Meet Himalayan Yogi Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath An Illumined Being with direct experiences of Mahavatar Babaji Gorakshanath, Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath spent his early years in the Himalayas with the great Nath Yogis in whose presence he was transformed, realizing the unity of all Yogas and Religions. A Master of Kundalini Kriya Yoga, Yogiraj’s message to Humanity is EARTH PEACE THROUGH SELF PEACE. In conveying his message, Yogiraj goes beyond the limited reach of words and offers the grace of direct Experience. In his early years, he was blessed with the presence of great Himalayan yogis and divine beings. Spiritually realized from a very young age, he cast away his royal ties after completing his educational responsibilities and fulfilled his calling as a yogi. An Illumined Being with direct experiences of Mahavatar Babaji Gorakshanath, Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath spent his e...
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on syyskuu, 2024.
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Fall Equinox 2024 22nd September. Lot of activations, meditations and other info on youtube. This one for example: Fall Equinox 2024: A bridge gateway between eclipse and massive 12/12/24 portal! Have you noticed changes in the matrix since the total eclipse in March 2024? During this video we understand the Angel Raphael's transmission received during the eclipse, and how it connects to the Fall Equinox and into the massive gateway that will happen 12/12/24. This September 22, 2024, during the Fall Equinox, we will experience the unity of dark and light and merge polarities, preparing us to enter this magnificent portal of 12/12 with clear intention and holding the love frequency in full bloom.
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SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCIES & BINAURAL BEATS Sound frequency is the future of medicine. I have listened for years Solfeggio frequencies and binaural beats and told to others to do the same and they have found also these sounds very beneficial. In youtube there are thousands of sounds and you can find frequencies almost every problem on pain like tooth ache, hair growth stimulation, hang over, heartburn, anxiety, beauty nap, deep sleep, stress, healing chakras etc. Just search your problems and find the solution instantly. This one for example for Self- Realization: Unlock Self-Realization | Solfeggio 963hz with Binaural Beats Solfeggio 963Hz is the highest of the 9 sacred Solfeggio tones discovered by the Benedictine Monks in the 11th century. Based on the mathematics of sacred geometry (foundational geometry), the monks discovered an assortment of powerful effects these tones can have on the human experience. Through a process know...
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The Psychic Is Not The Spiritual Words of wisdom and warning from Blavatsky about psychics such as those in Astral-TV and who is taking money from their "abilities" It is hoped that this article may go at least some way to helping others not to make such a mistake. This article has not been written with the intention of criticising, offending, or upsetting. Its motive is solely to warn and to help. “[A psychic] really believes that the immeasurable vistas displayed before him are the real spiritual world . . . We maintain – that on the whole, mediumship is most dangerous; and psychic experiences when accepted indiscriminately lead only to honestly deceiving others, because the medium is the first self-deceived victim.” (H. P. Blavatsky, “Psychic and Noetic Action”) The psychic realm is not the same as the spiritual realm. Psychic faculties and powers are not the same as spiritual faculties and powers. In fact, ...
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Tibetan Buddhist monks are practising conscious and planned reincarnation. See following videos: 7-year-old Tibetan grand lama’s initiation | SLICE | FULL DOCUMENTARY Buddhist Spiritual Reincarnation Documentary | Looking for A Sign The documentary Reincarnation-Looking for a Sign by Clemens Kuby shows the death of Jamgon Kongtrul, the search for his rebirth and how we find out whether it is he, who we lost four years earlier. With this film, life is no longer a singular phenomenon between conception and death, but a continuum on a spiritual- and soul-level. This completely takes away the horror of death. To experience this real case of reincarnation not as a feature film, but in real life, gives this unique documentary an inspiring power that amazes and ponders. Monks also practice Rainbow Body teachings Rainbow Body is a term used in Tibetan Buddhism to describe a particular type of spiritual...
