Explanation how Ascended Master Djwhal Khul is working behind scenes...


The conversation delves into the nature of Ascended Masters and their role in human evolution. Kathlyn describes them as divine guides who bridge the spiritual and physical realms, offering profound insights to expand human consciousness. As Master DK once told her, “It’s not just about what we learn; it’s about how we transform.” Their teachings emphasize interconnectedness and the collective journey toward spiritual awakening.



"What you call ascension or enlightenment is not at the end of the path. This is the greatest illusion. It can happen in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, in the middle of the supermarket. It can happen. But what is it and how? I hear you ask.

It is falling in love with yourself."

This was funny... I can go to Samadhi at will anytime I want. While ago I was shopping in supermarket and all the sudden I was in Samadhi again. I was thinking that not now.. when I am smiling in good feeling and people might think that I am high on drugs in supermarket... Samadhi is a state of mind and no one, not even cashier noticed anything. Then I heard Djwhal Khul's words what to check on net and found this site. It was Djwhal Khul who was working behind scenes... Now I am used to this and will go to supermarket happily waiting to Samadhi to come... :-D


I am posting in this blog my spiritual experiences. For example when I have felt, like Inner smile, Oneness experience, Three fold Flame in Heart Chakra etc. Usually I google the experience and then post the articles about subjects what I found. My spiritual guides and Masters also tells what to post so that others can feel them too.


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