Djwhal Khul The Tibetan Master - Daily The whole object of the science of meditation is [...] to enable a human being to become in outer manifestation what he is in inner reality, and to make him identify himself with his soul aspect and not simply his lower characteristics. It is a quick process for the unfolding of the reasoning consciousness, but in this instance must be self-applied and self-initiated. Through meditation, the mind is used as an instrument for observing the eternal states, and becomes in time an instrument for illumination, and through it the soul or Self transmits knowledge to the physical brain. Source: From book Intellect to Intuition * Experienced meditators can voluntarily modulate their state of consciousness, study reveals A study reveals that experienced meditators are able to voluntarily modulate their state of cons...
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on huhtikuu, 2024.
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There are many theories about Jesus and Bible and one of the newest is an old bible found from Turkey which tells that 1500 Year Old Bible Claims Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified – Vatican In Awe JESUS Christ was not crucified and it was actually Judas who was nailed to the cross by Roman soldiers, an ancient book claims which could lead to the collapse of Christianity. In a surprising turn of events, an ancient Bible dating back approximately 1500 to 2000 years has been discovered in Turkey, specifically in the Ethnography Museum of Ankara. This remarkable find, known as the Gospel of Barnabas, has caused a stir within religious circles, particularly at the Vatican. The book, kept secret since its discovery in the year 2000, contains controversial assertions that challenge long-held beliefs about Jesus Christ, his crucifixion, and his divinity. This article explores the content of...
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The Body and Awakening Enlightenment and not the body identification is something which is got to be experienced, not words can describe it... Many people have asked me what happens to the body after awakening. There is a lot of confusion. This is natural as the mind cannot understand Truth and will always become attached to words and miss what the words are pointing to. So let’s see if we can clear some of this confusion up. 1. Does the body The illusion of the body. As long as you identify with your body or even believe you understand what this body is, you are greatly limiting what it can do. This is where the illusion of the body comes in. The best medical and scientific knowledge have absolutely no idea what this body is. You don’t either. Neither do I. Those who have stopped their identification with the body and belief in the body’s limitations experience a very different body from those who are still under this illusion. This is t...
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Non-Duality For beginners and advanced spirits too a good article about Non-Duality Meditation is guided by a deep interest in human awareness. While people start meditating for a number of reasons, one of the biggest motivations is the possibility of unlocking the subconscious mind and expanding our sense of perception. If that’s an ambition of yours, one of the best tools available to you is Non-Dual Awareness. When you begin practising meditation and finding out more about the subject, it’s likely that you’ll come across terms like “oneness” or “non-duality”. The idea of being “at one with everything” has been expressed across all of the world’s major meditative traditions, whether it’s Advaita Vedanta, Sufism, Buddhism or Kabbalah. But what does this concept actually mean? And how can we benefit from practising Non-Dual Awareness? What Is Non-Duality? Non-Duality is a slippery concept with many different spiritual and secular association...
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For beginners, another Rainbow meditation. Relieve Your Stress with the Rainbow Meditation Technique Mindfulness is one of the four pillars of the I Am Ageless Now book and program. If you’re struggling to find peace in your daily life, the Rainbow Meditation Technique, focusing on your breath while you envision the colors of your chakras, may be a helpful practice. The first thing that you want to do, is visualize a vibrant rainbow in the sky. Take time to envision all of the colors of the rainbow vividly. After you have the colors firmly fixed in your mind, you can begin the meditation process. You’ll begin at the root chakra and work your way up. Red – Root Chakra Take a breath and be sure that it is a complete and deep breath. While you are inhaling, picture the color red in your mind. This color symbolizes the tension in your body, especially in your spine. Exhale and release the tensi...
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WESAK MEDITATION Djwhal Khul The Tibetan Master - Daily WESAK. GROUP INSTRUCTION. TALKS TO DISCIPLES. "Make a most definite effort during these two days to step up your consciousness a little higher at each of the three spiritual points in each day: at the early morning meditation, at the noonday recollection, and at the sunset hour of contact. This means - if you follow instructions correctly - that you subject your subtle bodies to six equal points of spiritual stimulation and that you do it consciously. Then at some hour in the day of the full moon, but prior to the exact hour if that hour is not possible, follow the procedure outlined below: 1. Center the consciousness in the head. 2. Imagine yourself as retreating even more consciously within towards that point of contact where personality soul and the teacher in the world of souls can meet and become as one. 3. Then hold yourself as poised and steady as possible, preserving that detached poise as fully as may be during the ...
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The Ascended Masters: Who Are They and How Can They Help? Ascended Masters are high-vibrational, enlightened Beings of love and light. They are the highest evolved Beings in the spiritual hierarchy, surpassing guardian angels and spirit guides. Who are Ascended Masters? We are talking about Jesus, The Mother Mary, Buddha, St Francis, Vishnu, St Germaine, and the list goes on. If you get to experience a connection to one of these Ascended Masters, it will be a life changing experience. The roles of different Masters may be varied, but their purposes are the same: assisting humanity on our own ascension, and to increase our awareness of the spiritual forces that permeate the Universe. Whether you realize it or not, you too are an Ascended Master in the making. People have the ability to ascend to the highest level. But it can only be achieved through many challenges, positive l...
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Ex-CIA Officer: Truth About UFOs Is Terrifying & Interdimensional Beings Are Within Us The US Congress now suggests that some UFOs are non-human in origin. This is the most significant assertion made in UFOlogy to date. Several insiders have openly acknowledged the existence of UFOs over the past few decades and implied that the phenomenon is always present around us and that our limited senses prevent us from being able to see it. A few months ago, former CIA officer Jim Semivan made a shocking statement, saying “there’s a whole other reality that surrounds us that we just simply don’t have the ability to see or interact with.” He had worked with the CIA for 25 years before joining Tom Delonge’s “To the Stars Academy” with other ex-government insiders. The “To The Stars Academy” is an organization that claims to have been responsible for the release of the now-famous Pentagon UFO videos. He described h...
