Spirituality is not the pursuit/seek or want psychic abilities as some claim, but they open up by themselves through Samadhi...

Siddhas, Vidyadharas, and Siddhis: Mystical Powers.


The realm of spirituality is big and multifaceted, encompassing a wide range of facts, practices, and experiences. Among these, the facts of Siddhas, Vidyadharas, and Siddhis, which pertain to the attainment of supernatural powers and abilities, hold significant significance and fascination. This writing aims to provide an understanding of these spiritual facts and their role in the path of spiritual transformation and realization.

Siddhas: The Perfected Ones or Supernatural Power Holders:

Siddhas are individuals who have attained a state of spiritual perfection, known as Siddhis, through the practice of spiritual disciplines and meditations. They are often regarded as holy beings, who possess a profound understanding of the nature and the principles of spirituality. In the spiritual traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, Siddhas are often associated with the attainment of supernatural powers and abilities, which are considered as byproducts of their spiritual realization and virtues. These powers and abilities include, but are not limited to, the ability to levitate, the ability to fly, the ability to become invisible, the ability to bi-locate, the ability to read minds, the ability to heal, and the ability to control the natural elements.

Vidyadharas: The Knowledge Bearers or Power Bearers:

Vidyadharas are individuals who have gained a state power or siddhi, through the practice of learning or by chemicals or by mantras. They are often regarded as bearers of knowledge or magical powers through chemical means or mantras. Their magical powers and abilities include, but are not limited to, the ability to become invisible, the ability to deal with demons and the ability to create illusions.

Siddhis: The Spiritual Powers or Psychic Abilities:

Siddhis are the spiritual powers and abilities that are attained as a result of the practice of spiritual disciplines and meditations. They are often regarded as byproducts of spiritual practices, and are not considered as the ultimate goal of the spiritual path.



1. For an ordinary person, who is studying yoga superficially with ordinary desires and wants the name and fame associated with same, the occult powers or siddhis may be an attraction. He may not indicate it, but deep down the subconscious mind he may have the underlying desire. When he studies the kleśa philosophy, he might realize that these powers are also part of illusory side of life, which a true yogī should transcend. The application of occult power does not free him from basic illusions of life and so cannot bring him enlightenment and peace. Rather it distracts the mind from its true goal and may bring downfall in sādhaka’s spiritual progress.

2. The real yogīs do not take slightest pleasure in displaying the siddhis and do not exhibit them in public. So ordinary men may conclude that such powers are not existing in this world. But a careful study of history and other relevant literature prove conclusively that such powers have been exercised by people in practically all ages. A persistent search indicates that there are people in this world who have attained these supernatural powers, but would not like to exhibit them in public, except to their honest disciples. So, there are also people who have acquired lower siddhis and who sale them for money and power, such yogīs get entrapped into this game and their spiritual progess stops. One must practice higher yoga even to get in contact with real masters of the science of sciences and can undoubtedly exercise siddhis mentioned in yogasūtras.


Dhyana or meditation also has the esoteric meaning of visualized images that arise during meditation. You say that until you reach the stage of samadhi they cannot be trusted because they will be wrongly interpreted by the ego. And you say that when you reach samadhi you will see images about things that are true. 


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