SACRED SITES “Listen to the air. You can hear it, feel it, smell it, taste it. Woniya wakan—the holy air—which renews all by its breath. Woniya, woniya wakan—spirit, life, breath, renewal—it means all that. Woniya—we sit together, don’t touch, but something is there; we feel it between us, as a presence. A good way to start thinking about nature, talk about it. Rather talk to it, talk to the rivers, to the lakes, to the winds as to our relatives.” ~ John (Fire) Lame Deer, Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions ~ * Experiencing the Cathedral. A cathedral is a state of mind, not merely a religious building. The Master masons who designed and built these structures were aware that the shapes, textures, colors, resonances, rituals and aspirations combined in such a way that the total experience was greater than the sum of parts. This experience is a door into a new dimension. Visit cathedral consciously. Do it with one-pointedness. Even if you go on the spur of the moment do not allow you...
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on kesäkuu, 2023.
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SEX AND CELIBACY I wrote this on my facebook page: Hi guys! please don't send me friend requests and messages about dating. I am not seeking man from the internet. I take Ascension seriously and I want to reach Ascension and become Ascended Master in this lifetime, so I don't have to incarnate on 3D planets anymore. I have been without sex 2½ years. I have reached a point in my evolution and Ascension that I don't want sex anymore. Of course I can discuss about spirituality, Ascension, UFO's etc but chatting in facebook is not my thing either so much. You guys can respect me and my conviction. * I have been doing Steve Nobel's transmission about second and sacral chakra healing and in this transmission one can also have returning to innocense and it removes also all sexual thought patterns projecetd by others. Sexual energy is part of our primal energy… It is natural to fe...
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LOST SOULS AND SOUL LOSS Madame Blavatsky has told about lost souls: In the first volume of her first book “Isis Unveiled,” H. P. Blavatsky touches upon a subject which is of great interest to many. It was never gone into in much depth, no doubt because this was not permitted by the Masters, but nevertheless it certainly makes us sit up and think when we read that – “Our present cycle is preeminently one of such soul-deaths. We elbow soulless men and women at every step in life.” (“Isis Unveiled” Vol. 1, p. 369) The subject in question is that of the loss of the soul while still physically alive. In “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, p. 234, it is said that, “The soul, whose body vehicle is the Astral, ethero-substantial envelope, could die and man be still living on earth – i.e., the soul could free itself from and quit the tabernacle for various reasons – such as insanity, spiritual and physical depravity, etc. . . . T...
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EAST AND WEST I have been doing some research about differences about West and East culture and what differences there are in about spirituality and Enlightenment. In west there are only few people who has spoken in publicity about these differencies. People who come to my mind who has speaking about this are Alan Watts, Aldous Huxley,Abraham Maslow, Suzanne Segal and of course Madame Blavatsky who brought her Wisdom and Light to westerens from India and Tibet. Suzanne segal's interwiev Suzanne’s life is an example of how an awakening can occur spontaneously, and without even understanding what had happened for as long as ten years. She often told us that she wanted her experience to give the Western world an important message that the mind can have an extremely strong reaction to that which it cannot understand. And that those reactions, such as fear, do not mean for an instant that we are no...
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SPONTANEOUS AND RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS Olin Theosopcihal Order of Service skandinaavian edustaja yhdeksänkymmentä luvulla ja vuosituhaneen taitteessa. Olen empaattinen ja ryhmässä oli monia ihmisiä, jotka ovat samanlaisia kuin minä. Annie Besant on perustanut Theosophical Order of Servicen, ja olemme täällä auttaaksemme kaikkia kärsiviä. Riippumatta siitä, mistä maasta olet kotoisin, olemme täällä auttamassa. Ryhmässä oli monia kampanjoita kuten ystävyyden rannekorujen teko, Plant Flowers not bombs jne ja spontaanit ystävyyden teot kuuluivat kuvaan myös. Asun Helsingin Malmilla ja käyn melkein päivittäin Malmin Prismassa ruokaostoksilla. Malmin Prisma on hypermarket ja joku aika sitten siellä oli todella inhottavaa käydä. Jopa uutisiin asti päätyi kaupan toiminta. Malmin Prisma hukkui vihapostiin, Ranskasta asti tullut vihapostia ja henkilökunnalle annettu henkistä apua...
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ENLIGHTENMENT The Sage does not care where he or she is. It's all the same. A true Sage does not have to travel everywhere, trying to pick up devotees, or disciples. Couldn't care less if anybody heard of him or her. Never looking for name or fame. Not really interested in publishing books, putting out tapes, making him or herself well known all over the world, so people can come. A true Sage just doesn't care about these things, because there's no self left to care about these things. The ego has been totally transcended. There is no ego that needs to do anything. That is why Ramana Maharshi never left Tiruvannamalai, Arunachala. There is nowhere to go. It's all the same. Robert Adams “The highest teaching in the world is silence – there is nothing higher than this. A devotee who sits in the company of the sage purifies his mind just by being with him. The mind automatically becomes quieter. No words are necessary. Silence is the ultimate reality and everything i...