Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on joulukuu, 2024.
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Those in material consciousness see everyone as body. Those in transcendental consciousness see everyone as the soul. Suomessa ja suomalaiset eivät kovinkaan paljon pidä yhteyksiä maahanmuuttajiin ja heihin jotka ovat ulkomaalaisten jälkeläisiä. Minulla on aina ollut lapsesta saakka vakaumus ja uskomus, että kaikki ovat tasa-arvoisia vaikka kukaan ei ole minulle sellaista opettanut tai kertonut. Minun kaveri- ja ystäväpiiriin kuuluu paljon edellämainittuja. Esimerkiksi,minulla on Suomessa kolme venäläistä kaveria; Svetlana, Igor ja Vladimir. Svetlana on kahden orpolapsen adoptoija ja hänellä tekee välillä tiukkaa rahasta ,mutta siitä huolimatta hän antaa minulle kahvipaketteja. Igor on Siberiasta ja olen hänen hänen kipeää kättään hoitanut energiaparannuksella hyvin tuloksin. Vladimir on alkoholisoitunut eläkeläinen jolle olen antanut rahaa ja ruokaa. Asun Malmilla joka on kuin pienimaalaiskylä jossa kaikki tuntee kaikki ja toisista ja kaikista pidetään huolta. Muutkin aina autta...
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This is what self-Realization and Oneness and Unity Consciousness feels and is all about: WHO AM I ? | A Poem on Self-Realization Today, I am sharing with you a Poem on Self-Realization. I am changing. I don’t know Who I am. Not anymore. One day I am like a child. Another day, I am a sage. Is it a split personality? No. I am completely aware of this switch that is happening within me. I can make dumb videos and I can write and make the most meaningful posts on spirituality in this world. I am a kid sometimes, another time, I can tell you what is happening in the other part of the world just by sitting here with my eyes closed. I have absolutely forgotten who I am. I can feel myself in every living being. Sometimes, I am a flower, sometimes a cat, and other times I am just a beggar living on the road. Who am I? Maybe I am nobody. When I behave like a kid, they say ‘grow up’. When I become a sage, they say we cannot understan...
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Things All Starseeds Must Know About 2025 2025 is a powerful year, a universal year 9, full of change and expansion. This episode will help you prepare to make the most out of it! If you’re ready to align with your highest potential and thrive in the upcoming year, this is your blueprint. What I share: The Significance of 2025 as a "Year 9": Numerology reveals 2025 as a year of completion and transformation, where endings create space for powerful new beginnings. Why this year will challenge those resisting change, but deeply reward those in surrender and flow. Practical guidance on releasing outdated relationships, beliefs, or jobs that no longer serve your highest good. Fully Embodying Your Soul Purpose: Why starseeds are here to uplift humanity during this pivotal time. Steps to identify and deepen your connection to your soul’s mission, using self-reflection to discern what energizes you versus what drains you. How aligning wit...
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Aïsha Devi lives in the fifth dimension Ahead of her live performance at Barcelona’s upcoming Sònar Festival, the Swiss-Nepali artist talks metaphysics, trance states Electronic musician Aïsha Devi is a metaphysicist in addition to being one of the most in-demand underground artists. “I developed my own techniques combining alchemy, proto-religious practices, and ancestral knowledge as metaphysical data that I inject into my tracks,” Devi tells me in a tone simultaneously friendly and exact. The Swiss-Nepali artist does this to “expand the brain, alter the perception of reality, and access a limitless state of existence.” Onstage, she embodies her given surname, which means “goddess” in Sanskrit. “It’s not about power,” she says. “It’s about giving something back to people. Becoming the goddess is the realization that you are the egoless self creator.” I’m somewhat thankful ...
