
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on lokakuu, 2023.
 I have been telling different techniques how to connect with the Higher Self and I AM Presence. Here is couple of more, worth to try. Watch videos: Mother Meera Live https://www.youtube.com/@MotherMeeraLive Mother Meera is a mystic, who came here to help people. She says:  “You can follow any path, any religion, any guru and any technique, I will be there for you if you need help and blessings.” Mother Meera receives thousands of visitors of all religions for darshan which she conducts in total silence. Her darshan consists of a ritual, where she will touch a person's head, and then look into their eyes. During this process, she reportedly 'unties knots' in the person's subtle system and permeates them with light. She doesn't charge any money for doing so and she will not give lectures. Mother Meera's reported task on Earth was in calling down a dynamic light-force from the Supreme (Paramatman – the supreme Self) in collaboration with other saints and divine be...
  Few videos about Self-Realization and Samadhi Awakening Mind Part 1, "Know Thyself" (2023) - Complete HD Film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUZJea1UnS8 Awakening is the next stage in human evolution. The Awakening Mind Film Series travels the globe speaking to wisdom teachers, visionaries, and scientists from broad and diverse disciplines, philosophies, and traditions who are pointing with uncanny similarity and intelligence to this time as an epic juncture and an invitation to a higher evolution for humanity. Awakening Mind explores the questions "who am I?",  "what is awakening?", "why awaken?", "what is consciousness?",  "how do I awaken?", "what is the purpose and meaning of life?", and "how am I to navigate this world experience to the best of my ability for the benefit of all?"  In this time where the world feels out of control and filled with so much suffering and sadness, these questions are par...
 The Hemi Sync Gateway Experience The Hemi Sync Gateway Process is worth to try and experience. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?app=desktop&list=PLU5rELvATWZSCqpwzNF9e8uHY6RocUd3y Learn to Astral Project, Out of Body Experiences, Telepathy, Consciousness Expanding, Self-Realization and much more. In Monroe Institute's website this Hemi Sync online course costs 1065 dollars, but some friendly soul has been uploaded these to youtube for free. CIA has been interested too about Hemi Sync: CIA full report on Brain Synchronization, Energy, Manifestation and the Holographic Universe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOFq3ruef7I This is one of the most interesting reads I’ve come across. It’s rather complex and takes a while to digest but it’s 100% worth it. It’s an official declassified CIA document and a terrific analysis of consciousness and beyond – known as the Gateway Process. While it’s an older document and declassified for a while now, the fact that modern developments in scien...
  EARTH SACRED PLANET According to Blavatsky Earth is not Sacred Planet yet. Lightworkers job mission includes to make this Earth  a Sacred Planet. MISSION PLANET TIERRA⭐️ Your Soul decided to come to EARTH again, it was your home thousands of years ago, but your soul evolved and you have already lived on other planets in other worlds where love was universal, where everything was Perfect, now you return to this planet to help your human brothers to evolve. You have lived in perfect worlds so you feel that you do not fit in this world, but remember that you are a seed for others. 2. You feel out of place - no one understands your cosmic MIND. 3. You love to be ALONE, in solitude, in peace, in nature. You avoid crowded places. 4. You like to be alone, to listen to your inner voice, to feel your peace, your love and nurture your mind. You like everything related to the awakening of consciousness, the spiritual plane of the Angels, the beings of light, the ascended masters, archa...
  FEELINGS AND VIBES Since I reached my Self-Realization I found out and feel, that I can go to Samadhi at will at any time I want. Blavatsky explain this by these words: TRANSACTIONS OF THE BLAVATSKY LODGE DISCUSSIONS ON THE STANZAS OF THE FIRST VOLUME OF THE SECRET DOCTRINE BY H. P. BLAVATSKY https://universaltheosophy.com/hpb/transactions.html Q. We are taught that a man can unite all his “principles” into one—what does this mean? A. When an adept succeeds in doing this he is a Jivanmukta: he is no more of this earth virtually, and becomes a Nirvanee, who can go into Samadhi at will. Adepts are generally classed by the number of “principles” they have under their perfect control, for that which we call will has its seat in the higher Ego, and the latter, when it is rid of its sin-laden personality, is divine and pure. * When i go to Samadhi I can spend hours and days in this bliss full state. Then I also send these feelings for people around me to make them feel better and hopin...
  CONNECTING TO HIGHER SELF THROUGH RASTAFARIANS, ROSICRUSIANS AND SAINT GERMAIN TEACHINGS I have been telling different techniques about how to get in contact with Higher Self or I AM Presence and Self Realization or whatever name you want call it. When one reaches that state or just BE there are no religions, just Sat Chit Ananda, Consciousness , Bliss, Absolute. These teachings can be found in Christian Mysticism, Sufi Muslims, Tao, Hinduism, Theosophy, Rastafarians and so on. There are no rules how one get to this state; by meditating or by Near Death Experience or some other way. Just choose the way which better fits to you. Here is couple of more techniques: * Both Rastas and scholars who study the Rastafari movement affirm that beyond the obvious symbols and practices of Rastafari, the question stands at the core of the movement. In his book, Rastafari: For the Healing of the Nation, Rastafarian devotee Dennis Forsythe asserts that Rastafari is a grassroots movement whose ma...
  NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES AND ENLIGHTENMENT I read the books Sacred Life, Holy Death. Seven stages of Crossing the Divine by Robert Boldman and Secrets of the Light: Lessons From Heaven by Dannion Brinkley and Kathryn Brinkley. Books are about Near Death Experiences (NDE). NDE experiences sounds much the same like Enlightenment experiences. Some survivors had positive memories, such as seeing a light, a tunnel or a family member, or feeling intense emotions, such as universal love, tranquility and peace. Eighty-four percent of those interviewed said that positive things had happened as a result of the death—it brought their family closer together, they learned to appreciate life more, and they found they were stronger and more capable than they had thought. An awareness of mortality can improve physical health and help us re-prioritize our goals and values, according to a new analysis of recent scientific studies. Even non-conscious thinking about death -- say walking by a cemetery ...