The trans-Himalayan Mahatmas are holy men living on earth

“What Dāmodar told you at Poona is true. We approach nearer

and nearer to a person as he goes on preparing himself [30] for the

same. You first saw us in visions, then in astral forms, though

very often not recognized, then in body at a short distance from

you. Now you see me in my own physical body” (that is to say I

would have seen him if I had turned my head) “so close to you as

to enable you to give to your countrymen the assurance that you

are from personal knowledge as sure of our existence as you are

of your own. Whatever may happen, remember that you will be

watched and rewarded in proportion to your zeal and work for

the cause of Humanity which the Founders of the Theosophical

Society have imposed upon themselves. The handkerchief is left

as a token of this visit. Dāmodar is competent enough to tell you

about the Rawal Pindi Member. — K.H.”


The Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul: His Picture and it’s History


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