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Russia claims it developed first cancer vaccine in big breakthrough, says 'will distribute for free' Russia has claimed that they have innovated a cancer vaccine and they will distribute it for free. However, they haven't been informed about the human trial yet. But with their recent claim, we can see a ray of hope for ending the cancer chapter. The deadly disease, cancer is almost incurable to date and people are terrified of it. But will Russia's grand claim put an end to cancer? Russia has claimed that it has invented a cancer vaccine that will prevent all types of cancer tumours. According to Russia's announcement, it has been proved in pre-clinical trials that this vaccine is successful in suppressing cancer tumours. This vaccine makes the body's immune system so strong that as soon as any cell starts moving...
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Scientists Think That They Have Discovered the Portal to the Fifth Dimension in a New Study What is Fifth Dimension? A five-dimensional space is known as a space with five dimensions. This dimension usually comes after the four dimensions of time which are often used in relativistic physics. However, scientists have been debating the possibility of finding a five-dimensional space in the Universe. Why do scientists think that they have discovered the Gateway to the Fifth Dimension? Scientists share a different opinion about entering another dimension. The researchers that participated in the study suggest that speculative particles would offer a natural explanation for the abundance of dark matter, which is an unidentified substance that makes up most of the Universe’s mass. This natural explanation will help to resolve the challenging problems of subatomic...
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MATKIMISESTA Kuuntelin Wespan viimeisimmän youtube päivityksen ja siinä mainittiin tämä linkki ja aihe: Narsisti henkisissä piireissä Kun joku toistaa kaiken perässäsi, tuntuu kuin sinulla olisi loinen, joka elää energiastasi. Pakko tehdä julkista tästä toiminnasta, että se loppuisi ja voisin taas jakaa jotain myös Youtubessa. Jo vuosia on ollut tilanne etten voi jakaa kaikkea, koska ne ideat on heti esittelyssä erään henkilön kanavalla. . En halua että suurella vaivalla vastaanottamaani, korkealaatuista viestimateriaalia liitetään mihinkään leikkimiseen. Viestieni asia olisi kuitenkin tärkeää myös jakaa toisille. Olen huomannut suomalaisissa henkisissä piireissä ilmiön, että ideoita kopioidaan ja niillä rahastetaan. Se peitellään taitavasti. Olkaa tarkkoina kuka pyytelee rahaa ja onko hän henkisesti todella edistynyt välittääkseen sellaista tietoa, vai onko hän kopioinut sen jonkun toisen työstä. Etenki...
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World Meditation Day 21 December What is meditation? Meditation is an ancient practice that involves focusing one’s attention on the present moment. Rooted in religious, yogic, and secular traditions across cultures, meditation has been practiced for thousands of years. Today, it is embraced worldwide, transcending its spiritual origins to become a universal tool for personal well-being and mental health. Benefits of meditation Beyond individual benefits, meditation fosters empathy, collaboration, and a sense of shared purpose, contributing to collective well-being. Celebrated for its universality, meditation is practiced across all regions of the world by people of all ages, backgrounds, and lifestyles. World Meditation Day To raise awareness about meditation and its benefits, the General Assembly proclaimed 21 December as World Meditation Day, recalling the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of p...
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12 12 portal 2024 According to the ancients, there are portal days where the gateway to the cosmos open, and this is one of those days. On this day, the stars align and the universe unveils its profound secrets through this celestial portal event. In numerology the number 12 represents wholeness and completion and on this night, this powerful numerology code is activated to help us raise the vibrational frequency of our light body so we can access higher realms of consciousness and bring ourselves a sense of completion as we end the year. Numerologists also call this cosmic doorway The Portal of Spiritual Awakening. This 12/12 is an unseen energy window that becomes available to us when we meditate so we can leap into new cycles with higher guidance and higher wisdom from the divine. This night is perfect for those seeking spiritual awakening because the portals radiant light beckons to those who seek enlightenment and evolution. On December 12th a portal opens between the U...