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Rep. Tim Burchett on UFOs: ‘Yeah, I think there’s a cover-up’ Following a classified briefing on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs), more commonly known as UFOs, Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) suggested Wednesday that the U.S. government may be intentionally concealing information on these objects from the American public. “I think there’s a cover-up,” Burchett told Blake Burman on NewsNation’s “The Hill.” “There are tens of millions of dollars that we’ve spent investigating these things. We’ve had departments tell us that they have recovery units, but they won’t release full reports. Everything’s covered up,” Burchett added. This is not the first time Burchett has accused the Pentagon of withholding information from Congress that would prove the existence of extraterrestrial life. After a series of explosive hearings last summer in which several whistleblowers alleged the g...
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More about Vatican archives... Russian Scientist Found Manuscripts On UFOs & Ancient Aliens In Vatican Secret Archives During the 1920s, Professor Ludvig somehow granted access to the Vatican library where he was able to read some bizarre ancient manuscripts that probably could change the course of humanity. He claimed to have come across numerous texts on ancient codes, alchemy, and strange things about UFOs and extraterrestrials who visited Earth in the ancient past. According to him, he read texts which discussed the influence of aliens on the various ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, the Mayans, and the Mesopotamians.
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White Lotus Day, World Meditation Day and Wesak Happenings in May White Lotus Day celebrates the ‘founding mother of occult in America,’ Helena Petrovna Blavatsky Every May 8, thousands of people celebrate White Lotus Day, commemorating a remarkable and controversial Russian American woman: spiritual leader Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, who died in 1891. * World Meditation Day: Date, history, significance and all you need to know World Meditation Day is celebrated to promote the practice of meditation for inner peace and well-being. Here is everything you need to know about this day. World Meditation Day, observed annually on May 21, serves as a global platform to promote and highlight the practice of meditatio...
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MEDITATIONS FOR BEGINNERS I have six beginners to whom I teach meditation and give tips. Here are a couple more. Previous meditations here: * Loving-Kindness Meditations for Beginners Explore these simple practices to embrace self-compassion, send love to the people you hold dear, and open your heart. 1) Directing Compassion Toward Ourselves 2) A Loving-Kindness Meditation for Your Loved Ones * Connect with Your Higher Self: A Guide to Spiritual Meditation Spiritual meditation is a profound practice that allows us to connect with our higher self and tap into the wisdom and guidance that resides within us. It is a journey of self-discovery, inner transformation, and deepening spiritual awareness. In this comprehensive guide, we wi...
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NATSIT, KALEVALA, POHJOLAN VALO JA VALOTYÖNTEKIJÄT Pyytäisin ystävällisesti kiinnittämään huomiota ja lopettamaan kutsumasta itseään Valotyöntekijäksi niitä jotka vähän väliä postittelevat juttuja Kalevalasta ja Pohjolan Valosta. Oikea Valotyöntekijä (Lightworker) ei todellakaan postittele tuon tuosta nazi agendaa ja väliin sitten taas rauhaa ja rakkautta etc. Pohjolan Valo ja Kalevala ovat osa nazi agendaa joka selviää mm. seuraavista linkeistä: The Story Of The Ahnenerbe, The Nazi ‘Research’ Organization That Sought To Prove The Superiority Of The Aryan Race Those working for the Ahnenerbe project set out to prove that the Aryan race was descended from Nordic gods, and spent vast sums of money trying to find irrefutable, archaeological proof in the process. In June 1936, as part of his study of witchcraft, Himmler sent a young Finnish nobleman, Yrjo von Gronhagen to Finland. Gronhagen impressed Himmler with his articles on Kalevala folkl...
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Last night Plasma UFO/Orb was in my dream and it felt like Unconditional Love and Joy. Diana Cooper has wrote a book about Enlightenment and Orbs, but I haven't read it. According t to his news, NASA admits that people has seen Orbs and they don't know what are they. Metallic flying orbs seen around the world, baffling NASA and the Pentagon Mysterious metallic orbs have been spotted flying in numerous locations around the world, but officials from both NASA and the Pentagon are still without answers as to what they are. During an independent NASA panel studying unidentified flying objects (UFOs) — now categorized as “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena,” or UAPs, by the U.S. government — officials on Wednesday shared new details about the strange orbs. The panel teased the findings as part of a new study into the presence of UAPs, which, unlike UFOs, can include unexplained phenomena in oceans...
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Have You Experienced An ‘Ego Death’? A Psychologist Explains * Ego Death is No Joke: Here’s What Really Happens
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Moment by Moment Nirvana In his new translation of Dogen’s Shobogenzo, Kazuaki Tanahashi explores why even a moment of meditation is a moment of enlightenment. By Kazuaki Tanahashi Meditation (zazen) can be restful and enjoyable, according to Dogen. Its state (samadhi) can be like an ocean that is serene and yet dynamic. Its field can be as vast as springtime, which encompasses all of its flowers, birds, and mountain colors. Being in spring, we hear the sound of a valley stream or become a plum blossom swirling in the wind. Dogen’s poetic descriptions may seem contrary to our usual meditation experience. Often we are troubled with physical pain and sleepiness; our mind may be scattered, and our daily concerns continue to preoccupy us. We may feel that we have had a bad meditation. Dogen, however, seems to show no interest in these specific issues. He simply speaks of the magnificence of meditation and asserts that we can experien...