I have been telling different techniques how to connect with the Higher Self and I AM Presence. Here is couple of more, worth to try. Watch videos: Mother Meera Live https://www.youtube.com/@MotherMeeraLive Mother Meera is a mystic, who came here to help people. She says: “You can follow any path, any religion, any guru and any technique, I will be there for you if you need help and blessings.” Mother Meera receives thousands of visitors of all religions for darshan which she conducts in total silence. Her darshan consists of a ritual, where she will touch a person's head, and then look into their eyes. During this process, she reportedly 'unties knots' in the person's subtle system and permeates them with light. She doesn't charge any money for doing so and she will not give lectures. Mother Meera's reported task on Earth was in calling down a dynamic light-force from the Supreme (Paramatman – the supreme Self) in collaboration with other saints and divine be...