How to Experience Oneness and Cosmic Consciousness – the ultimate trance state
Have you ever experienced a moment of oneness with the universe? A moment where every separate thing became one, unified thing? If you have, do you long to repeat it?
Oneness and cosmic consciousness might sound like strange subjects for a hypnotherapist to talk about. But working with different levels of consciousness is fundamental to what we do as hypnotherapists.
On this page I’d like to share my personal experience of what the Sufi’s call the ‘Supreme Identity’ – oneness with God.
What does oneness mean?
Let’s start with an attempt at a definition of oneness – which is not an easy task. It’s something philosophers and poets have been trying to do for millennia.
There are some really rubbish YouTube videos about oneness where so-called gurus try to explain the phenomenon. They fail miserably, getting lost in their own nominalisations – words that do nothing but confuse us even more.
I can only base my definition of oneness on my personal experience and the accounts I’ve read about it since.
Here goes…
Oneness is a state of consciousness where every separate thing is experienced as One Thing. There is no longer subject and object. No longer me and you. No longer this and that. All becomes One. There is no duality. No space. No time. It is the eternal moment of NOW.
Every object – and space in between – is felt as being made of the same substance. For me, pushing my baby son, that substance was felt as love. The Universe is made of love.
What it boils down to is this…
Oneness is the ultimate human experience; a direct experience of ‘God consciousness’.
When it happened to me, quite unbidden, it became – and remains to this day – the most meaningful and powerful experience in my life.
I’ll give you a brief rendition here…
“It was mid-morning on a bright autumnal day in Colchester and it was my first time out with my baby son – just me and him, alone together...
Having parked the car, I pushed him in his pram down North Station Road, feeling really proud to be a dad. I smiled at strangers and everything in the world felt right.
Sensing the love from a stranger who smiled at me as he passed, I smiled back and felt a stream of energy flowing between us, from heart to heart.
I looked at the pavement, lampposts, street signs, cars racing past, all with a growing sense of wonder. “How wonderful that someone laid this path for us,” I reflected, “…and the lampposts, what a wonderful invention…and the music coming from that car – just perfect – someone wrote that…someone invented the CD player…people made it…”
I suppose you could say that at this point I was feeling a profound sense of gratitude and wonder that things existed, what philosophers might refer to as an ‘ontological state’.
But the experience intensified…
Non-duality: the feeling of oneness with the universe
“The sense of wonder and appreciation intensified until I became one with all and everything. Subject (me) and object (others/things) all merged into one.
I merged into everyone and everything, and they into me. There was no separation. Where I ended and others began, I could not tell. Everything was one...
And the only word to describe the state was ‘love’. Everything – and everyone – was made of love. Love is the universal substance, in everything and surrounding everything.”
My awareness was aware that time had stood still, or, more accurately, I had stepped out of linear clock time. I was floating in the eternal.
No time. No separation between myself and others. All objects, all people, all things, including myself were one and the same.
What are the affects of oneness?
This experience of oneness lasted about twenty minutes of clock time (I’ve since retraced my steps to find out) and as I ‘came to’, returning to normal, every-day consciousness I felt that there had been a ‘gravitational shift’ within me.
I had been gently birthed out of ego-consciousness and into soul consciousness. In the words of 14th Century mystic, Meister Eckhart, I’d experienced the birth of God in my soul.
I felt ‘born again’, baptised by the Holy Spirit.
I felt more altruistic, more empathic, more tolerant, more compassionate, more attentive, kinder, more loving toward everyone and everything.
And the affects continued for several more weeks.
Although the intensity of the experience itself wore off (thankfully so, as I doubt I’d be able to deal with normal day-to-day tasks if the state remained permanent) the memory of it will last forever.
The positive affects of altruism, empathy, compassion and the like have certainly stayed with me.
Advaita Vedanta and cosmic consciousness
This branch of Hindu spiritual philosophy proposes that the world we call ‘real’ is just an illusion, consisting of only our preconceived notions and perceptions. In other words, we don’t see the world as it really is, only our own perception of it.
Advaita philosophy states that there is a fourth state of consciousness (called Turiya) – beyond waking, sleeping and dreaming – and it is the state of oneness. They refer to it as ‘non-duality’ – no separation between subject and object.
No ego – just Beingness
There is no ‘you’ getting in the way – no notions, no preconceptions, no thoughts or running commentary. You are one with All That Is. Your consciousness is swept up into the universal consciousness.
This has been referred to in all the great religious texts compiled over the centuries. Jesus referred to it as the Kingdom of Heaven, Buddhists might refer to it as enlightenment or Nirvana. Zen masters call it satori.
My own experience – and the many I’ve researched – tells me that the experience of oneness is the most powerful way of shifting one’s perception, and with it, bringing about emotional healing and transformation.
I have experienced Oneness and Cosmic Consciousness many times.
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