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Artikkeli valeuutisista ja valehistoriasta. Artikkelin lopussa mainitaan, että osa valheiden levittäjistä edustaa rajatietoskeneä. Missään nimessä nämä valheiden levittäjät eivät edusta aitoa henkisyyttä eikä myöskään Pohjolan Valo ennustuksen levittäminen ole henkisyyttä eikä teosofiaa vaan egoistista huuhaata. Vähän uljaampi menneisyys Suomen muinaisista kuningaskunnista ja varhaisesta korkeakulttuurista on vaiettu, kertovat lukuisat nettilähteet. Internetissä eivät leviä vain valeuutiset, vaan myös valehistoria. Netissä eivät leviä vain valeuutiset, vaan myös keksitty menneisyys. Pseudo- eli näennäishistorialliset teoriat keräävät valtavasti lukijoita, tykkäyksiä ja jakoja. Turun yliopiston tutkija Reima Välimäki johtaa kolmevuotista hanketta, joka tutkii näitä keskusteluja. Tutkimushanke ”Muinaiset kuningaskunnat ja Ven...
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How to Experience Oneness and Cosmic Consciousness – the ultimate trance state,No%20longer%20this%20and%20that. Have you ever experienced a moment of oneness with the universe? A moment where every separate thing became one, unified thing? If you have, do you long to repeat it? Oneness and cosmic consciousness might sound like strange subjects for a hypnotherapist to talk about. But working with different levels of consciousness is fundamental to what we do as hypnotherapists. On this page I’d like to share my personal experience of what the Sufi’s call the ‘Supreme Identity’ – oneness with God. What does oneness mean? Let’s start with an attempt at a definition of oneness – which is not an easy task. It’s something philosophers and poets have been trying to do for millennia. There are some really rubbish YouTube videos about oneness where so-called gur...
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The Joy Of Being Be silent for a moment. Pay attention. Feel what the experience of this moment is like. Not the sensations or sights or sounds. Just the experience of being alive. If you are perceptive enough, you will notice there is an inherent joy in this feeling. This illuminates a fundamental truth about the human experience: existence itself is happiness. Or, phrased differently, consciousness is bliss. The truth is that misery does not exist. It is imagined, and because we believe the imaginings of our mind we come to experience them. If you look for the root substance of misery, you will eventually fail to find it. It is a building without a foundation. A magnificent structure built over an empty abyss. The pure joy of being can be felt on a moment to moment basis. It can become the backdrop of your entire life. But the secret to achieving this is to approach it through negation....
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Making People Happy: The Art of Spreading Joy Unconditionally Happiness is a universal desire, a radiant sun that brightens our lives and warms our hearts. We all long for moments of joy, but what if we could actively contribute to making people happy, even when they might not initially embrace it? In this exploration, we’ll delve into the profound art of spreading happiness, the positive impact it can have on our lives and the lives of others, and the ways we can weave joy into the tapestry of our everyday interactions. Happiness is not only a state of mind; it’s a contagious emotion that can ripple through our social circles and beyond. When we actively work to make people happy, we create a chain reaction of positivity that can lead to greater well-being, improved relationships, and a more harmonious world. Happiness has a snowball effect. By making people happy, we inspire ...
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Joy is a Universal Language The Divine speaks so concisely through joy – so perfectly. Joy is a universal language. All people and animals alike can understand it. Whether you speak Mandarin, Anishinaabemowin, Icelandic, Shona, or Arabic you know the meaning of a smile. You can instantly relate with any person of any age, from any culture around the world with a simple grin or a single tear for these are the language of God. The language she has imprinted upon the very souls of every creature she has created. Your dog knows when you are happy or upset though it may have no idea why. An infant knows the hearts of the people around her and she can easily convey her feelings though she lacks the words to define them. God will hear your gratitude louder than a thousand choirs singing songs of praise in the most magnificent cathedral – because gratitude is an inward affair and not something that can be replicated by formulaic actions. The same may be said for joy, it is a feeling, it ...