every Single Cell in Your Body Could Be Conscious, Scientists Say. That Could Rewrite Everything We Know About Human Evolution If trillions of tiny bits of consciousness are floating around inside you, it could change how we think about life. BEFORE YOU BECAME YOU, your entire being was wrapped up in just two cells: your mother’s egg and your father’s sperm. Yet the dance between these two resulted in an embryo, a ball of cells that differentiated into specialized cells that would grow to become your heart, your gut, your fingers, and all your other parts. The cells of your developing embryo constantly communicated with each other, including through a sense of touch, in part by extending tendrils to detect the cells around them. Your body’s cells perform incredible feats of communication and cooperation like this righ...
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Hippies Won the Culture War Hippies and Flower Childs were pre-Indigos which you can read about from channellings and other spiritual stuff. They are good examples for Indigos and Crystal Childs. * The Hippies Were Right After All The hippies may not have won immediately—we prefer leadership through consensus over single-minded will to power, feel me?—but they won. Their most cherished obsessions—sustainability, solar panels, downward dogs, mindfulness, mushroom masks, farm-to-table, biodynamism in wine and all else—are all the ideological and practical offspring of what was considered a threat to regular America in the '60s. Is Mercury in retrograde not as close as many of us come to religious belief anymore? Or, here's a novel idea: Maybe it's because hippie values are enduringly good. Preserve the environment, treat your body well and the people around you well-er, chill out, be tolerant, don't tread on others, be compassion...