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Djwhal Khul on nationalism etc The Destiny of the Nations - The Nations and the Rays A careful analysis of the idealism of Russia and of the United States may reveal no resemblances in the goal of their idealism; the Russian is driven by his seventh ray soul towards the imposition of an enforced ceremonial of ordered rhythms, leading to an idealized order and a community of interests. Because of this and because of the enforced work, some forces are present and active in Russia which need most careful handling by the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet. These forces working in Russia are concerned with the magic of form whereas pure white magic is concerned only with the soul or with the subjective aspect, as it conditions the objective. The "black forces," so called, are nowhere rampant in Russia any more than in other parts of the world, but the Russian reaction and attitude to enforced rule and order has in it more...
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The trans-Himalayan Mahatmas are holy men living on earth “What Dāmodar told you at Poona is true. We approach nearer and nearer to a person as he goes on preparing himself [30] for the same. You first saw us in visions, then in astral forms, though very often not recognized, then in body at a short distance from you. Now you see me in my own physical body” (that is to say I would have seen him if I had turned my head) “so close to you as to enable you to give to your countrymen the assurance that you are from personal knowledge as sure of our existence as you are of your own. Whatever may happen, remember that you will be watched and rewarded in proportion to your zeal and work for the cause of Humanity which the Founders of the Theosophical Society have imposed upon themselves. The handkerchief is left as a token of this visit. Dāmodar is competent eno...
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Himalayan Master Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath Inspires Westerners to Experience Enlightenment Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath is a Himalayan master from the Nath lineage of yogis, a timeless lineage of spiritual masters, connected by infinite consciousness through the great yogi, Babaji Gorakshanath, about whom Paramahansa Yogananda wrote in Autobiography of a Yogi. Gurunath is the author of Wings to Freedom: Mystic Revelations from Babaji and the Himalayan yogis. Dan Kogan interviewed Yogiraj Satgurunath Siddhananth for Awareness magazine, published in June, 2006. Interview: Satsang with the Satguru DK: SatGurunath, Your wisdom is an ancient wisdom, but your audience is a modern one. What are the differences you see between the new age and the old age? How do you connect with new agers? Where do you and your teachings come from? Gurunath: It is for this very re...
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Science and spirituality converge... 'Out-of-body' research could lead to new ways to promote social harmony Out-of-body experiences, such as near-death experiences, can have a "transformative" effect on people's ability to experience empathy and connect with others, a scientific paper from University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers explains. The fascinating work by UVA's Marina Weiler, Ph.D., and colleagues not only explores the complex relationship between altered states of consciousness and empathy but could lead to new ways to foster empathy during a particularly fractured time for American society—and the world. Weiler and her colleagues have published their article in the journal Neuroscience and Behavioral Reviews. "Empathy is a fundamental aspect of human interaction that allows individuals to connect deeply with others, fostering trust and understanding," said W...
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Higher Enlightenment Spiritual Event This event has been few weeks ago, but I publish it now. This is great example about free events which should have more. Take example on this and organize more of this kind of free events. Readers, Healers, Metaphysical Crystals, Incense, Reiki, Tarot Cards, Books, Teas, Yoga and much more. Learn yoga, receive some Reiki, speak to authors, get a reading and attend self betterment classes. Open to the public Free Classes Lunch available Love donation at door of food to Salvation Army Frist 100 attendees receive a free event bag
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10 WARNING SIGNS OF ENLIGHTENMENT 10 WARNING SIGNS OF ENLIGHTENMENT 1. Persistent good humor. 2. Chronic positive attitude for framing events in a constructive light. 3.Daily outbreaks of joyful, rewarding experiences. 4.Sense of the spiritual nature of the Earth and universe. 5.Tendency to adapt well to changing conditions. 6. Rapid response to and recovery from stress and repeated challenges. 7. Increased appetite for selfless service. 8.Tendency to know what's to be done and what's not to be done. 9.Repeated episodes of gratitude, compassion and generosity. 10. Unbroken knowledge that there is only One Reality––here, there and everywhere.
