Tibetan Buddhist monks are practising conscious and planned reincarnation. See following videos:

7-year-old Tibetan grand lama’s initiation | SLICE | FULL DOCUMENTARY


Buddhist Spiritual Reincarnation Documentary | Looking for A Sign


The documentary Reincarnation-Looking for a Sign by Clemens Kuby shows the death of Jamgon Kongtrul, the search for his rebirth and how we find out whether it is he, who we lost four years earlier. With this film, life is no longer a singular phenomenon between conception and death, but a continuum on a spiritual- and soul-level. This completely takes away the horror of death. To experience this real case of reincarnation not as a feature film, but in real life, gives this unique documentary an inspiring power that amazes and ponders.

Monks also practice Rainbow Body teachings

Rainbow Body is a term used in Tibetan Buddhism to describe a particular type of spiritual attainment that is said to occur at the time of death. It is a state in which the practitioner's body is said to dissolve into light, leaving behind only small remnants such as nails and hair.

For starseeds case is different:

Starseeds Can Exit

Once a Starseed’s physical body dies, they may choose to “go home” instead of reincarnating to Earth. This is possible because once a Starseed passes away, they will be fully aware of their real “home.” Therefore, Starseeds aren’t impacted by the reincarnation loop implemented by the Matrix system after death. Most humans, if they die unconscious, have no memory of home, so they are more susceptible to this trap.

If a Starseed chooses to exit this life experience, there are measures in place. This applies to before and after death. If they decide they want to leave before their physical bodies die, then a walk-in (from their planet or star system) will take over their human body. If they decide not to reincarnate, another being will step in…


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