Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi gives Samadhi experiences. Here are some experiences:

GURU RAMANA - an Interview Documentary

Interviews of disciples of Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded in 1989. These devotees lived with Sri Ramana Maharshi. 


When RAMANA MAHARSHI Revealed His Powers | Experiences of Rangan (Maharshi's Childhood Friend)

"There are no factors like time and distance. In one hour we dream that many days and years have passed by. Don’t you see in a cinema film mere shadows being transformed into great seas, mountains and buildings. The world is not outside you. The small world that is in the mind appears as a big world outside. The annihilation of the mind* is jnana (Self-knowledge or liberation)." ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi

* 'Annihilation of the mind': A state free from identification with the flow of transient thoughts and emotions. (Never forget this point!)


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