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Mount Shasta: Ancients Spirits | Full Documentary Through interviews and reenactments, this documentary series retells the haunting stories, mysteries, and legends from the most famous of North America's national parks. * This Book Reveals Secrets Under Mt Shasta * Why the Sacred Power of Holy Places Frightens People Why do people run away from holy places, particularly intense spiritual locations such as Arunachala? This phenomenon has occurred since the dawn of time, and it is the result of the individual being sufficient in key qualities necessary to progress on the path. In this episode of Enlightenment Today, I will explain why the sacred power of holy places frightens people.
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POHJOLAN VALOSTA ASIAA Olen kirjoittanut tähän blogiini useita kirjoituksia Pohjolan Valo ennustuksesta jota väitetään Blavatskyn sanomaksi. En ole koskaan uskonut tähän ennustukseen sillä sen on sanonut äärioikeistolainen Pekka Ervast joka on jäänyt kiinni valehteluistaan useaan otteeseen. Lisäksi Ervastin sanomiset ja opetukset eivät ole teosofiaa josta löytyy postaus blogissa. Ennustuksessa siis väitetään sanoneen, että Valo tulee Pohjolasta. Jos tarkastellaan merkitystä ja sanaa Valo teosofisessa tarkoituksessa niin theosophyWiki selittää Valon seuraavasti:,of%20cosmic%20manifestation%20and%20consciousness. Light In theosophical and esoteric literature, “light” is commonly used to refer to various states of cosmic manifestation and consciousness. Light in Cosmology. The unmanifested state is commonly referred to as a state of darkness. It is the period of cosmic PRALAYA or re...
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Lyran Starseed Transmission: Clearing the Imprint of Galactic Wandering/Interference/War In this transmission Archangels from Lyra create a sphere of starlight around you and transport you to a place in the higher dimensions and from there you are led to a structure constructed of milky white and gold crystal. In this structure is a high vauilted chamber. Archangels and Ascended beings from Lyra join you along with Violet and Ultraviolet Fire Angels. Here a clearing is initiated clearing any programming, imprints and dense energies relating to the destruction of the home planet. Also, anything relating to being a constant wander-explorer and that nowhere felt safe to put down roots for long. Also, any agreements, programming, imprints and dense energies relating to Galactic conflict and war. Also, a clearing of all programming, imprints and dense energies relating to Lyran interference in the development of other races in different plane...
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9/9 PORTAL What’s the 9/9 Portal and How to Max Out Its Energy - Be prepared to change your life! September 9th, known as the 9/9 Portal, is a day of immense power and transformation in the spiritual realm. If you want to make the most of the unique energies on this day, it's crucial to understand not only what to do on the day itself but also how to prepare properly in the days leading up to it. In this guide, we'll explore in detail how you can tune into these energies, close out unwanted cycles, release limiting patterns, and manifest new beginnings in your life. The 9/9 Portal is a time of intense energetic vibrations, ideal for closing cycles that no longer serve you and preparing for the new. In numerology, the number 9 symbolizes completion, wisdom, and transformation. It helps us release what is old and outdated so we can make room for new opportunities. When the day and the month align with this energy, the potential for per...
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Many good free esoteric and theosophical ebooks: For example: HeartStreams from Kuthumi and Djwal Kul (Volume 1) HeartStreams HeartStreams are up-to-the-minute messages from ascended masters, angels and divine beings released as dictations, discourses or darshans which vibrate with their love, wisdom and power. They anchor light in the Earth as they are being delivered and when they are replayed in audio or video format or read later online or in publications. HeartStreams empower, enlighten and inspire us toward specific actions that will help ourselves, our communities and our entire planet. To listen to and view the HeartStreams in this e-publication and thousands more visit our website at Meru University Meru University supports the advancement of spiritual ...