Joy is a Universal Language
The Divine speaks so concisely through joy – so perfectly. Joy is a universal language. All people and animals alike can understand it. Whether you speak Mandarin, Anishinaabemowin, Icelandic, Shona, or Arabic you know the meaning of a smile. You can instantly relate with any person of any age, from any culture around the world with a simple grin or a single tear for these are the language of God. The language she has imprinted upon the very souls of every creature she has created. Your dog knows when you are happy or upset though it may have no idea why. An infant knows the hearts of the people around her and she can easily convey her feelings though she lacks the words to define them.
God will hear your gratitude louder than a thousand choirs singing songs of praise in the most magnificent cathedral – because gratitude is an inward affair and not something that can be replicated by formulaic actions. The same may be said for joy, it is a feeling, it is not something that you can fake, you cannot simply say I have joy and make it so or put on a smile and make everything ok.
Since joy is the universal language if we make it the foundation of our lives we gain an appreciation for and an ability to communicate with others that is founded on deep understanding. With joy in your heart you can look in to the eyes of any person and make a meaningful connection. They will see your joy and feel comfortable and welcomed by you. Your joy can be a disarming force that eases the tensions of others and works to create peace all around you.
I've been in hours in pure Joy, Love and Peace.That is happening quite often when I connect my Inner/Higher self. Wishing you Universal Joy <3 :-) Fill the facebook with Joy quotes and memes. .-)
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