This is what self-Realization and Oneness and Unity Consciousness feels and is all about:

WHO AM I ? | A Poem on Self-Realization

Today, I am sharing with you a Poem on Self-Realization.

I am changing.

I don’t know Who I am. Not anymore.

One day I am like a child. Another day, I am a sage.

Is it a split personality? No.

I am completely aware of this switch that is happening within me.

I can make dumb videos and I can write and make the most meaningful posts on spirituality in this world.

I am a kid sometimes, another time, I can tell you what is happening in the other part of the world just by sitting here with my eyes closed.

I have absolutely forgotten who I am.

I can feel myself in every living being. Sometimes, I am a flower, sometimes a cat, and other times I am just a beggar living on the road.

Who am I?

Maybe I am nobody.

When I behave like a kid, they say ‘grow up’.

When I become a sage, they say we cannot understand you. It’s too complex.

In this grand scheme of things, where do I stand?

Who am I?

Maybe I am Nobody.

~ Kashish Gambhir

Wisdom is knowing I am nothing,
Love is knowing I am everything,
and between the two my life moves.
~Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


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