CERN I posted this about CERN: Here is some more info from different sources. I don't belive in biblical prophecies, but I publish this anyway: Since CERN is reactivating on April 8th, I figured it would be a good time to remind you all that what these freaks over at CERN are doing is not for the greater good of humanity. They are bringing demonic entities over from the other side! The show Stranger Things has a ton of predictive programming involving CERN and the spiritual side of what they are doing. The fact that their logo has a 666 that's clear as day should be reason enough to realize that CERN is working for the enemy. Remember, everything that is happening right now is Biblical! This is a spiritual war. Unfortunately, the majority of the masses aren't in the slightest bit conCERNed about what these wicked people are up to. The spiritual attacks will ramp up so as always, keep putting on the...
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