Lyran Starseed Transmission: Clearing the Imprint of Galactic Wandering/Interference/War

In this transmission Archangels from Lyra create a sphere of starlight around you and transport you to a place in the higher dimensions and from there you are led to a structure constructed of milky white and gold crystal. In this structure is a high vauilted chamber. Archangels and Ascended beings from Lyra join you along with Violet and Ultraviolet Fire Angels.

Here a clearing is initiated clearing any programming, imprints and dense energies relating to the destruction of the home planet. Also, anything relating to being a constant wander-explorer and that nowhere felt safe to put down roots for long. Also, any agreements, programming, imprints and dense energies relating to Galactic conflict and war. Also, a clearing of all programming, imprints and dense energies relating to Lyran interference in the development of other races in different planetary systems including the earth.

Finally, there is a transmission of light from the Archangels and Ascended beings of Lyra, reminding you that your true home is within your own being. Then home can be anywhere, any planet, any dimension. The transmission also reminds you of Stellar gifts of being a Lyran Starseed, gifts of great depth and wisdom, of seeing beyond the polarity of light versus dark.

The Lyrans are an ancient Stellar Race and many Starseeds on earth have a connection to this race. Lyran Starseeds are extremely old and wise souls. They have experienced lives in many planes of existence though Lyra will feel like a distant home of sorts. Lyran Starseeds tend to have a powerful, magnetic aura even though this is not often recognised by the Lyran Starseeds themselves. There is an innate spiritual depth to Lyran Starseeds and they are often drawn to exploring mystical pathways in order to know the many mysteries of the universe. 


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